Cosma Empire

Chapter 82: hero

Du Lin's words spilled over the entire block like a pouring rain. More and more adults leaned in, and they kept asking people around them to ask what Du Lin had said just now, why are you so excited? .

I once had a self-righteous big man who said, "Only the poor love to watch lively, because our time is extremely precious." He must have forgotten a little while saying this, maybe he has the so-called "95% wealth" in his hands, but all this is laid out that there are still 95% people willing to be He exploited it.

Most people have provided a good life for a few people, elevated their social status, let them enjoy a prosperous life, and gave them unlimited power. But if one day these 95% poor people don't want to elevate him, what else can he leave?

Dulin never thought that the poor Guartes would be a burden on his struggle and development. On the contrary, these people may be the strongest cornerstone of his dynasty!

"I once promised ..." As soon as Du Lin spoke, some of the noisy and ebb crowds suddenly became quiet. In addition to the occasional laughter made by the children on the street, only Du Lin's voice, "The parents of every fellow of the fellowship are my parents. We should be one family, and all Guartes should be one family. God has given us the blood of King Odrero, and we should be closely united in Together, yell at all our enemies who dare to discriminate against us, threaten us, treat us harshly! "

"The blood of King Audrero is still rushing in our bodies, the will of the King has never been extinguished, even if our kingdom has fallen, but the descendants of Odreello will never submit to the manipulation of fate!"

Audreello was the first emperor of the Guart dynasty, an emperor full of personality charm. He is not only an emperor, but also a great thinker, a great artist, a great politician, and a great king of people. This history can be traced back more than a thousand years ago, when the once powerful dynasty ruled the whole world, so all Guartes will proudly call themselves the descendants of King Odrero.

Du Lin's words once again caused a violent response. The Guartes, who have been treated differently, felt an indescribable heat flow over their heads, and something was accumulating in their eye sockets. They continued to squeeze forward spontaneously, thinking Be closer to this talking young man. In their minds, they remembered the highly regarded "Poem of the King" among the Guarts, and there was such a paragraph:

He stood in the sun, receiving the blessing of the sun god, and people's eyes fell on him, crowning him with his crown. Every word of him is as if ignited by the fire. People are willing to fight for him, die for him, and be holy for him ...

"Someone may ask me, do you want to reunify with these words?", Du Lin closed her lips and shook her head. The squeezed lips lost their blood, slightly pale, but even more prominent. His imposing age and majesty, "I never thought of going through the war with other people's lives, to do something for me, or for a few individuals. I don't want reunification, I want to fight for It's just justice, equality, and respect that are supposed to belong to us in this society, but are deprived! "

"I'm not willing, I'm in pain, I'm angry!"

"When I walked on the streets, when the scornful eyes of those Ogdins and provincial descents fell on me, I was desperate. I am a descendant of the great King Odrero. We have conquered the whole world and we should be respected. , But we didn't. "At this time, someone sent a stool and placed it beside Du Lin. He glanced at the man, the man nodded strongly, and Du Lin stood on the stool with a smile. Let everyone see him.

He waved his fist and shouted loudly, "No one respects us, only ridicule, sarcasm, irony! Whose fault is it? Is it the fault of the Ogdings? It is because the empire of Yaoxing defeated us, so we Without these things, should we blame them? ", Doolin waved his arms vigorously," No! This is not the fault of the Ogdin, not the fault of the Yaoxing Empire, it is our fault. "

"Some people left a rice bowl for dogs in front of us, and some of us knelt down and ate food from their alms in a rice bowl like a dog. How can we allow them to treat us equally? How can we respect us? ", Du Lin's sharp eyes glanced around the Guarts like sharp swords, and many people bowed their heads in shame. Isn't that what he said is happening and continuing?

They are poor, willing to be poor, willing to receive relief food, willing to sink in such an environment. They knelt on the ground, snarled beside the dog's basin, snarled like a dog when they didn't get it, and shook their heads when they got it.

Du Lin looked back and continued shouting, "There is a question, someone may have asked you, I am asking you today with the same content, 'Do you want happiness?'" Their slogans to deceive ordinary people into the church have also been published in the Empire's most authoritative "Pioneer" magazine. Many people were attracted by this slogan, so they walked into the church and became worshippers. When Du Lin said this, many people could not help but nodded.

Poor neighborhoods will always be the main development direction of the church. People in the church know very well that rich people will join the church, but it is absolutely impossible to truly give everything to the church. Because they are rich, they have fewer regrets in their relationships and lives than the poor. As long as they have money, they will always be happy ~ ~ Money is their happiness. Therefore, the church prefers to preach in places where the poor gather, attracting more people to join the church, and strengthening the power of theocracy.

句话 This sentence has been circulating on this street more than once, and everyone has heard of it.

Du Lin nodded his head unwillingly, his face was serious, his eyes sharp, "I can't give you happiness!", The crowd clamored slightly, and this sentence formed a huge contrast with the previous sentence. Many people nodded, hoping for happiness. Suddenly, Du Lin said that he couldn't give them happiness. This gap left them with a feeling of being fooled, but at least until now, they have not erupted.

Du Lin said, "Because happiness is never given to you by anyone, but you fight for it with your own hands. Again, this is why I am here! Some people are willing to be one The dogs shaking their heads and accepting the fate of fate, when they prayed for food from them, a group of people stood up. They used their hands and their lives to do everything in their pursuit of happiness. "

"Maybe someone would laugh at their stupidity: 'Look, it's so bad to be dead', but what I want to tell you is that they are not stupid, these hearts are full of hope for the future, full of life Passionate people are never those who are alive but dead can be seen flat! No one, no one can look down on a fighter, they have not left, they just become heroes and accompany me, Accompany, take those who are willing to stand up, out of the predicament, and create our own glory! "

Dulin jumped off the stool, walked to the two mothers, and held their hands again, "No one can laugh at your children, because they are heroes!"

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