Cosma Empire

Vol 3 Chapter 776: Terry VIA

Because of the early publicity, more reporters came to this press conference. The reporter liked to interview Du Lin because Du Lin was very bold. Every time he will prepare a souvenir for everyone according to the highest standards. Du Lin also seems to be the initiator of souvenirs. Since he started here, the reporters have become more affluent, and they all remember Du Lin's goodness.

Speaking of which, there are still some small stories. In the world in Doolin's dream, journalists are called uncrowned kings, and they cannot be easily offended. Ordinary people are slightly better. If a person with a surname offends a reporter, they will soon be blasted by the reporters in the media. In the end, they will have to spend money. Most reporters will be given to reporters when they need it. Send a gift. In fact, this application is not simple at all. In addition to the official draft, there are some related information products and a ride fee.

Generally speaking, the two-hundred-dollar car and horse fee means that this news doesn't matter. What they need is for the reporters to come and hold a show and let others know that the size is a thing, and the reporter is here. Interview. If three hundred yuan is given, it means that this news will definitely be on the page tomorrow, but most of the three hundred yuan news only have text without pictures. If you send 500 yuan, it will be terrible. In the morning news report, there will be a picture and a text. If the reporter is in a happy mood, the food is satisfactory, and the accompanying gifts are satisfactory, maybe a good one will be arranged. Layout.

The next topic is the one-thousand-dollar carriage fee. This means that the news must be reported in the morning newspaper the next morning, and there must be a large picture and a large paragraph of text. Newspapers with large sales volume are generally in three editions and five editions, while small sales are in two editions and three editions, and a guide is also required on the official website.

Some people may ask, what about the reporters I invited who do not have the power to report the news or the media? In fact, when inviting the media, the media will consider who to send. The conference will send big reporters, and small ones will send small reporters. These reporters have their own sections and feelings, and most of the time they will not mess up. If it is really messed up, it will only be the reporter ’s signboard, and do n’t want to mix in this circle in the future. If something really happens, the reporter will also take the initiative to apologize and arrange for continuous news coverage as compensation.

Du Lin thinks that the rules of the game are very good, so that reporters can know at a glance where the content they want to report is placed, what newspapers must be available, and whether any newspapers are random, so they are also used here.

There are also some cash checks in the souvenirs he prepared, ranging from five dollars to fifty dollars. Newspaper reporters representing the official position like the Ilian Daily must have got twenty dollars in the check. Specialty products, reporters like newspapers such as the Imperial Daily and the Imperial Capital Daily, are bound to receive a local gift pack with a check of 50 yuan.

Some people also said that Du Lin would spoil the reporters and affect the freedom of the press, but Du Lin was willing to pay, and those reporters were willing to collect money. What about other people?

In the end, this behavior has become a hidden rule of the moment. If there are really two fools who are not preparing anything, I am afraid that the news of the meeting can only be reported in the middle of the newspaper.

At 2:30 in the afternoon, everything that should be here also came, and the entire hotel lobby was packed with reporters, as well as local tycoons and celebrities in nearby cities. Du Lin's name is still worth some money on the East Coast. This time he personally presided over the press conference. As long as the nearby celebrity celebrities can get rid of it, they all come to support. Even if you can't chat with Du Lin cordially for a while, it's great to mix it up.

"Dear friends from the press, and guests from all walks of life, thank you very much for taking the time to come to the east coast of the Pearl City of Ilian and participate in the press conference held today." , Immediately began today's theme, the lighting gradually dimmed, leaving only the stage to maintain bright lighting. Standing on the stage, in the spotlight, Du Lin's confident smile attracted people's attention.

This young man has done too many amazing things in his age when he should indulge his youth. People want to know what surprises he will bring to the people today and the world.

In the face of the dark participants, Du Lin was not nervous at all. He was very relaxed. On such occasions, he had participated more than once, and was the protagonist, just like today. He strolled to the edge of the stage with an infectious smile on his face, "Everyone has a different pursuit of life, but in some respects we all adhere to the same basic point ...", this opening remark Zi raised the style of today ’s press conference very high, and while everyone was waiting for Du Lin to say what a great truth, Du Lin laughed, "We all want to get more wealth, that is, money."

There was a happy laughter at the scene, and Du Lin was a little bit good. Except that sometimes he said something and his expression was a little bit itchy, he rarely used any reason to kidnap his "audience". The things he said are closer to the lives of ordinary people than other big men of the same social status, which is why the public prefers Doolin--because what he says can be understood by people, unlike what others say Don't understand what it means.

Rather than like some big people who have obviously elevated their IQ by demonstrating public wisdom, I like this durin who tells the truth, and he is still handsome and he is very young.

"Yes, money, this is an indispensable thing for us to live in this society." Du Lin said with a microphone as he walked while walking. "Money is a good thing, it can satisfy our life to the greatest extent. All the basic necessities can better improve our quality of life. For example, I want to buy some better furniture for my family to improve their mood, at least when they want to destroy it. Move those solid wood furniture! "

"But money is not necessarily omnipotent. When you cannot sleep at midnight alone, because you are empty, lonely, or cold, you take it out and hold it in your arms. It may not bring you warmth. , It may make you feel bad about your brain! "

"So I am going to come up with a new word today, spiritual wealth!"

"What is spiritual wealth?" A question from Du Lin gradually quieted down the venue. Every new word Du Lin proposed will inevitably lead a trend, even a phenomenon, just like the social responsibility that Du Lin proposed some time ago. Has now become one of the standard entries for conscience capitalists. This time, people want to see if the "spiritual wealth" proposed by Du Lin can continue to lead public opinion and become a new trend.

He smiled. "Spiritual wealth can be explained as a sense of satisfaction, a sense of identity with current life and society. It is a kind of happiness. Spiritual wealth is different from material wealth, that is, money. It is an invisible but able What you feel. There are many categories of spiritual wealth. Every moment you feel satisfied and happy is the moment when you acquire spiritual wealth. Here I am going to propose one of them, entertainment! "

"It is well known that from the beginning of human society, entertainment has become an indispensable spice in life. Entertainment can relax us, let us have joy, benefit family unity and harmony, and can do many things. But Now entertainment in society is facing two extremes, one is limited-cost entertainment, and the other is high-cost entertainment. It is difficult for us to find a low-cost entertainment suitable for everyone. "

"But today, at this moment, everything will be different. Let's watch a short video ...", Du Lin lowered the microphone and nodded, the lights on the stage quickly turned off, and the projection hit the stage directly. On the back. This is a new type of film that is different from all the movies now. People even watched and stood up and exclaimed to express their surprise.

On the back panel, very cartoon characters are actually hand-drawn cartoon-style characters who are physically and mentally exhausted at work ~ ~ a bit downcast walking on the street, he encountered many things that attracted him, but His expenses are not enough to cover those high-value entertainment projects. He came home exhausted, and sat in front of the TV ...

In fact, this is a very ordinary short film. It can even be said that the content is not attractive enough, but there are two selling points in this short film. The first is that the entire short film is played in the format of hand-drawn animation. This expression has never appeared, and no matter how empty the content, some people will continue to watch it. The second selling point is the back TV. The sad face of the person with more and more smiles on the face of changing channels.

After the short film, a sentence appeared on the back wall-"Entertainment has never been cheaper"

There is too much content in this short film. When the light on the stage lighted up, someone immediately wanted to raise their hands to ask questions, but Du Lin did not agree.

"I haven't reached the Q & A stage yet, please wait for a while." He explained with a smile and continued his press conference. "I think everyone saw the short video just now. You must be very curious about why. The player is cheap entertainment. I need to make it clear here. The thing in the short film is not the player, but the TV. I call it Terry VIA. This is an important point. You should record it. "

"Someone will definitely have a bit of doubt. The current player or TV is expensive, not to mention that there is not much to choose from, and it also needs to bear high prices. According to my survey in the market, the cheapest is currently The tape needs five hundred and ninety-nine points, and the most expensive one costs ten dollars. The average family definitely can't enjoy these things. "

"But we are different!"

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