Cosma Empire

Vol 3 Chapter 768:

In the morning, Dulin in Irian met Nasa. In the previous few times, Nasa helped Dulin unconditionally, and let some things that Dulin need people to know be conveyed to the mainstay of the empire through the tape, the middle class. Du Lin is very grateful, so at this cable conference, he wants to leave Nasa a place. ◢Щщш.sUimEnG.lā

Du Lin is a very simple person, but also a person with a clear love and hate. If you help me, then I will remember you, because of the change of status of both parties, the change of status will not let him forget these things. People living in this world must not only learn to be tough, but also learn to be grateful. The road will only be good if you are always grateful.

When Nasha came, there was only one person. At this time, Nasha and Nasha a few years ago have changed greatly, and it can even be said that they are completely two people. Today, she was wearing a somewhat casual lady's formal dress. When she pushed out the car door and got out of the car, the wind on the East Coast raised her hair and clothes. She wore sunglasses and pressed her fluttering hair with one hand. Covering the strong sunlight on the East Coast with one hand, she smiled the moment she saw Du Lin, and then came all the way.

It was as if the collapse of the George family had nothing to do with Doolin, and he could even smile at this "enemy".

In fact, Nasha is still a very amazing woman. At least among these women that Doering knows, Nasha can definitely squeeze into the top five, especially after the downfall of the George family, which is enough to put her above many women. There are always people who say that a person will mature overnight after experiencing something like a disaster, and Nasha is such a person. The downfall of the Georges and the successive departure of relatives did not destroy her, but gave her a strong heart.

The Empire Star and the Empire of the Star are her most powerful counterattacks to those who sing down the George family. Under the guidance of Nasha, these two companies swept the entire tape market, occupying 60% firmly. The above tape business is respected as the "Queen of Tape" ... although this title is a bit weird. At the same time, she used the money earned from these two companies to acquire the circuit of her uncles and uncles, which has now become the tycoon with the largest number of theaters in the single company of the Empire.

Many men couldn't do it for her, it was not easy, and she had a keen sense of business smell and management, which led to this meeting between Du Lin and her.

"Your girlfriend?" Nasha glanced at the boring Kinsale sitting next to Du Lin, and placed her handbag on the table, more masculine from the dress and the character she showed.

Du Lin glanced at Kinsale, and said with a smile, "If she were my girlfriend, I might vomit blood." He said he couldn't help laughing, and these days he was upset by Kinsale Enough, now that I can finally get rid of it, this is really a happy thing, "Introduction, this is my sister, Kinsale." Then he kicked Kinsale, "This is Nasha Madam, the tape you see is made by her company. This time you want to be a star, it's also Ms. Nasha. "

At first there was a bit of boring King Celton, and the very lady shook hands with Nasha. "I like the tape very much, I watch it every day!"

Nasha glanced at Dorin before answering with a smile, "You are so glad you like me, thank you!"

When Kinsale was ready to say something, Du Lin shut up and gave her ten yuan to let her go out for a turn. After Kinsale left with great dissatisfaction, Du Lin began the official topic today.

"Do you know cable TV?"

"Cable TV, what is that?", Nasha shook her head indifferently. For her now, maintaining the two tape companies and developing the cinema line market is the most correct choice. Mr. John, her grandfather, the founder of the George family, Mr. John George, told Nasha before she died that she would not hate Doolin and maintain a good relationship with Doolin. Also told her not to continue the business of newspapers, because she could not suppress those newspapers.

John made two suggestions to Nasha. The first point is to try to join the tape business. Tape will definitely be one of the mainstream in the future. When technological advancements have drastically reduced the cost of players and tapes, almost every household will have a player. As long as they have a player, they will want to buy tape to play something. This is a huge market, a business that can last for two or three decades, and therefore can establish a family-based business.

The second point is to continue to operate the theater line. People will have more and more money in their pockets, but they will not have more entertainment options. Compared to the higher cost of happiness, watching movies is obviously a cheap entertainment. Although watching movies is very cheap, the money made from playing movies is definitely not cheap. When more and more movies appear in front of people, the cinema or theater line will start a crazy money-making mode.

As long as these two businesses are seized, the George family will not really fall.

Nasha listened to Mr. John's advice, and has been running these two businesses and doing well. Here I want to thank her uncle and uncle for their poor management, which gave her the opportunity to spend the money to buy back those theater resources. A large number of theaters have now shown a certain power, and there are often people who come to talk to her about the release. It has also passed so many negotiations to let her know that it was so profitable to engage in theaters.

The producer needs to show her own movie in her movie theater, so she needs to give a corresponding screening fee, or give up a proportion of the broadcasting share. How many shows are scheduled each day, and at what time, it also needs to be discussed, and it also needs to pay the price. Every producer hopes that his movie can be broadcast more times at the best time, then he must give more than others Much money. There are also various promotions, advertisements, events, and surrounding sales that allow Nasha to share some of the money. This makes Nasha feel weird, as if those production companies spent a lot of money to make movies not for their own money, but for the theater.

Having mastered these two businesses, Nasha has been quite satisfied with the current situation, so Du Lin proposed a vocabulary she had not heard of, and she did not show much interest.

"I call the player TV. Cable TV means a TV that needs to be connected to a cable, or a player." Speaking of the player, Nasha finally started to pay attention, and Du Lin smiled and continued. Now our televisions need tape to have content. You have done a good job in these two years, and the market is firmly in your hands. But the emergence of cable television will break this situation. "

Before Nasha laughed, Du Lin punched her in the face with a punch. "But cable TV is not the same as the TV we see now. All future programs do not need to be played through tape as a medium, only A television is connected to a signal cable, and it can broadcast the programs prepared by the TV station. It plays different and very fresh programs 24 hours a day. People can learn about this society more quickly and comprehensively through cable TV. What happened, even news! "

"Viewers who like TV shows don't have to wait for the episodes of the week. They can sit with their families and watch a variety of TV every night after work."

"Cable TV will greatly expand the content that people can choose from, whether it is financial news, celebrity gossip, or all kinds of content appearing on tape, and will be shown on cable TV. And the audience You do n’t need to pay more for tape, but you can see countless times more than tape! "

"This is what I mean by cable TV!"

"A signal line and a decoder will subvert the existing structure and free people from expensive viewing fees. This is a product of an era!"

The more Durin said, the quicker Nasha's breathing and the more unnatural expression on her face. She was very clear that Du Lin's ability to say this at this time meant that he had a finished product and could be put into use directly. This means that Empire Star and Empire of Star are about to face a complete collapse ~ ~ As Du Lin said, a tape is now cheaper than in the past, but it still needs several Only one dollar can buy a plate.

There are four or five periods a month, which is an additional expenditure of tens of dollars. The slow expansion of the tape market is directly related to the expensive cost of the tape. It is often ridiculed that many people can afford the player, but not everyone can afford the tape. Dozens of dollars a month, hundreds of dollars a year, how much is a player now? And each tape company has its own unique content, if you want to see more content, it is necessary to spend more money.

Nasha once thought that this model would last longer, until the cost of tape production was lower, and it would be updated every three or four days, and everyone could enjoy the joy brought by tape!

But now, her mind is broken!

The emergence of cable TV will completely subvert the existing market as Du Lin said. Nasha does not know how much the cost of cable TV broadcasts, but she knows that even if she loses money, Du Lin will continue to do so. Because what Dulin seeks is not the wealth gain, but the influence in all aspects.

As soon as she thought about it, Nasha's heart began to sink continuously, and her face became even more ugly.

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