Cosma Empire

Vol 3 Chapter 815: Think carefully

"It's your department chief ... and ... oh, it's Mr. Durin!" Alice's mother sighed, apparently did not expect to see such two big men here. Well, big man, although Nomi 菈 is a kind of background board that is kind of sympathetic and easy to use in Du Lin ’s eyes, but she always has a hint of mystery and authority in the eyes of ordinary people, including the middle class. Is a big man.

Alice glanced back from the almost invisible taillights of the luxury team. She asked, looking up, curiously, "Mom, do you know that young man?"

Her mother didn't know if she should sigh or comfort. In short, she breathed a sigh and touched Alice's head. "Of course, have you never read a newspaper while working in a government department? I said that your occupation should let you out More time to read the newspaper and the political news tapes we have at home, you should also read more. "When talking about this, Alice looked a bit embarrassed to look elsewhere, her mother was not only She said this once, but she always used it as a wind of her ears, and passed after a while, and nothing fell. Now it seems that it should be a good make-up class.

"The young man is called Dulin, a very amazing young man who is an icon of the minority. He has served as the mayor of Otis and has a large business in the business. The most important thing is that It was he who broke out by himself. He did n’t have a family to be admired by others. He was just a farmer but now he has such a brilliant achievement. It is said that he and Prime Minister Magus have a very good friendship, and many cabinet members are Friend. There has been too much news about him these days. I can't say enough, my dear, you should take your life seriously. "

"Now, let's say hello to your sir." Alice was dragged by her mother while she was still confused, and walked towards Nomelle, who had just stood up. The lovely little face full of youth was instantly Becoming white and white, she struggled a bit, and Nuomi had already looked at them, and the struggle was of no avail, she could only lower her head and follow her mother.

At the beginning, I let Alice enter the government department, and she was also the central department of the Imperial City. In addition to Alice's academic performance, the family spent a lot of money to clear up the relationship. On the one hand, the hospital opened a letter of recommendation, on the other hand, A gift was given to the examiner responsible for recruiting new employees each year.

Although it is said that this is not directly related to Nomi 的, Alice's family has always maintained a good friendship with Nomi 菈-whenever it is a holiday, they will prepare a copy of about eighty to ninety to one hundred The gift was sent to Nomi 菈 's home, which is why Nomi 菈 was "optimistic" about Alice.

Sometimes competence is one aspect, but more importantly, execution ability, these two are definitely not the same thing.

"Ms. Nomi, I'm glad to see you ...", Alice and her mother stood by the road and saluted, as people have always said, the aristocratic things are rotten feudal dross, everyone should be abandoned Both are advocating a handshake ceremony, but the etiquette of shaking hands is never as good as being embarrassed and bowing.

In the face of Du Lin, Nomie didn't feel any strength of her. It was that Du Lin was too strong, so strong that she could easily destroy all of her, including her career. When she saw Alice and her mother, she suddenly thought that in the morning in the office, the girl's mood might be, to a certain extent, the same as her own mishap.

But she is more fortunate than Alice, because she has gotten this opportunity, although she will have limited "loyalty" to Dulin in some things, for example, before making some sensitive decisions, you need to seek Dulin's opinion. This is not a burden on her, because she has nothing left, and she doesn't care if she loses more.

Du Lin's affirmation made her feel very good now, so good that it felt so beautiful this evening, the sun was so bright, as if the whole world was different.

"Hello, madam, and ..." Nomi glanced at Alice, her mouth slightly tilted, "Alice."

Alice's mother was very happy. She pointed to her and her daughter's seat. "We were drinking tea over there and saw you and Mr. Doolin and wanted to come and say hello, in order to avoid disturbing you and Mr. Doolin, so we……"

Nomie interrupted her words, "I understand, this is normal, it doesn't matter." She glanced at Alice again and said to her mother, "Madam, Alice is doing very well at work, this It's a comforting thing. She hasn't disappointed her studies in these years, and has become lax after not getting a good job. After some time we need to go to the west, I may take some people to lead the work, Do you think Alice can adapt to life in the West? "

Alice's mother was overjoyed. "Of course, this child has had a strong independence since childhood. I believe she can adapt to and handle this."

Nomie raised her watch and glanced at it. Alice's mother knew that she should leave. Repeatedly, she seemed to thank her and watched Nomie drive away. After a while, she recovered her eyes and became excited. After drinking the tea for a while, the mother and daughter checked out and went home. She didn't talk along the way, but her eyes fluttered with some kind of flame.

In the evening, she played a role-playing game with her husband and won the war as a son-in-law gun rider, sitting at a dressing table and grooming herself. Her husband, who was so badly wounded during the war, panted her waist and asked intermittently, "What's wrong with you? I rarely see that you can show such superb skills. I can't even fight back, **** it. , I am the most powerful fighter of the Empire. "

"I met Nomi when I was walking in the evening ..." Her words immediately caught her husband's attention. "She said that after a while she asked the West to host the work, and she might take Alice with her. This is A rare opportunity, we have to do something. "

The word hosted has many meanings. The most straightforward interpretation is to do a job as a manager, but using the word in the mouth of a politician may mean an expansion of power. As a social elite, it is clear that her husband is aware of this.

He took a few steps back and forth, "You're right, dear, what shall we do, and how much deposit do we have in our bank?"

"About $ 10,000."

The man gritted his teeth. "Take out half, we bet!"

The woman looked at her husband in the mirror with a charming smile. She lowered her comb and stood up. She walked in front of her husband and nudged, "The war has not stopped, dear ..."

In fact, Nomi 送 saw Alice after sending Du Lin away. The first thought was to repay her. Of course, she did not think that a young and lively girl could impress a person like Du Lin to this level. Not to mention young girls, even women with three sources of life spurts can be found, not to mention just a young girl? Her idea was to bring Alice Ribbon to see Kevin, and she knew that Kevin was excellent, in all aspects, but she couldn't control her desire on women alone.

If Alice can be used to make Kevin feel his sincerity, and even make Alice a ribbon, a ribbon that tied her to Kevin, she can be closer to Doolin and closer to the interests led by Doolin The group lays a good foundation for itself on the political stage. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, but the young people who have relationships with Magus, the Cabinet, and many of the great empires of the empire, even Mr. Kaile, must keep a low-minded attitude towards Durin in one's life How many times can there be so close to the top of society and the "truth"?

No, most people don't have this opportunity in their lifetime. If it wasn't for her husband to abandon her and make her feel that she was not attractive in the divorce, she would even be willing to serve Kevin herself, or Du Lin in exchange for a bigger one. future!

Cheap that little girl, who made this girl the only character she can get right now? Why didn't you have children in the first place? If you want a child, it is better to be a daughter, maybe ...

Nomi, who had returned home, awakened the sleeping Mr. Horn from the bottom of the delicate vanity box. She now needed a complete relaxation.

At the same time, he returned to the manor and lay in bed after taking a bath ~ ~ Today I have done one thing, and I will see the people of Southern Commercial Bank tomorrow. None of these people are good. Southern Commercial Bank did not show any strong aggression in this matter, but it does not mean that they are not offensive. Excluding Doolin from entering the insurance industry is not something that Taylor can decide alone. Except for those who need to vote for a dispensable vote, Bellito is the one who cast the key vote.

Or the Southern Commercial Bank behind Bellito, who voted a key vote, decided to send Du Lin out of the playground and turn him into an outsider. Now these people of Nanshang Bank have shown their innocence and changed their faces to treat him. What does it mean?

It shows that in the face of eternal interests, only eternal interests can be countered.

In this game, no one is innocent, and everyone is not a good thing. The rest is to see who is more flexible.

So Du Lin decided to dig a pit and prepare to push the Southern Commercial Bank. Of course, this may not cause the Southern Commercial Bank to lose much, but it can make them understand that voting for Taylor will be costly.

In this world, everyone has to pay for their actions, sooner or later.

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