Cosma Empire

Vol 3 Chapter 825: Fall into disapproval

The dull conference quickly became lively because of the leadership of the two members. Whether it is a congressman with a consortium background or a more pure politician, they often represent the looming capital forces behind them.

The constant loss of interest in international trade and the idea of ​​the Federal Reserve becoming a mainstream currency in international trade have stimulated every capitalist, as well as bankers, to work harder to promote the implementation and implementation of this policy. After more than three hours of two votes, this decision was finally passed twice. If it is passed again in the next speaker meeting, the Federation will notify the Imperial Cabinet and the Monetary Memorandum of Understanding previously signed will be completely released. Let the exchange rate of the Federal Shield enter into free floating in the international market.

The Commonwealth has a saying that there is no secret in Parliament. In less than 20 minutes, the media has begun to report this news, discussing how the federal financial market will change if the exchange rate is liberalized. Five minutes before the closing of the two major exchanges in the evening, all the stocks involved in import and export trade soared across the board, and a new wave has formed.

Albert left the parliament building and returned to his manor. It was said that the butler who had served the nobles spoke fluently in the imperial accent and told him that two visitors were waiting for him in his study, which made Albert's The expression changed slightly.

Like many successful people, the study is always a very private place. There are many secrets hidden in it that cannot be known. Without the permission of the owner, no one can easily enter.

The same is true of Albert. He told his housekeeper that if someone came to visit him before he arrived, he could arrange a rest in the guest room or use the reception room and side hall to receive these people, but he must not be allowed to go to the study. Of course, there are some exceptions, such as those holding special tokens, you can arrange them in the study, because it is relatively safe there, not too many servants to see these people, to the greatest extent to avoid these people accidentally exposed Identity.

Almost everything is beautiful in the fully commercialized society of the Federation, but it is also not so beautiful. It is full of all kinds of spies, business spies, political spies, and even journalists who want to get a big news. Play a role for a certain period of time until you let go of their vigilance.

At this time, someone can come ... Albert removed the bow tie and cufflinks, changed into a home suit and went into the study.

The two people who came to visit him stood up and showed the token in his hand. As a result, Albert took a closer look, took out a magnifying glass from his pocket, closed the door after finding the anti-counterfeiting sign, and did not even let the housekeeper bring in the tea.

Suddenly his heartbeat became faster, and he took a deep breath after sitting on the chair, pressed his heart to his heart, and squeezed out a smile, "Gentlemen, what should I know?"

From the seventh day of this past, the first long-awaited first debate between Du Lin and the Imperial Bank officially began at 9 am, and countless reporters gathered outside the court, but also at this time, The Federal Diplomatic Embassy in the Empire submitted an official diplomatic note to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Empire. In this communication, the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Finance hope that new consultations with the relevant empire authorities on the Monetary Memorandum of Understanding agreement will be made to resolve a series of problems in the current international trade between the two countries.

The communication was quickly sent to Magus. After just a half-hour cabinet meeting, the Foreign Minister personally called the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs and agreed to the other party's request. On the second weekend of the month, the two sides began new negotiations on the matter in the Empire.

This is just not so eye-catching news. International national events are too far away from ordinary people. Except that the stocks of the three major exchanges and some companies have fallen slightly due to the impact of this foreign matter, there is no Cause any storms.

However, it is said that after the opening of the two major trades on the federal side, most of the stocks have started to rise sharply. It is even more interesting that the Federal Bank has also announced lower interest rates, which has further stimulated the entire federal economic market and finance. The market, which has led many speculators and international hot money to begin to gather towards the Federation. Once the results of the negotiations between the federation and the empire can meet the expectations of the federation, the federation shield can get rid of the exchange rate of the imperial star and immediately release more upside, which is a happy wealth journey for those international financial tycoons.

At this very special time, Du Lin did not pay attention to the outcome of the court and went to a special reception.

The organizer of the reception was the head office of the United Construction Corporation on the side of the Empire. It said that the office actually had the company structure, and it was not much different from a normal company. An office building was built.

The initiator of the reception was the current executive officer of United Construction Engineering in the Empire. Mr. Grace, in addition to the construction industry, there are construction enterprises from six other countries. It is said that they are one of the best in their country. Industry leader.

The purpose and core of the reception, which is the news recently discussed by the federals, is that the joint construction company will work with several other companies to build a super railway that can surround the four continents. Once completed, this railway will The world is connected, making it easier for people to pass, and has made outstanding contributions to the progress of civilization and social development of the entire world.

Of course, this has always been a rumor. Many social activists think that this is absolutely impossible. It is purely a false news that the joint construction workers deliberately created to achieve some shameful purpose, even if they are openly bidding on the seabed. The design of the tunnel is also just a smoke bomb. The failure to find a suitable design from the launch of the tender to the present indicates that they did not intend to do so at all. Is it impossible for the entire Federation to find a designer who can design an undersea tunnel?

Conspiracy theory is always the only means for the non-mainstream people in the society to prove that they are not the non-mainstream. Many people believe it, but today's game will crush these conspirators' opinions.

A luxurious car stopped at the side of the road, and the surrounding spotlights began to flash. Dulin pushed open the door and stood on the red carpet. The surrounding spotlights flashed faster. To be honest, Du Lin is very handsome, but he can't compare to those really handsome and charming products. His face is in the middle of handsome and handsome. Of course, this is in line with the aesthetics of the Empire. They call this handsome. The handsomeness of Dufo is a bit feminine, which is why people always say that Du Lin and Dufo are a pair of cheerleaders. There is even an organization that has been fighting for social acceptance of homosexuality and invited them to be image ambassadors ... .

"Did you say that we will make headlines?" Du Fu followed a cigarette with Du Lin. Few public figures would smoke on such occasions. Du Lin and Du Fu are completely different from those People are heterogeneous, but their approach has not only been rejected by people, but has become an idol imitated by many young people, believing that it is a thunder that breaks the old stereotypes.

Du Lin smiled and glanced at a beautiful photographer, his lips moved slightly, "Why are we?"

Dufo also looked at the woman, "because they have found a new proof, maybe the **** organization is going to bother us again."

The two walked fast, unlike some women who walked slowly, and sometimes forgot to wear underwear and somehow fell a dog to eat shit, so that the eyes who can only look down on the earth in the shadows have the opportunity to look at the light once .

"Do you mean I should find a female companion on the side of Emperor?", Du Lin signed his name, and Dufo went to the infield. "This may be considered, after Freina went to Irian, Emperor. There are no women I know here, and I will probably be in Emperor Capital more and more time in the future. You are right, but do you know how I feel when we talk about this? "

Dufo shook his head. He only cared about two things, waiting for a delicious apple and the safety of Du Lin.

Du Lin stopped and looked at Dufo, "When we discuss this, we feel that we are really **** guys ~ ~ Damn, never discuss such things with me again. If you If you want to say it, then go and find a reliable woman. "After speaking, Du Lin gave a stun and shook his head and walked towards the center of the hall in the laughter after Du Fu reacted.

Many people have been invited to join the party at this reception. In addition to successful business people, there are also many movie stars and celebrities. The purpose is to make the reception shock enough.

"Mr. Du Lin ...", the host of the reception immediately pleaded guilty to the people around him when he saw Du Lin, and greeted them, no matter whether Du Lin had appointed a joint construction worker while he was in charge of Otis, let the joint construction worker open In the situation, it is still the case between him and the Imperial Bank that makes people take him more seriously.

He strode forward and stretched out his hand early, shook hands with Du Lin. "I'm very glad you could take the time to look at this special time. It's my pleasure ..." while the two were talking Du Lin felt that someone approached himself from left to right, and the host of the reception also took a moment to interrupt, it was very impolite to interrupt the person who was talking, but he also realized that it was time for him to leave, "I am You booked a room upstairs, and we have a few small gifts already sent in. This is your room number and key. I hope you enjoy your evening. "

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