Cosma Empire

Vol 3 Chapter 800: 800

Originally, Doolin planned to disgusted Kalem and Kaile. The most feared of such political clients is that he has lost his neutral position. If he shows a preference for the federation, then the Empire will not just abandon it. He did n’t have to do such a simple thing. He had contacted a lot of high-level information in the empire for so long, and gained the trust of many big men, but he lived up to these trusts. Obviously, those big men would not let him continue to live and become Federal "State Adviser".

Not only will he die, everyone with whom he has a close relationship will be liquidated to ensure that Mr. Keller will not return to the Federation and leave no valuable information behind.

Such top-level political clients are actually very pitiful, since they can no longer dominate their will from the first day they set foot in the industry, they must actively adjust according to the will of the two countries and the international situation. Cooperate.

It was just that Du Lin did not expect that Mr. Kaile was very interesting. Not only did he release those passionate young people who did not know about social responsibility at all, but also gave up all the rights and interests related to the law in the conflict. This is good, he is releasing a signal to tell Du Lin that he is not willing to be an enemy with Du Lin, and also tell Du Lin that this matter has nothing to do with him.

Du Lin is also very clear about this. The people who are related to the Imperial Bank and the Southern Commercial Bank are related. Since Mr. Kaile is a very interesting person, then Doolin doesn't mind finding an opportunity to sit down with Mr. Kaile He may go to the federal side around the beginning of next year to plan a three-year big plan. At this time, Mr. Kaile needs help.

There were too many stains on Du Lin, especially those stains left by him early, that is, criminal records. Criminal records are a glorious medal for real gangs. Just as Assistant Commissioner Cogg said, being put in jail is not a shame for gangs. It ’s a kind of training. The reason for this result was that 23 years ago, a very special gang leader was sent to prison by some people as a bargaining chip.

His prestige in the folk is very good, nothing like those gang members now, people respect him very much. He performed very well during his time in prison. Not only did he help many prisoners rehabilitate themselves, he also taught himself culture, read a lot of books, and published a short personal collection. When he came out, many reporters interviewed him. At that time, he was released from prison as the largest gang leader in a certain area, and some of the tragic effects carried by him were very popular with journalists.

The reporters asked him, as a gang leader, he was put in prison, and what happened to your mind?

He calmly replied: I feel better myself, I know reading and writing in it, and read a lot of books. I also believed in the Lord of Heaven, and now I am also a devout believer. If you ask me what I have gained in this matter, I think the whole person has been sublimated. This time in jail, it was as if those students were admitted to a good school and completed one of the most important studies in life, and this is my study!

This sentence is widely circulated and is regarded as a famous saying by many gang members. Many fanatical gang members are proud to go to jail for further studies, and even some arrested criminals are willing to spend money in another prison and live in the place given by people's name. In a cell where a very honorable and honorable man such as "Labour" once lived. It was a sacred place for gangsters, and people were proud to trace the leader there, even though he had been hanged.

The tragic character always has a tragic ending, otherwise this cannot shake people's hearts. The guy with the honorable title of "work" in front of the name was finally hanged again because of certain things as a bargaining chip. On the execution stand somewhere in the south. When the square was crowded with onlookers, he silently watched this guy who was like a hero in the eyes of many people was put on a noose. In addition to silence, there seemed to be something else in his heart.

At that moment, he looked at the crowded people in the square and laughed loudly, "I want to get my ca [this word only issued the previous syllable] ..."

The executioner pushed the mechanism, and the mechanism under his feet suddenly opened, and a fifty-pound weight hung his body down, breaking his neck. Until now, no one knows what he wants to say. Many people speculate whether he is remorse. Of course, some people think that he wants to convey some special information. Unfortunately, the executive moves the agency's hand too fast and did not give him Sufficient time to speak out has become a mystery that will never be solved.

In fact, Dulin has surpassed the leader in any sense, but Dulin is not a gang member. He is an organizer of a civil organization, and this organization has some xenophobia, so people did not "work" The word used in front of Doolin's name, such as Lauder Doolin, sounds awkward, and it is a good thing not to give him.

But this also made Du Lin's entry and exit a big trouble. Now he and the cabinet, exactly, are still honeymoon with Magus, so he can smoothly exit the country. Once the honeymoon period between him and Magus has passed, it is very difficult to get out of the country. Similarly, the issue of immigration is also a problem. For example, a "famous" person like him, who might use a messy image to enter the Federation, 99% of them are not allowed.

Every country welcomes the entry of all kinds of talents, even if it is not talents but also a labor force? But criminals and people with many criminal records are not welcomed. They can not make any effective contribution to the economic prosperity of the Federation except for destruction.

The original plan was to sneak into the past, but with Mr. Kaile, he can apply for entry directly at the border.

For the next period Du Lin will not be able to leave Emperor Capital. If he and the two major banks do not collide in court, there will never be a case where he will sit down and discuss cooperation.

Du Lin held the patent of the insurance business in his hand and did not intend to eat it alone, not that he did not want to eat it. So much money was personally known to earn it, but the problem was that he had a limited amount of belly, and eating too much would sustain it. The situation in the empire is unlikely to have a third giant economy.

If it is the product of the empire ’s central bank, then Southern Commercial Bank is caught off guard by capital inflation. If an uncontrollable huge economy appears in the empire, all cabinet members will be written in the book The History of the Shame of the Empire , And also the cover character. If a country's political system is completely decoupled from the financial economy and the people's livelihood, it will face an uncontrolled capitalist expansion.

Now that the two major economies have established a foothold in the power of capital, they have become the most reliable backing for capitalists. If there is another person who can gain a foothold in people's livelihood and turn all the citizens of the Empire into their own armed forces, what else can the government play? Play yourself?

This may be a good idea, but it is not realistic.

Therefore, it is the most correct choice to release the insurance business and let the government do some of the more important ones, which are related to the basic guarantees of people's livelihood and citizens' lives. As for the two major lines, Du Lin didn't think about blocking them out at the beginning, because they couldn't be blocked at all. Regardless of political and economic issues, from the perspective of behavior alone, if Du Lin and the two major banks really break their faces, they will end up like what happened today.

I'm stepping on the infringement, can you bite me?

In a brutal way, the Imperial Central Bank has the largest private armed force in the empire, and the South Commercial Bank is not bad.

Solve it in a civilized way. The two major banks have more than 10 billion yuan of funds. Du Lin won, let alone win. The first round failed.

In the end, this matter could only be brought to court, and the two sides dragged on without stopping. Before the trial result of the court came out, the two major banks could continue to infringe until the result came down.

In such a situation, not only is the face torn into powder, but their own interests must fall on the hands of others, why bother?

At this time, the sentence in the dream of Du Lin can reflect enough precipitation and wisdom-peace is valuable!

Give up a part of the benefits and give everyone a cover, and hand the rope to the cabinet. At that time, whoever dares to jump in the cabinet will pull the rope. As the initiator and patent owner, Du Lin will of course prepare a pair of scissors for himself.

After returning to the villa, Du Lin saw that Adams's team was working actively. Du Lin already had an idea and indeed needed to let the two major parties move in. Not only was he taking part of his own interests, but more importantly, they also took part risks of. But before that, the two sides must fight fiercely in court ~ ~ Only in this way will the two major banks sit at the negotiating table.

With two years of playing with wealth for so many years of experience, it is impossible for them to abandon this market. At the same time, they will try their best not to give up too much profit, and they will not be reconciled without colliding.

Du Lin glanced at them, and just when he was about to say something, he flew him into the other room inside. This behavior was abnormal. Du Lin looked at him with some organs, "What's wrong?", And closed the door.

Dufo's expression was very serious, and he took a breath, holding his teeth, "There are problems with the laying of signal lines in our three major cities."

Du Lin walked towards the sofa, frowning and turning, "What's wrong?"

Dufo didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "They don't let us dig the ground, saying that if we do this, it will block urban traffic, make the city look shabby, and damage road infrastructure."

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