Cosma Empire

Vol 3 Chapter 760: Fear [1]

Limokas Noble School has a history of more than 400 years. In the past, it only recruited noble members to study in the school. There were a total of twenty classes. Each class had a maximum of three students, but each class had at least six teachers. . ~~ щww ~ suimеng ~ lā A long history, profound heritage and strong teaching force have made Limokas the best aristocratic school in the state of Aldo in the northwest of the empire, none of them. Among the students who graduated here were one Duke, five Marquis, and more Earl and Viscount.

Someone once said that the Limocas aristocratic school is the cradle of elite aristocrats-in fact, it is all blown, because the children of the Duke go to school here and inherit the title of Duke as an adult. It must be the Duke. Other graduates are the same. As long as they can inherit the title, they must be nobles with title. However, it needs to be noted here that the people who have become “talented” in the Limocas Noble School for more than four hundred years seem to be a small number, which sounds very powerful, but think about it the other way around, it seems that more children did not inherit the title.

It's not clear if they got to Limocas or for other reasons.

But this does not prevent the Limokus Noble School from breaking into a more prominent name in the new era and new society-because this school has a "noble" element, more middle-class families hope that their children can touch the noble Side, even if it's just a noble school.

The tuition fee of 2,500 yuan per year is definitely not affordable for ordinary families. Even some ordinary middle-class families cannot afford such money for their children to attend this school. From the age of four to fourteen, ten years and ten years require 25,000 yuan in tuition, which does not include some other extra-curricular activities. But the more expensive the tuition, the fewer the students who can afford it, and the more wealthy people can prove the value of the school, so that every year freshman places need to spend another money to find relationships in order to grab hands.

At 8.50 in the morning, forty minutes before the entrance ceremony for the freshmen at 9:30, all Buddhas stood a little nervously smoking cigarettes outside the auditorium. Today, Doolin and Dufo both put on very formal dresses. Pure black tuxedo plus white shirt and bow tie, even the collar buckle and cufflinks are very high-end goods. The two people's heads were shiny and shiny, making them look funny, just like those in movies or plays.

There are still some people smoking around, they look at each other from time to time, and politely keep a distance and nod with a smile, in this ancient campus, there is an elegant and noble atmosphere everywhere.

"I'm a bit nervous." Dufo took a cigarette and spit out into the sky. "I was so nervous for the first time when I grew up!"

Du Lin looked at Du Fu's slightly trembling hand, and he licked some dry and tight lips. "Okay, I know, you are nervous. Can you tell me why you are nervous?" Du Lin also ordered Taking a cigarette, the two stood outside the entrance of the auditorium, and at a glance they could see Vivian, who was first on the left and right-hand side of the first row, and a four-year-old child. Vivian looked back and encouraged Dufo with a smile. Dufo also returned with a smile to show that he was fine.

Yes, the smile is so magical, it is obviously impossible to show any substantial content, but under the infection of different environments and different emotions on different occasions, the smile will become able to communicate like the eyes.

Du Lin thought that Dufo might be because the child called his father to make Dufo nervous, or it might be because his status was so awkward that Dudu became nervous, but he guessed wrong.

"Because this is a school ..." Du Fu took another cigarette. "I was afraid of school. I used to have very poor grades when I was in school. You know, the conditions in my family are very poor, and it is already possible for my child to go to school. It ’s a very difficult thing. ”When Dover said this, his hands seemed to be less shaken. He looked at Du Lin with a smirk and kicked the soot under his feet.“ My mother has fed us several The child also gave me the opportunity to go to school, hoping that I can change my future and the future of my family. "

"I study desperately. I spend all my time studying every day, but I don't know if my brain is not smart enough like you ..." Du Fu clicked his temple with his fingers. "I The results were very poor and kept counting down. I got e every time I tested, but my mother encouraged me until one day ... "

Until one day, the teacher and principal of the school thought that both Buddhas were unsuitable to continue studying in the school. His poor grades became like this, and learning became a heavy family burden. Although the annual tuition fee is not considered by many to be an unaffordable high expenditure, for Dufo's family, the money is his mother, his brother and sister saved hungry. He went to school for two years, and his family was hungry for two years, but in exchange for the teacher's talk.

The teacher told him that the school was going to talk to his mother and then let him drop out of school. At that moment, the young Dufo had only fear and self-blame deep inside. As the oldest man in the family, he lived up to the hopes of everyone and his mother. He begged the teacher and the principal to let him try again, but unfortunately he failed.

In front of the young teacher and the principal, he made a test paper. When he sat in the chair and picked up the pen, he began to have a stomachache and accompanied him to want to go to the toilet. Those questions seemed to come alive during the torment, and he constantly walked and changed on the test papers, so that he got another e.

In fact, the Buddha was very nervous every time when he took the exam. Perhaps he lost his usual mind because he wanted to do something too much. Every exam was a torment for him. Not only must we fight against stomachaches and excretion urges, but we must also fight against inexplicable hallucinations. In the end, he dropped out of school. When his mother stood outside the school gate and looked at him with a warm smile, not only did he not feel relieved, but he felt a painful heartache.

He lived up to his mother's hopes, to live up to his brother's and sister's patience when he was hungry for school. He lived up to his family and to himself. He hated why he was nervous and why he couldn't give him more time.

Even now, he cannot forget what his mother said then.

"It's okay. Learning doesn't mean everything. I believe my capital Buddha will definitely become a great person. You are a man, and my mother believes that I will wait for that day!"

Dufo seemed to be out of control. He dropped his cigarette **** on the ground, and then stepped on it. His eyes changed, as if he had always been arrogant.

Du Lin stepped forward and hugged Dufo, patted him on the back, "Okay, my brother, you are no longer a street junk, you are already a big man. Everyone is proud of you, Your mother, your brothers and sisters, and the entire street know that you did it. You changed not only the fate of a family, but the fate of a group of people, a race! "

Under the comfort of Du Lin, the Buddha took a deep breath, his eyes became milder, he shook his head with a bitter smile, and slapped his cheek. This may be the shadow of a lifetime that psychologists say. "

"Psychiatrist?" Du Lin listened disdainfully, "they sold wheat flour to you as a medicine and then told you that it had no effect at all except that the thing worked. In fact, everything happened. You ’ve got it for yourself! ”

Dufo also stunned, "Really? Why don't I know?"

Du Lin patted Du Fu's arm, and the two walked together towards the auditorium. "Of course you don't know, so I said that it would be good for you to read more newspapers. Besides watching smirks all day, you can still What did you gain? "

Dufo thought seriously, "Happy!"

The opening ceremony was very grand. The Limokas Noble School only accepted one hundred students each semester. As before, there were twenty classes in each grade. There were only five students in each class, and the maximum number was six. . Each class has at least six independent teachers responsible for their studies, and will also organize children to receive more group education when necessary. In short, this is a school that will definitely see results as long as it spends money .

From the age of four to fourteen, there is a decade that a child should never learn ~ ~ and then they will find that there are still ten years waiting for them.

The teacher, the director of teaching, and the principal came to speak one after another, and they all said very beautiful words, but it was unexpected that Vivian also came to speak and was in fourth place.

When the teacher in charge introduced Vivian's identity, such as the daughter of the governor, heirs of the nobility, outstanding feminist fighters, and active social activists, people began to applaud as if Before that, there was no silence at all, and there was no question about why a woman was ranked fourth on the stage on such an important day of the opening ceremony.

Vivian became very bright at this moment, and the whole person seemed to be shining. Her speech was very contagious, especially her arm that was constantly waving, which increased the weight of her speech. It can be seen that she likes such scenes very much, and likes to express her opinions in front of people and instill her thoughts in others.

His Excellency the Old Governor had said before he died, that in the entire family, the only way to go the wrong way was not his son or nephew, but this daughter who has not been very eye-catching.

This terrible woman, Du Lin is a bit pathetic.

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