Cosma Empire

Vol 3 Chapter 748: Change face

When Du Lin left, he took away two excellent lawyers. When he and the Imperial Bank of China and the Southern Commercial Bank pulled the skin in the west, he needed one or two excellent lawyers to help him stabilize the situation. {Щww {suimеng] [lā} Once the Southern Commercial Bank begins to intervene, the imperial central bank will definitely respond immediately. This is a huge opportunity and a huge miracle. The reason why people are not optimistic about Mennong ’s Three Guarantees policy is that besides the reasons that people are familiar with, one thing is that Mennong did not use the insurance money they got for urban construction. Way to continue output.

Once the detailed data of the Three Guarantees Policy is displayed in front of these people, with their professional talents and keen sense of smell, they will definitely bite into their mouths, and then it will be a time to bullshit.

At noon the next day, Du Lin had already returned to the west, and he immediately initiated a conference call-this is the advanced service provided by the Telegraph Bureau during this time, and can access no less than two and no more than fifteen at the same time. Each user can answer and communicate at the same time, just like talking face to face, except that they cannot see each other.

The Telegraph Office has a good name for this service, called a conference call, and each time you initiate a conference call you have to pay a very expensive fee. In addition to the sponsor paying ten dollars at a time, each new participant needs to pay another five dollars, and the conference call lasts only fifteen minutes. The telegraph bureau said that the initiation of the conference call would occupy a separate connector in a short time, so it was expensive.

Soon after the call was connected, every person who came in expressed his identity. When everyone was together, Du Lin gave a cough, and the meeting environment was quiet and suddenly quiet.

"I have one thing that you need to do right away. Promote Xima Insurance Company as soon as possible without using illegal means as a condition, and tell all working classes involved in the Three Guarantees policy. I, Du Lin Ke Smar, in a sense of social responsibility, is willing to take all the three guarantee policies contracts from them. Tell them that the municipal and state governments are unwilling to admit that these contracts are not relevant, and I am willing to admit it. "

"From today, from now on, tell them that as long as they give you the contract and are willing to transfer the contract to my company, I will waive their two-month insurance premiums and promise to contract 20 Within four hours, make the most appropriate disposition. "

"Of course, the agreement they signed with the farmers is no longer applicable. I will send the new contract to you at the latest tomorrow. Remember, time is not waiting for someone to do it immediately!"

Later, Du Lin initiated another conference call, connected the branch presidents of the cities that could not participate in the conference due to the number of people, and issued the same task.

If he goes according to the usual way, he has to contact the state government, the city halls in various places, and the Imperial Bank and the Southern Commercial Bank to fight openly. It is not that Du Lin has flattened himself excessively, taking his current social status With energy, he can't fight either. Regardless of whether it is the Imperial Bank or the Southern Commercial Bank, they have unlimited resources in their hands. Except for the funds that are so strong that they can only look up and sigh, let ’s say, from the cabinet to the ordinary citizen, they have Get in touch and ask the other person to help them.

From the regular battlefield, there is no hope of victory for Du Lin, so the sword goes to the side and wins unexpectedly! They were asked to discuss with the state government and the city hall how to accept the huge gold mines left by Mennon, and Du Lin himself took the pickaxe and basket to dig the ore first. When their negotiations were about the same, Du Lin also had a part of the contract in hand, and even if the next negotiations were not negotiated, at least some of his interests would not be harmed.

However, there are some things that cannot be done with a plan. Various methods are needed to ensure that your plan can be carried out effectively. Without much consideration, Du Lin called Mr. Jack on the phone. "I have a very interesting business. Perhaps the king and queen will be very interested!"

The proportion of dragging more people into this undeveloped circle is one that Du Lin can think of. One of the best ways at present. With the power and strength of the poker organization, it is enough for the Imperial Bank and the Southern Commercial Bank to sit at the negotiating table.

It's not that Du Lin is arrogant, because with his current strength, he is not an opponent of the two major banks, or even regarded as an opponent. Compared to these two behemoths, Doolin is like a child around them. It is absolutely impossible for him to sit at the negotiating table and seriously discuss the huge market with an infinite future. They only Will kick Du Lin in a kick and not give him any chance. But with the involvement of Mr. Jack and the poker organization, at least Du Lin had such an opportunity.

At this time in the state government, the person in charge of the imperial central bank's trip is preparing to meet with the governor for the second time. They have met a few days ago, but the results discussed at that time were not very friendly. In layman's terms, the imperial central bank wants to eat at both ends, while asking the state government to provide certain aid to the imperial central bank in terms of policies and funds, and on the other hand, it is unwilling to accept excessive risks. Once the risk index exceeds the expected value, they require State finances need to step in to help the imperial central bank plug a possible funding gap.

These requirements are very excessive, and the state government certainly cannot promise such rude requests, and the central bank is not in a hurry. Anyway, the final bad luck is not necessarily the central bank, but there must be these officials of the state government among the bad luck people. They plan to air the state government for a while, and finally find an intermediate point that both parties can accept, and then sign the agreement.

But just last night, Bellito, one of the shareholders of Southern Commercial Bank, appeared in Verrier and took his personal assistant group to a meeting with the new mayor of Verrier, Julio. What they are talking about also happens to be the legacy of the three guarantees policy. This made the central bank's delegation suddenly realize that there was something unusual in this matter. They had also previously investigated the information related to the promotion of the three guarantees policy by the farmers, and the conclusions reached were not satisfactory.

The policy of three guarantees for several years left only more than 9 million in the policy funds account of the Kadima, which is enough to scare out most of the investors, and the imperial central bank is also dealing with this as a troublesome matter. However, after they started to carefully investigate the implementation process and results of all policies related to the Three Guarantees policy, the rotating chairman of the Imperial Bank Headquarters called the delegation and told them that they must take the follow-up work of the Three Guarantees policy and use this as a pilot. Explore all the content and operation methods of insurance business, and promote it to the whole society when mature.

It is also the news that a call was added, which made the Central Bank delegation all the way travelling. They also knew that they had a strong opponent, Southern Commercial Bank.

At 2:30 in the afternoon, the central bank delegation met the governor in the governor's office. The head of the delegation and one of the shareholders of the imperial central bank, Phyllis took the initiative to go forward and shake hands with the governor. His attitude and forward Just two people compared to a few days. A few days ago, Philis was a little arrogant. He put himself in the role of "savior", which will inevitably show a sense of superiority. But today, he knows what to do!

"My Excellency, I apologize for what happened earlier!" Phyllis apologized for his attitude as soon as he came up. His expression was very sincere, like an oath in front of the priest and the idol of God. He has loved his wife all his life and has never given up. "I have reported the results of our discussion to the headquarters, and the rotating chairman of the headquarters has severely criticized my approach."

"The chairman gave me a word on the phone. This word, you may have heard it, is what Mr. Du Lin calls" social responsibility. "This is a very sophisticated word, and it also represents the financial industry of us. The attitude of practitioners to society, to be a socially responsible bank, and to be a socially responsible banker is the truth we should pursue. So I must apologize to you for my irrationality and arrogance. "

His Excellency the governor nodded calmly, indicating that he knew.

Looking at the picture of the governor, Philis was bitter ~ ~ but he still had a smile on his face. "After discussion at the headquarters, we decided to completely release the risk index and the compensation red line. Citizens and all policies that participate in the three guarantees policy are our sincerity. "

The governor had a slightly funny smile at this time. He pursed his lips and said with a smile, "It's very coincident. Yesterday, Mr. Julio, the new mayor of Verlier City, told me that Southern Commercial Bank is willing Take over these things you said, and also promise to invest in infrastructure of no less than 50 million in the west. I made a very simple comparison. I personally think that I may leave this embarrassing thing to the south. Commercial banks do better. "

"At the very least, your council will not criticize your approach, will not remove you from office, and will not let you leave the council."

While Philis scolded Bellito's **** for not having any banker principles, he explained with a smile, "Governor, the Imperial Central Bank understands the economic situation in the West better than Southern Commercial Bank, and it knows what the West needs. Things. We can do the same things you said! "

"Please believe in the determination of the Imperial Bank in this matter!"


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