Cosma Empire

Vol 3 Chapter 827: Not proofread, refresh after 5 minutes

Hagrid is a very common name. The word commonly means that Mayor Hagrid may be of civilian origin, but he was able to become the mayor of St. Nurin Fantils. This shows that he Someone, there are people behind.

No one official can do this without relying on anyone. This has nothing to do with personal ability, because the top-level resources are always extremely limited, and more importantly, these limited resources are held by very few people at the same time. In the hands. So now the question arises, why can others divide a part of the limited resources in their hands to someone they do not know?

This has nothing to do with morality and occupation. This is nature, possessiveness in the bones, mine is mine, and it will not be given to anyone for nothing. At this time, more means are needed to operate and operate. The simple thing is to find someone who has the same resources to stand up, exchange resources, and then allocate the resources. This is why the official rank of the empire increases. The reason is difficult, because these are out of the scope of personal ability and execution ability, and belong to another field.

A very common name means that Hagrid is likely to be Bobos. Of course, this is also in line with the publicity policy of Magus after he took office. He will promote non-noble class officials to important positions more comprehensively and deeply To ensure that more people support it. This is why Bowers was able to achieve the third best position in the party. Magus understood the progress of the times better than those noble nobles. Power could not be completely concentrated in the hands of one or two people. To spread to more people within the scope of this, in order to obtain a more stable government.

Although Hagrid is likely to be an official of the Bobos faction, no matter whether he is a nobleman or a civilian, he understands the truth under the training of Magus. Capitalism is a terrible and hateful s things. Sometimes it will show people with lovely faces, but in the final analysis, if capital is to grow, it needs to eat people.

What is the purpose of Hagrid to come to this reception sponsored by Cooperative Construction?

"Mr. Grace's energy looks great, and even people like you can be invited. No wonder I felt a little different when I came in. It turned out that you were here." Du Lin touted Mr. Hagrid. He, no matter how he was, he was a New Party member and was also the mayor of Otis. Hagrid's ranking in the party has entered the top 48. He has already entered the new party committee list. The ranking is lower than Harry. Said to be a high-weight representative.

Hagrid Haha laughed, "Mr. Du Lin's words made me feel less weight, do not use honorifics between us, this always makes us feel a little strange to our relationship ..." After Dulin's affirmation, Hagrid led Dulin to the edge of the meeting without changing his color, and whispered, "Today, the Federation has submitted a formal diplomatic note, hoping to renegotiate the" Monetary Understanding " Regarding matters related to the Memorandum, the leader of the Magus was very angry when the cabinet met ... "He seemed to have leaked secrets that should not have been leaked, but neither he nor Dulin took it seriously.

In the past, due to the friendship between Doolin and Magus, as well as his personal relationships in the upper part of society, there will always be someone who will take the initiative to tell him this, and this is not a secret that needs to be kept secret. Secondly, even if we do n’t say now, it wo n’t be long before the consultation meeting on diplomacy between the two countries will be convened. At that time, it will definitely be full of storms.

Rather than selling someone who doesn't want money, by the way, keep a good personal relationship with Du Lin.

Bowers has been confronting Magus since the mid-term elections. This kind of momentum is not clear to many people, only the people in the New Party Committee know. Bowers was always questioning Magus's decision, and sometimes Magus would fight back and ask for trouble. It is said that Harry will be the next cabinet leader, the prime minister of the empire, the new leader of the New Party, he is the successor of Magus' will and a full successor. In this case, even if the civilian officials do not have any ideas, they must have some ideas.

There must always be someone who wins and loses between the two contradictory factions. If Bouvos cannot become the next leader of the New Party and cannot become prime minister, his era is over. He didn't have time to wait another eight years and then re-charge to the highest position, maybe he could not survive the next eight years. Once Bowers withdrew from the political arena, the new party members of these civilians will face an embarrassing situation. After Bowers, no one will be able to pick up the beams and prop up the flags and backbone of the civilians.

Powerful prestige is not enough, and prestige is not enough. In fact, Bowers himself is also very anxious. He also wants to select a few suitable successors like Magus, including Hagrid.

But Hagrid was unwilling. The reason was simple. Even if Bowers trusted him so much that he was willing to make him the heir of his political legacy, he would need to use eight years after the next election year to pass his legacy. Become his own wealth, re-integrate all the resources in his hand and make these resources willing to pay for himself. In other words, it takes him a little more than ten years to be able to achieve the level of today's Bowers, that He was already over sixty by that time. What to do if the competition fails, then he will face another eight-year long ruling period. At that time, he will not be any different from the current Bowers.

The age of seventies is two steps away from Friends of the Peak, but the distance between these two steps is enough for him to go beyond. He is tantamount to turning his next life into a continuation of Bowers ’political life. In the end, he also has to choose a suitable person, and then trust that person with all the political wealth he has run for half his life. Retreat without leaving, and occasionally look at the young people dancing in the world from the newspaper.

This is not what he wants. What he wants is a comfortable life and proper power. It is good to be the mayor of this city. He is willing to continue to be, and it is better if he can be released to be governor in other states. Then, let those who have ambitions play those games of hegemony.

It is the experience of Hagrid to make some important people. Magus has been restraining the rapid expansion of capitalism, but everyone has already understood that capitalism cannot be restrained. An important reason why Magus can shake the northern consortium now is that he has been in power for more than 30 years as the leader of the New Party and has served as two prime ministers for too long. As long as his authority should be above the entire social mechanism, his tentacles have penetrated into all aspects of society, but once he left the political stage of the empire, the capital forces suppressed for so long will immediately rebound.

At this time, it is the safest way to speculate with a large company such as Du Lin, and maybe it will become an important bargaining chip.

It was clear that Du Lin was not clear about this matter. This diplomatic note was handed over to the Empire ’s Foreign Ministry directly by the federal diplomatic ambassador, and there was no leak. This is in line with Hagrid ’s reason here, and also allowed Du Lin Confused about another thing, but now is not the time to think about it.

Du Lin did not continue to ask about this topic, and asked the mayor of Hager may not know anything. In the end, all decisions are made by the cabinet. A mayor ca n’t reach the cabinet ’s decision, or Magus ’s Decide. But at the same time, Doolin knew that he had less and less time in the empire. He woke up a few years ago and wanted to make a big plan. This plan originally had only two people, he and Mr. Jack, but because of the financial resources that could be mobilized Because of this, in the end things became more and more complicated, more and more people joined, and even the imperial central bank and cabinet were involved.

By now, this is not a big plan for one person but two people, but a kind of ... potential battle between nations. As the commander of this war, Doolin is honored because he has a deep sense Then, his own name will be inscribed on the occasion of history, and it will be the most shining one.

"Speaking of which, I also have some questions to ask the Mayor of Hagrid ...", Du Lin quickly turned the topic to another direction, Hagrid showed a serious look of listening, he is a very capable official. At his status, there is no need to obviously lean on something or someone, but his attitude makes Doolin think he is a good person, at least not so arrogant because he has some power in his hand, "I There is a TV station on the Imperial Capital ... "

Hagrid nodded his head, "I know, that is the TV station that is involved in the signal line and can watch programs 24 hours a day."

This answer surprised Du Lin slightly. "Mayor Hagrid also knew?"

Hagrid laughed. "Of course, I also care about this TV station very much. You know that my wife, my children, and the kids love the tapes very much. We did n’t drop each issue. I just want to ask Ask, when will the Imperial City be ready? I must be the first to become a member. "

"This is what I want to say. Now that the construction of the TV station has encountered some problems, some people at the Imperial Academy of Arts believe that the construction will destroy the style and historical sites of the imperial capital, so the construction has temporarily stopped."

Hagrid froze. "These ... I will ask about them. In fact, these things are managed by the Social Service Bureau. The Imperial Academy cannot interfere in the administration. They do not have this ability and power."

Du Lin gave a stun, and then he laughed and said, "I have asked others for this matter, and it should be resolved soon. At that time, I will tell the company to move the first line into your residence."

"Thank you so much!", Hagrid raised his glass and touched Dulin, meaning that their conversation ended here, and there was nothing to say when they continued to talk. There was really nothing here that was the occasion for conversation.

After the two separated, Du Lin remembered what Mayor Hager had just said. He pondered for a while, then turned around and told Dufo, "Go and find the two little girls from the Hill family. I want to talk to them."

If the federal government insisted on revising the Monetary Memorandum of Understanding or even tearing up the agreement, Magus would not sit idly by and watch the Federation climb higher after stepping on the empire. The reason why there was such an agreement on currency in the past was that Du Lin also made a lot of efforts. From the perspective of the time, stabilizing the exchange rates between the two countries was of great help to the trade between the two countries. At least the empire would not suffer too much in export trade, and no one would take any advantage. At the same time, in terms of imported materials, using the savings and foreign exchange in their hands is also the federal shield, and their purchasing power in the international market is stronger.

At the same time, this agreement has also caused a huge change in the financial markets of the two countries, which can even be said to be a change.

Because to stabilize the exchange rate between the two countries, the central banks of the empire and the federation must have a certain ratio of foreign exchange reserves to mediate foreign exchange exchange rates anytime, anywhere. In the past, the two major banks of the Empire did not have much foreign exchange reserves and foreign trade was not much, but after this agreement, the two major banks absorbed a large number of federal shields at the request of the Cabinet, which is also the most important in the Doolin Plan. The factor is foreign exchange reserves.

Now the federal initiative to tear up this agreement is actually a good thing for the empire and for Doolin, which makes the next plan smoother, so in this game, he and his most important partners, The relationship between the imperial central bank must first stabilize.

Capital is always chasing interest ~ ~ Today, for the benefit and against the public court, Du Lin brought the Imperial Bank to court, but for the next greater benefit, Du Lin can also take the initiative to settle with the Imperial Bank. This is not a problem, as long as there are enough interests, nothing is impossible to talk about.

Du Fu quickly found the two sisters, and then sent them upstairs to the room that Grace had opened for Dulin.

"Why did he bring us here?" Diniya's face still looked so unpleasant. "Will he have any excessive things to do to us?" The little girl's heart was still calm, Du Lin's words just hurt her self-esteem seriously. The **** actually treated her as a skilled woman. Now that she calms down, Diniya thinks that Du Lin's statement can't be wrong, and she is even more disgusted with Du Lin. At the same time, there was a hint of fear.

When all the pride of a person is stepped on by others, it will either breed stronger courage, stronger determination, or become weak.

Seeing her sister not talking and frowning, she kept meditating. Diniya asked in a weak voice, "Do we really want to ... no, I will never do it!"

.. m.

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