Cosma Empire

Vol 3 Chapter 809: Enthusiastic attitude

Du Lin said that he will have time tomorrow evening ... "In a very elegant room, three men and one woman were sitting, and the other three men were executive directors of the board of directors of Southern Commercial Bank.

With the conclusions drawn by the analysis team composed of internal economic and financial experts of the bank, the senior management of Southern Commercial Bank becomes more enthusiastic about the insurance business. This is a low-risk and high-return industry. The key is that the insurance business can bring a large amount of money to the bank. The cash flow of any investment is much more important.

It seems that the bank is very rich. They always say how much cash they have in the vault. This kind of words also deceives the ordinary depositors of Tianzheng. A large amount of funds in the bank have actually been adjusted for short-term gains such as investment. There is also a large amount of risk in the long-term investment such as farming and pasture. It can only be said that in the field of investment, especially in the field of stocks and futures, banks are big bookmakers. They have more capital and face slightly less risk, just slightly less. They also need cash flow to deal with various financial disasters that may happen at any time. Often, an inexplicable policy can destroy an industry, and drag all investors who have invested a lot of money in this industry into the abyss.

In the past, the imperial central bank used some shameful methods to try to defeat the Southern Commercial Bank through runs. Fortunately, many businessmen stood up to protect the interests of the Southern Commercial Bank. However, this does not mean that there will be no risk of runs in the future. .

For example, war, if there is any signal of war, ordinary people will not hesitate to withdraw money from the bank and buy a lot of essential necessities and hoard it at home, which will inevitably make Southern Commercial Bank unable to pay the loan. The claim was finally on the verge of bankruptcy and liquidation. Or maybe there is a large policy fluctuation in an industry. In recent years, some policies formulated by the cabinet have been introduced unexpectedly, and then industries have been hit hard. For example, the Antitrust Law a while ago. And the Anti-Industry Manipulation Act.

No one seems to have been harmed by these two bills in the private sector, but looking at the monopolies who have monopolized the industry, one by one is miserable. Either they are suspected of manipulating the industry and being investigated all day, or they face huge monopoly fines, and each industry trust is eventually dismembered by the cabinet into pieces. Investors who invested a lot of money in these people and their companies, all lost their money, and many people jumped off the building.

Banks actually have a little more trouble than ordinary companies, that is, they need to pay interest to those savers. According to Holsond rules-this is a "conscience" banker who claims that accounts with more than fifty dollars can earn interest, but accounts with less than fifty dollars must charge management fees. In the past, people did not like to store money in banks. They did not believe in banks. They even preferred to find a corner in the house to dig a hole to hide the money.

This indigenous approach has brought a devastating blow to economic construction and a healthy currency circulation. Of course, this is another matter. Holsond is an alternative way of collecting deposits, and it is also the first banker who proposed to put money in a bank to get more money. At the time, many people thought he was stupid, because the more depositors and funds the bank recruited, the heavier the interest they borne. If their profitability could not match the interest paid to the depositors, no one needed to stop them. They Can go bankrupt.

This behavior itself can be said to increase the burden on the bank, but it also catalyzes the idle funds in the society to flow into the bank-in the bank where he invested and implemented this rule, the minimum storage standard of 50 yuan was basically completed, allowing Banks have gained more money to compete with their peers and have a greater say in the financial industry.

In the field related to money, whoever has more money is the daddy.

Some people say Holsond is a conspirator, and he intends to bankrupt all the banks he did not invest in, but now people need to thank him because he, so more people are willing to deposit money in the bank to eat those trivial interest, instead of Buried in a dark corner waiting for mold. Banks use more funds to control the industry, invest in or forcibly invest in certain companies to obtain a long-term stable profit channel, and use part of the earned money to pay depositors' interest, while the other part continues to enter the rolling income link. Create greater profits for banks.

There are always risks in the financial circle, and there will never be too obvious warnings that will suddenly appear, and all buildings will be destroyed before leaving slowly. The easiest way to combat such risks is to have money, a lot of money, so much that you can stand still in the face of a financial storm or economic crisis.

Therefore, the internal decision of Southern Commercial Bank is to take down the insurance business as much as possible, enter the industry, and then gain more "security".

The four people in this room are the representatives of Southern Commercial Bank this time. They will be fully responsible for the cooperation and negotiation with Du Lin. It seems that their attitude is better. At least they did not counter-supply Du Lin. In fact, this situation does not exist. Because the Imperial Bank of China has already done it, they do not need to continue. , So why bother to hate people?

Natiya held her microphone and looked at the other three. One of them, a 37-year-old and very stylish young man, thought, "The day after tomorrow, the Imperial Hotel, the seventh floor."

The Emperor Hotel is one of the best hotels in the emperor. It is on the same level as Kailemen and even a little higher. It is said that this is a hotel with a royal investment background, the grade is very high, and the consumption is naturally high. Now the society is expensive as long as it touches the nobles, not to mention this hotel with the emperors?

Natiya nodded her head slightly, let go and smiled, and continued in a very gentle tone, "I don't know if you have time, the next day ... The seventh floor of the hotel is waiting for you ... yes, good bye! "

"He promised?" The middle-aged 37-year-old young man took a sip of joy and asked.

Natia nodded and put down the receiver. "Yes, he agreed, he said he would come."

The 37-year-old and 18-year-old laughed twice, "Very well, this shows that the sisters of the Hill family did not get Dulin, this is an opportunity." He said, shaking his head, "So I What have been saying, do n’t let our management and board of directors keep in the hands of stereotyped people. We all know that Doolin is important, but the Imperial Bank only sent Hill ’s sisters to him If I change to me, I think they look down on me, which is why I came here in person. "

Although everyone is an executive director, with the exception of Natiya, the status within the bank is also high.

This young man is called Anglio. He has a very unfamiliar surname that can make many big people feel nervous, Diplesi. That's right, he is an important member of the shadow family. He has mastered a part of the shares of Southern Commercial Bank. The specific number has not been announced. He is currently one of the shareholders with the largest shareholding in South Africa Commercial Bank.

Southern Commercial Bank comes from a loose banking alliance. In addition, many businessmen have invested their funds in these banks in order to counter the central bank, ensuring that these banks will not be run out of bankruptcy, which has greatly reduced the number of shareholders. The proportion of shares in Li. The Diplesi family also invested some money in Southern Commercial Bank, and now Angelio is the biggest beneficiary.

The other two executive directors only smiled and nodded in agreement with his opinion. There is no conflict of interest with them anyway. Why should they deny others the bad feeling?

Anglio leaned on the edge of his hand and leaned against the sofa, revealing a thoughtful look. "The sisters of the Hill family did not succeed. What does he want? "

The other two executive directors looked at each other and shook their heads. One of them said, "It depends on whether Miss Nitya can find this key key."

"We have two days left, Nadia, and I'll leave it to you."

"It's my pleasure, Mr. Anglio." Nateya's voice was still so gentle that she couldn't help but feel bad for her.

The next day, the social service bureau official who took Du Lin 10,000 yuan called Du Lin at noon and told Du Lin that their director heard that Du Lin is a person who likes making friends and also A generous person who wants to meet Du Lin. The time is scheduled to be at 3 pm on the weekend ~ ~ The location is the largest outdoor hockey stadium outside the capital. This is good news, meaning that Du Lin's new friend accepted Du Lin's friendship and did not disappoint it. Du Lin and he chatted for a few words and then hung up. The other party seemed unwilling to speak on the phone. too much.

On the weekend, the day after tomorrow, this is the first weekend in August, and the court will start next Monday. During this time, Adams and their villas have been busy. Then Du Lin made a phone call, and it was Kevin who answered the phone, and these days Kevin has not been back there. As the only rogue lawyer with a 100% win rate in the Empire ... as others call it, he must be in the villa to reassure Du Lin.

"How is your situation over there?"

Kevin looked back at the scattered documents and various paper balls, and a group of lawyers with hair and henhouse laughed without a shower for several days. "Everyone is very happy and the work is very enthusiastic."

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