Cosma Empire

Vol 3 Chapter 830: Xiuer

Vicky doesn't look much different from a few years ago. He has his own private medical team. These heavily hired experts will tell him how to keep his body from aging quickly, and also provide a lot of interesting little things. For him, of course it will cost a lot of money.

At this time he was in the swimming pool on the top floor of a commercial office building. The entire building was his assets. Except for the floors below, which were for sale or rent, the top floor was always privately owned and not open to the public except for occasional loans to friends. They use outside.

At this time, more than a dozen famous models and supermodels were playing with him in and out of the swimming pool. He liked these girls. From the energetic body of these girls, he seemed to be able to feel that he had lost his youthful atmosphere. This breath made him fascinated.

He gave his best youth to struggle, and then enjoyed the youth of others after he was old. This is why he strives to make money and is also the biggest source of happiness in life. Watching girls who were much younger than their daughters were playing in the water around him, and he couldn't stop smiling. This life is really wonderful.

But unfortunately, his good mood was soon broken. With the sound of a ding, the elevator door on the top of the building opened, the old man walked in with a gloomy look and looked at the young girls who were looking at him. Without saying a word, walked directly to the pool and sat on a lounge chair. He was wearing a formal suit at this time, incompatible with the environment here, and the two assistants who came in behind him greeted the girl to leave. Although the girls were a little unwilling, fortunately, they all got a check from the assistant's hand. They were slightly better.

Vicki reluctantly took a glass of wine from the tray floating on the water, took a sip, and then swam to the other side of the pool, facing the old man, "You shouldn't bother me, now is my time." "

句话 This sentence has a headache for the old man. Vicki is one of the few alternatives in the imperial central bank. He is not enthusiastic about the power in his hands. He prefers to use his mind for enjoyment. In his words, that is, he has made enough money, and he may not be able to count how much money he has in the remaining time. Why should he work so hard? It's better to think about how to spend money before death, enjoy yourself, and find ways to make yourself live longer. This makes Vicki a most special person. Almost everyone likes him because of his character and because of his generosity.

He is a very good friend, even the old man acknowledges this, but he is definitely not a qualified colleague. He has not shown the working ability that a successful person should have at all.

The old man tries not to raise his blood pressure. His doctor told him that the biggest problem he is facing now is his blood pressure, and hopes that he can do as much as possible to make himself happy, which helps to soothe his mood and maintain His blood pressure does not exceed a critical point.

But this is a difficult thing to do. Just like Vicky enjoys it, the old man is keen to control everything. He hopes that everything is in his palm, only then can he be happy. But the problem is that he can't do this and wants to do it, which makes his blood pressure often violent, and makes his body not as good as Vicky.

The handsome old man who looked at Vicki also had a little envy, but unfortunately he couldn't learn.

"I hope you can talk to Du Lin. The matter between us and him needs to be resolved as soon as possible, which is why I am here. You are also the chairman of the bank, and you have to bear your responsibility."

Vicky considered it, and nodded his head seriously, "You are very reasonable. I will contact him when I have time, so you can rest assured? Then you can go, and then take my Give me back the girls? "

The old man looked at Vicki as if he was looking at a mentally retarded man, "I think you are likely to forget this important thing ..." Then he turned around and asked the assistant to bring the phone over. Soon the assistant dragged a long line to the side of Vic, carrying the phone, and put the phone by the pool. The old man pointed to the phone, "Call now."

Wu Weiqi patted the water fiercely, splashing water everywhere, he shouted with a little shame, "I have another date at night! You can't do that!"

The old man finally smiled at this moment, "then cancel it, or I can help you cancel the person who is dating you."

Vicki stared at the old man, and then reluctantly made a phone call. He whispered a few words, hung up the phone, and looked at the old man innocently. "I tried to do what you said, but They do n’t know where Du Lin is now, so I ca n’t contact him. Rest assured, I will contact him again when I am free, can you go? ”He said, raising his arm with nothing. , Using your fingers to point at the wrist, "Seriously, I have another date at night ..."

Vicki is a very special person. His character and his style make him have a lot of friends. Whether it is a cabinet member or some vagrant hobos at the end of the street, it is possible to chat with Vicki, or even Drink together and watch the hot girls dance in the cheap bar. He is a person who really enjoys life, and with so much money, everyone has a great affinity for him. In some people's eyes, he is a bastard, but in the eyes of most people, he is a good person.

Dinissa expressed her impression of Vicki, which made Doolin think this guy is very interesting. In addition to Kevin's bitch, there are actually such interesting people, maybe they will become good friends. When he met last time, he didn't find Weird's strange side. He was very serious and even a little serious. Of course, this may have something to do with the people present at the time. In addition to Paul of the Treasury, there are Harry, Mr. Jack, and nephew of Magus and the agent of Kubar. These can be said to be standing in the tower of this world. A handful of the top, he seemed to be the most appropriate choice not to blame.

"I've heard about you." Du Lin played the ashtray and took a sip before annihilating the cigarette **** in the ashtray. He had inquired about the Sister Hill and knew what situation they were facing. He Looking at the two sisters, "I can give you a chance, but what can you give me?" Du Lin leaned on the sofa. "You should be very clear. If you want to get it, you have to give it. Much more, but it's not worth it, it's a different matter. "

Actually ... Du Lin's purpose is simple, he wants these two girls to work for him. This was not his whim, he hadn't considered it at first, but at the same time he suddenly realized that it was an excellent opportunity, a good opportunity to change his label. Du Lin has always been labeled as a minority mud dog's leg. His origin can be said to limit his development. Even Magus accidentally mentioned him. If he wants a broader prospect and future, The best way is to find a big noble marriage. As long as his wife is aristocratic, then he is aristocratic, which completely elutes the label of mud dog legs on his body, and the real top society will also open the door for him.

Dulin considered this proposal and never agreed. He knows the benefits of marrying a noble, and it also brings a lot of uncertainty, because not only is there an act called "marriage" in this world, but also a result called "divorce". If something separates him from the married family, his evaluation may be worse than it is now, and it is very likely.

Those nobles have never looked down upon people of his origin, and the inherent arrogance made them disdain, even if someone was willing to marry him, it was only the use of each other. Once the other party's request has passed the line, Du Lin will definitely refuse, which will lead to an inevitable result.

So is there a workaround to change this situation?

He thought about what Kevin said to him. Do n’t be independent. It ’s not good. At the same time, it reminds him of the world in his dreams. Mainstream society, let this society separate you and me.

The initiative of Mayor Shanghai Ge at the cocktail party inspired him. He extended the idea to the question of origin. He had a new idea. Would the nobles work better for himself?

You can try it. Failure will not let him lose anything. Other people can only take money from his bank account ~ ~ But if it succeeds, he will get far more than he paid. of.

I further said that this is itself a business without a capital, and that is why there is such a dialogue today.

The sisters Sister Ning did not know that Du Lin had so many thoughts. They were simply thinking about what they could do, but after considering for a long time, they did not find the advantage they had in front of Du Lin, they had nothing!

After a long time, Dinissa carefully asked, "What do you want?"

"Your family has served me for twenty years. As long as you nod, I will give you what you want!"

The girls' hearts suddenly fluttered and fluttered. They thought they had fallen into the abyss, but did not expect that the treasure was actually hidden in the abyss. At this moment, the two of them were dry and dry, but did not know how to answer this question . Now the Hill family has a successor, that is, their cousin, even if they nodded and agreed, they could not actually do it.

"Mr. Du Lin, you know ... the owner of the Hill family is not us, so we have no way to answer this question. Maybe we can contact the elders in the family?"

Du Lin smiled very easily, "Would you just let you be the owners? It's very simple!"

At this moment in Dinissa's heart, Doolin was definitely a devil, and he opened a condition that she could not refuse.

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