Cosma Empire

Vol 3 Chapter 796: Ah ah ah ah ah {Author driven by the title}

Taylor is highly educated and always considers himself one of the best embodyers of the word "elite" in newspapers and social commentaries. His outstanding grades and outstanding social skills have made him envy as soon as he left school. The Empire Central Bank started his career, so he knew the words, but also many words.

After reading the documents line by line, with two trembling arms trembling, Taylor's heart has sunk into the abyss.

This is a very complete and complete patent application approval report and a patent application with legal benefits attached. Among them are not only the approval document of the patent office, but also the approval from the Ministry of Justice, which has complete legal benefits. , Protected by imperial law.

If this is just an ordinary patent certificate, Taylor will throw it into the trash most of the time after reading it, just like he used to read the reports of those who have reached the retirement age to apply for retirement and pensions. Just like throwing it into the trash. But at this moment, he can't do it. This is a patent certificate for business service patents. The most important ones cover the most important properties of the insurance business simply and straightforwardly!

Du Lin, the asshole, actually registered this business one step in advance. Even more **** are those of the patent office and the Ministry of Justice. Do they not know that it is "dangerous" to register without an entity? If someone registers the air, does every living person have to pay "breathing fees" or infringement fees to the patent owner?

He jerked his head up and looked at Du Lin, but Du Lin didn't look at him, but looked at the people who were distributing documents in the entire conference hall.

The Imperial Bank invited these people here to witness this historic moment, proving that the value and role of these people will cover more than half of the industries and fields in the society. As long as they can understand the words on the document, they should know that the establishment of the so-called The Insurance Commission for Self-Regulation of the Insurance Industry is a huge joke, accompanied by the initiator and organizer. No matter what role Southern Commercial Bank and Imperial Central Bank played before, they are harlequins at this moment.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you absolutely can't believe how surprised I was when I heard that some people were trying to compete with me for power that was fait accompli. This blatant trampling of the law happened in the sun. What's more surprising to me is that these people have a reputation and status unimaginable. They are Mr. Bellito of Southern Commercial Bank and Mr. Taylor of the Imperial Bank! "

"I'm not sure if they have the support of the two major banks behind them, or if this is just their personal behavior, but illegal things are ultimately illegal, because some people have more social resources and have With more financial resources and knowing more powerful people, you can reverse black and white. "

He smiled and squinted at Taylor, who was standing under the stage, and said, "I know Mr. Taylor must have a lot of things to tell me, but I'm sorry, when you decide to infringe my rights in this shameful way When he took the initiative, he cut off the way for negotiation between us. ", Saying that Du Lin also talked about what Taylor had done before." I heard that Mr. Taylor is very familiar with the law, so many people were accused by him. After violating his rights, he did not dare to fight against him. I just wanted to try it. Is Mr. Taylor as good as he is! "

After speaking, Du Lin nodded his head to pay tribute to the audience, then turned off the stage and led people towards the door. His purpose today has been achieved. Let everyone know that the so-called insurance industry self-discipline committee is a joke at the same time. At the same time, he also let more people know that the insurance business is now his exclusive business and wants to contact this industry to find Nobody works, only to find Du Lin.

Earlier, Durin and Magus talked about the insurance industry, and a new question emerged from this-the federal advanced social welfare guarantee system has always been the object of study in various countries, and there have been some within the empire in the past two years. Voice, that the most basic social welfare security system should be launched, namely the old-age insurance system and the medical insurance system. The promoters believe that an imperial citizen who has worked for this country for decades has lost the ability to work, and accordingly has lost the right to survive in society.

They have no new economic source, and they will inevitably become a burden on the family and even the whole society. The contradictions between the rich and the poor in society will become sharper and more deadly problems will arise.

Even if the empire already has a relatively mature pension system, which is the so-called corporate pension system, an employee who works for a business for life can get a large pension when he retires, which is enough for employees to not Because economic problems are at an impasse, they finally lose their right to survive.

However, there are huge risks in the enterprise pension system. Although many companies are repeatedly repeating insurance benefits in the hands of every retiree, this promise is not always fulfilled. What happens to employees who have reached the red line once a company has a problem and faces bankruptcy? It is difficult for them to find suitable jobs, and even if they do, they cannot guarantee the basic conditions for survival after retirement.

At the same time, the retirement pension system is also a heavy burden for the enterprise. If an ordinary enterprise suddenly appears a batch of retirement tide in the process of declining performance, then a huge pension will defeat this originally well-run enterprise. The embarrassing situation of not being able to pay in the end may even result in bankruptcy. In order to avoid this situation, entrepreneurs and capitalists are likely to choose to avoid when facing these problems-split their own retained debt part of the company, and let this part explode with those employees who are on the verge of retirement.

There have been many similar situations in the society. The Imperial Bank of China is the most obvious case, in which Taylor has played a very disgraceful role. He kicked out a group of employees who were about to retire by looking for problems that could not cause problems, saving the imperial central bank at least millions or more, and letting him go from an ordinary bank At the top level, he became a partner.

Therefore, this responsibility should be shared by the entire society, and it should not be left to the enterprise to do it. It is unfair whether the company does a good job or not. Let the imperial officials take the lead to form an effective organization to ensure that every imperial citizen will not lose the power and conditions for survival when he loses his ability to work and lose his job.

But this is not a very good thing to do. The best performer in this regard is the Federation. The federal welfare guarantee system has existed since the founding of the nation. After years of persistence and observance from generation to generation, it has become a habit for everyone to pay various security benefits every month, and the federal government has packaged them very well. It has indeed made most people get older after they are old. Can continue to live without requiring quality of life.

For this reason, the federals can pay about 40% of the salary of three hundred federal shields every month to pay various insurance benefits, but can the empires?

Take out a dozen yuan or twenty yuan each month to pay various expenses, I am afraid they would rather not starve to pay these expenses. Moreover, the huge wage gap in the region also makes it difficult to implement this policy. In the south, the ordinary working class has a salary of almost sixty dollars a month, but in the west, it is the most dangerous here. Only fifty dollars. Will it cause southerners, easterners and northerners to rush to the west to pay insurance premiums?

So when these people need to fulfill the welfare guarantee, what standards should they implement?

The complex and difficult to reconcile the social welfare system of the empire has never been launched ~ ~ Although there is no document indicating that the empire is studying the formulation of this policy involving more than 200 million people in the empire, there is nothing to indicate The Empire has shelved this policy.

Durin and Magus are talking about this policy. Of course, he cannot take this job down. He knows that this is a huge sinkhole. After jumping, he can fly directly from the other side of the planet, but he found one. A good step is to use the western region as a pilot, and then separate the national insurance and commercial insurance into two categories and try to operate. The national insurance will be operated by the state itself, set up a new department, give policy and legislation, and commercial insurance. Leave it to society to run it.

To this end, Du Lin is willing to be the forerunner of this path and open a correct path for the later ones.

In this regard, Magus was very enthusiastic, and learned about the specifics of the insurance business through Doolin. If the two major banks were allowed to continue to swallow the wealth of the empire, it is very likely that some things that should not have happened in the future, restricting capital forces. Expansion is at the core of Magus's policy. It is said that the current domestic situation does need something to make people have a greater sense of identity and belonging to the concept of the state, which has a very important role in stabilizing the place.

After a long discussion between the two, Magus decided to give Du Lin enough support in registering patents. By the way, it is also good to suppress the central bank. The central bank has been resisting the penetration of official forces. The policies such as the real-name system have all been taken seriously by the Imperial Bank, and they should learn a lesson.

When Magus reached out to help him when necessary, he had no fear of confronting the two major businesses, and said that he still had some small tails.

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