Cosma Empire

Vol 3 Chapter 762: Just so caught off guard

Du Lin tilted his head and glanced at the four policemen who had been shackled in handcuffs. Dufo also put a smile on his face. He slowly stood in front of Du Lin. "Should you hide?"

Du Lin pulled Dudu away and stood in front of Dufo. At this moment, Du Lin's back was infinitely tall in Dufo's eyes. Sometimes Buddha has a very naive imagination, and he often feels ridiculous and embarrassed by this idea. He feels that if he must have a father, then this father should be the older Doolin. He will be fully prepared for himself and his family and will not hurt anyone.

Even if some family members are injured sometimes, he will find a way to make the stupid person pay the price. He is like a wise master, a master who never cares about giving and returning to his family, standing behind them, sheltering them from the wind or rain, or inspiring their blood to let them know to stand and walk What it feels like in this world. Everyone, not just Dufo, had forgotten the age of Du Lin when facing Du Lin, forgetting his young appearance, and sincerely regarded him as a mentor who could lead himself to the light, and even A role like father.

There was a smile between Du Lin's lips, and he asked with a powerful gas field that could not be said: "Hide? Why hide?" Looking at Du Lin's indifferent expression and some ... Buddha lowered his head and smiled. Even if Du Lin said to kill, he would not hesitate to pull out a gun ... No, why did this happen?

The next second, when Dufo looked up, he saw Du Lin raised his hands and walked towards the door, and the style of painting became so fast that Dufo did not follow his footsteps. When the bodyguards saw Doolin choose to do so, they naturally respected Doolin's choice and dropped the pistol and raised their hands. Both Buddhas stunned for a while before they couldn't help laughing out loud, and the tears of laughter were about to shed. They raised their hands and followed Du Lin toward the light source.

The police outside the school gate were finally relieved. When the patrol car had no information for 15 minutes, the branch immediately reported the situation to the regional police station. This is also a change made by Mason after he took office. He consulted the rules and regulations of the Bureau of Investigation and some internal affairs departments and formulated a set of rules and regulations that are different from ordinary police stations. One of them is this. Fifteen minutes after the task is assigned and execution begins, if the police officer performing the task does not actively contact the dispatcher to report the task information, he must immediately send reinforcements to support the police performing the task.

There are too many small and large gangs in Tenell. It is not impossible for the ghost to know whether some lunatics intend to gain higher reputation by killing the police. There have been people in the past, and not just one shot of a police officer to build prestige for their gang. Such vicious cases against the police must be stopped, not only to protect the lives of police officers when performing their tasks, but also to take care of the image of the police.

So the regional police station sent eight policemen to the school to reinforce the police. When the police arrived, they saw the four policemen subdued downstairs, and there were people guarding them. The police officers immediately realized that this might be a vicious and vicious case, and immediately fed the information at the scene to the dispatching station, so the dispatching station dispatched a total of 25 police officers to reinforce them. Even Mason, the chief of the regional police station, rushed over from home.

He thought that this case would cause a **** rain in the Tener area, and he was even ready to face the gunfight, but when he saw the dumb dude holding his hands and squinting his eyes from the dark to the light, I almost couldn't help swearing.

Isn't this **** in the west? When did you run back to Tener? And also did something like this here?

Mason tucked his crotch while others were not paying attention, and there was a thread that caught the origin of life. He felt a little bit sore.

He directly crossed the police officer and walked to the school gate. A police officer behind him grabbed Mason's arm. The policeman worked in the Tener region for many years. He has been working here since he graduated and has been working today. He had seen the era of Director Prandeau, it was a dark age. Prando made the rules of the underground world, and every gang sent a black money to the police station on time in the name of paying a fine.

Then Chief Prandeau would allocate half of the money to each police officer, and the other half would be his own. At that time, the entire city of Tenell looked very stable, there were no frequent crimes, and very few vicious cases, because everything was secretly settled in private. The tacit understanding between the gang and the regional police station even teamed up to make people living here see a false stability. He was unwilling to join forces, but was pushed out by the vast majority of police officers.

Just as he was about to resign, Mason came. This sub-director, who looks like a fool, showed unparalleled financial resources at the first appearance. He does not embezzle, does not collect black money, and is very good to police officers. Everyone liked him, and after he was promoted to the head of the regional police station, he was supported by the entire police force in Tener-of course, the police who collected the money were cleaned.

So this policeman didn't want Mason to take risks. In case he was standing too far forward and something unexpected happened, it would be a huge loss to the entire Tener area!

"Release, I know him ...", Mason shook his hand behind him and pulled his arm, strode towards Du Lin, and under the light of more than a dozen car headlights, Mason walked back to the police car In front of Du Lin, he lowered his voice and asked, "What do you want to do in this asshole? I am very passive in doing this!"

Du Lin grinned twice, "It's okay, according to the process, something is damaged, and no serious crime can be constituted. Even if the court is mostly a community volunteer service or the like." Du Lin, who often litigated, gradually became right. I also know a little bit about the sentence. As long as he admits his fault and actively compensates, the judge will forgive him. You know, he just did something wrong. These behaviors that seem to be crimes do not constitute crimes in the eyes of lawyers. Some of them have ways to acquit Du Lin.

So the process is actually the easiest and most reliable method.

"Are you sure you want to go to the police station for the night?" Mason asked again and again, and after Du Lin nodded, he was asked to put these people into the car and sent to the Tener local police station. It's just that Du Lin didn't know. He got into the police station with the most headache and the busiest person was not the police station person, but the joint investigation team.

The agent responsible for tracking and monitoring Du Lin reported the situation to the investigation team, and the leaders of the investigation team immediately got headaches. What if Du Lin was arrested and put in jail, Xiu En just got Du Lin's permission to let him wait for the imperial capital to go to the west to find Du Lin. Does this mean that they have done all their work in vain? If it was a bit too obvious to send Xiu'en to the prison to accompany Du Lin, wouldn't they just sit and wait for Du Lin to leave prison?

There is even a view in the investigation team that people have not considered before. Is it possible that Du Lin intentionally wanted to enter the police station or even be locked up for three or five months to avoid them? You should know that the place where Doolin started was in Tener City. There is no place in the empire other than Otis City. The Bitner area prison is safer for Doolin. He was in Tenell Prison as he was going home, not only would he not be threatened, but he would even be able to control the outside fellowship in the prison. At the same time, he cut off the surveillance of the investigation team. This is not impossible. Du Lin is really treacherous!

Soon, the agent responsible for tracking and monitoring Du Lin received a new order, trying to prevent Du Lin from getting into trouble. When necessary, he could mobilize the resources of Tener to acquit Du Lin.

The agent also felt that a very thin but terrible thread caught his arrogance as a man's dignity and forced him to lower his head to do something he didn't want to do. It really hurts!

When he was thinking about how to "rescue" Doolin, Doolin and his team had been taken to the regional police station ~ ~ because the director said that they knew these people and they did not show any offensive behavior. After searching, it was determined that they did not carry any dangerous things, so they were not thrown into the detention room for the time being, but they were placed in the interrogation room.

"I'm hungry, get something to eat." Du Lin sat in the interrogation room as if he was back home. He looked around and said with a tilted head to Dufo with a smile on his face. The glass is double-sided, and there are not so many audio and video recording equipment. It seems that the Tennell Police Station has been rich in recent years. "

Mason was also in the room, and he frowned. "I said, this is the police station, police station, understand?"

Du Lin smiled indifferently, "My brother is still the police chief, did I say something?", And said Du Lin laughed again, "Okay, no kidding, occasionally willfulness is not our home once in a while Is it a tradition? I have a phone number here. When you call and call someone, you say that I asked him to come. "Du Lin wrote a note on his hand with the number of the chairman of the local fellowship. When the capriciousness is over, it's time to deal with it.

Mason rubbed his temples and returned to the office to make the call. Soon a young man came to the police station, and his arrival made the people on the first floor of the police station a bit like enemies. There are four trucks parked outside the police station, the kind of large trucks that many soldiers transported during the war, what Magus called hero trucks. There may be dozens or more young people jumping off the truck. They didn't rush into the police station in a disciplined way, but stood in two rows on the road outside.

The familiarity of the locals with the locals allowed the police officers to identify these people, and it was because they knew them that they felt a little ... scared.

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