Cosma Empire

Vol 3 Chapter 746: opportunity

For a broad-minded man, many things can be left out of his mind, just like the restless wind, which ends when they blow across his body and leave.

But some things, even a pure, holy, and extremely tolerant person, cannot be relieved.

Especially like this, not only was it green, the dogs and men are still showing affection in front of themselves, absolutely can not be forgiven!

At that moment, Xiu En really wanted to kill the man. He believed that his ex-girlfriend must have had a hard time.

He wants to change his current situation. The only thing he can do is to complete the task issued by the investigation team and enter the Du Lin interest group, find a way to obtain evidence that Du Lin is directly involved in the crime, and then bring Du Lin to justice. law. With Du Lin's current net worth, even if Xiun can only get a one percent reward, it is enough to make him become a rich man in an instant, maybe he can have millions or even more money.

Money is just one aspect. The investigation team promised the position of the director of the Security Investigation Bureau. No matter what the investigation office is from the city, at least he returned to his job. He has to prove to everyone that he was repaired. The things that are taken away must be able to be brought back with interest!

Later, in the suite on the 13th floor of the Imperial Peace Hotel, Xiu En met Du Lin, and Du Lin also saw Xiu En.

"Sit!", Du Lin pointed to the sofa next to him. At this moment, his mouth was smoking cigarettes, his legs were tilted, his elegant clothes and the black men standing around him set off Du Lin's current status and power. Du Lin's understated attitude hurt Xiu En's heart again, but it was much better than the shock in the morning, at least he had read Du Lin's file.

Xiu En was not as afraid of a real tramp as he was afraid of his clothes getting dirty on the sofa, and he didn't dare to sit down. He sat on the sofa with his butt, took out a cigarette from the cigarette case placed on the table, and lit it. Take a deep breath.

Neither of them spoke, they both smoked, and in the smoky environment there seemed to be something called memories spreading between the two. When Xiu En felt that the **** was a little hot, he put the cigarette in the ashtray, and looked straight at Du Lin, "I need your help, pull me!"

Du Lin also extinguished the cigarette, he leaned on the sofa and looked at Xiu En, as if his wolf looks like an individual, he could kick him and spit a thick sputum at him, and then scolded him for a meal. This is in sharp contrast to the former grace in Du Lin's memory. At that time, how smart and devious was the cultivation? All day pretending to be drunk and dreaming of death, looking for an opportunity to open the situation, when he has power, he is full of spirits, wants to bring down all the old party officials, and is very tough on himself.

Look at today, at this moment, this is a loser.

Du Lin shook his head and made Xiu En's heart cool, but then the next words made Xiu En feel relieved, "I won't pull you, I don't need this, and you don't have this power, But I can give you a chance, depending on whether you can catch it. "Du Lin made two cups of coffee come over." You gave me a chance before, now I give it back to you. "He took it Make a small card, write some words on it, then press it on the coffee table and push it over.

"When you are done, contact me again." Du Lin took a sip of his coffee. "Coffee is good, you can leave after drinking."

If you do n’t face Du Lin, you will never feel the strength and pressure emanating from him. Xiu En thought this was a very simple thing, and even thought about how to persuade him, how to bargain, and how to show off after seeing Du Lin. Out of your own value. However, the moment Du Lin spoke, a huge invisible pressure was pressing on him. This pressure is invisible, intangible, and real.

Xi Xiun took a look at the card on the table and gave a strong nod. He took the coffee and drank it, and got up to leave.

他 When he left the room and closed the door standing in the corridor, he was sweating. He glanced at the closed door, pouting, and headed for the elevator.

Stuck in the room, Du Lin then ordered, "Continue to stare at him." A black man was ordered to leave.

I don't have any prejudice against Xiu En, Du Lin, even if this **** has threatened himself before, but it doesn't matter. At first, without Xiun's help, he wanted to rise quickly in Tener is not easy. Xiu En and Mad Dogs bite those private liquor dealers everywhere, causing the prices of alcohol in Tener area to rise wildly. There is no goods to sell.

During this period of time, Du Lin and Xiu En reached a cooperation agreement. Du Lin mobilized private liquor directly from the warehouse where the contraband investigation bureau used to store contraband and sold it to others. This was a cost-free business. At that time, Du Lin didn't need any capital to get private wine for sale, and it was the only one that had the goods in his hand and could be sold without being checked by a dealer. This allowed him to gain a lot of wealth and social status in a very short period of time.

就 You have what nobody else has, and this is a symbol of social status and power. Regardless of whether Xiu En had other thoughts about him, Du Lin had to admit it, so he gave Xiu an opportunity, or a difficult problem.

With the last time Du Lin and Flenna appeared together outside the courtroom to increase the exposure of Flena smoothly, one thing is bothering Flena, and some reporters have been following her.

At first, one of the three special agencies of the George family specialized in indecent journalism. Because of Mr. John's relationship, many people dared not speak up. After all, Mr. John was a monopolist in the newspaper industry. Can ruin one's future. At the time, those reporters mainly targeted some stars, and also involved some celebrities with a certain reputation. Most of them use a scary way to cooperate with Hu Yan's texts to compose news that is full of indecent taste.

This type of news is very marketable, especially when certain big stars are exposed, sales have simply exploded.

After the special feature agency was burned, the Georges lost the most important pillar, and were instantly dismembered by the capitalists. Some journalists and editors specializing in indecent journalism established a brand-new newspaper in Emperor Capital. This newspaper never reports on any major national event. It focuses on those stars and celebrities all day, what derailment comes out, what kind of peachy trades, what dew points candidly shot, and it has made a splash. Many people hate this newspaper called "Empire Night", and some people have sued them, but some people also like this newspaper.

帝国 For more than two years now, Empire Night has publicly apologized no less than a hundred times, and the compensation has reached more than two hundred, but they are still happy-because it can bring a considerable degree of profit.

The color of the Empire has now changed from a newspaper into a weekly magazine, with a weekly circulation of one million copies. It has been sold throughout the country and has gradually grown in size. It does not care about the prosecution of some celebrities. Isn't it just a public apology and some financial compensation?

The first and second pages of this magazine's magazine often appear to apologize collectively by the chief creators. The editor-in-chief, editor-in-chief, and journalists, including the president, have sincerely apologized, accompanied by an apology full of regret. But from the third page, it is still a variety of exposure and fabrication.

Some stars soon realized the benefits of such an exposure, and even actively cooperated with the color of the Empire to carry out exposure publicity. What and so on and so on are the stars being bathed in secret, and what and so and so are the stars. The crazy sales have brought crazy exposure, and also made some second-tier, third-tier and even first-tier stars go crazy.

Now, there is a reporter of the color of the Empire has been shooting with Flenna, Flena has enough topics, the heroine of the Empire ’s first colored film, and the most influential actress in the history of Empire film, There may also be a female star who is raised by Du Lin, who can carry her news photos to the weekly magazine, and worry about her fans snapped up.

Freina had told this to Du Lin last time. Du Lin's attitude is to protect herself and others. Now Du Lin is not suitable for shooting, and it is meaningless to sue those people ~ ~ They apologize and do their own thing, and they have become a tumor of the press. This time Xiu En wanted to get ahead, and just entrusted him to let him do it.

He Xiu'en was a little confused as to what it meant for Du Lin to fall to the ground. There was only one person's name written on the piece of paper, and there was no other information. Don't say this as evidence of the accusation against Du Lin, even without qualification to become evidence. Those lawyers were able to find ten million reasons to prove that the piece of paper and the name on the piece of paper were meaningless, and could even bite the investigation team in turn.

That evening, a drunk tramp returned to the park and lay not far from Xiu En. He whispered the meaning of Xiu En's name and his own conjecture.

"This reporter has been harassing Freina during this time, I think Du Lin means to make him disappear."

Min Xiu's heart tightened, and she rolled over, "Do I want to kill him?"

"Why do you have such a thought?", The agent masquerading as a tramp murmured, "As long as he is not allowed to continue harassing Flenna, even if you kill him, we have no way to use this accusation. Du Lin, he didn't give you any instructions, just gave you a card, and even in court, he could get rid of the crime smoothly. "

"Your task now is to gain the trust of Du Lin as soon as possible, but you have to remember that you cannot do things that are seriously illegal, or even if Du Lin falls, we will not be able to save you."

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