Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 844: Sleep 1 night [not proofread, refresh after 5 minutes]

Whether Carroll's second visit is to want to calm down the storm from the bottom of his heart, or the old heads of the Imperial Bank want to use the name of the Treasury to suppress Doolin, Doolin can't do nothing, that's not his character. & 1t; /

If you hit me, don't blame me for hitting you three times. They want Du Lin to give in, and Du Lin will dig their roots. & 1t; /

And this idea is definitely not the inspiration of a whim. He and Magus talked about the Empire Exhibition many times. Magus once said that the uncontrolled imperial bank brought huge financial and economic problems to the entire country. Potential threat. An uncontrolled central bank is likely to be a sharp edge for capitalists to trample on law and authority. When the amount of wealth and the control of the bottom of the society exceed the upper limit, they will want to seek more things, such as power. & 1t; /

Over the years, many rich people have transformed themselves into officials in certain places through political donations. They have advantages far beyond ordinary officials, which allows them to enter the official system of the empire once they are able to. Quick expansion swells. & 1t; /

In the simplest case, when a capitalist who employs hundreds of thousands of workers wants to run, maybe someone can resist him a little, but when a capitalist with millions of workers wants to gain power, no one can stop them. !! Their workers will not hesitate to vote for the employers who feed them and their families in exchange for opportunities for continued and stable work. These capitalists do not even need to spend money to promote, speak, and buy popular votes. Gain great advantages on the Internet. & 1t; /

If this matter is extended to a higher level, when a consortium with tens of millions of workers who work for them suddenly participates in the election, they may directly defeat those with more traditional meaning in the election year. Election officials on the job, getting the most votes in a state, it's extremely scary! Once a capitalist gains power in this way, all consortia will soon imitate learning and seize the power of each state, and eventually the cabinet will become a joke, and the empire will become "fractured." & 1t; /

If it is impossible to curb the expansion and expansion of these capitalists through official means, then in the end they can only rely on capital means to destroy these people, solve them in their best areas, and let their "death" warn all capitalists. There is always an insurmountable red line in this country. & 1t; /

If you want to do this, you must have your own "central bank" and stand on the side of the cabinet with absolutely no reservations at critical moments, otherwise planning is a joke in the end. & 1t; /

Carroll laughed twice, "Maybe ... I haven't thought about this. Maybe this is a good idea. I will discuss it with my colleagues when I go back." He didn't dare to continue here. Staying there, Du Lin's words made him a bit morbid, and even made him feel strange and horrible. He actually felt the same things as Du Magus in the way, expression and tone of Du Lin's speech . Understatement sees people sitting in an unstable chair, but he has to let his nose lead him away ... & 1t; /

Even more frightening is that after Du Lin said this sentence, he also seriously considered the feasibility, not directly rejected. & 1t; /

Terrible young man, so far after the first few years, no one is willing to challenge the position of the imperial central bank in the financial economy of the empire. There is no idea, but this guy! & 1t; /

Du Lin personally sent Carroll's deputy to leave and returned to the study. He glanced at the lined book on the table, sitting in the sun, thinking about what he could bring to the event. power. & 1t; /

On the third day after Carroll returned, he called Du Lin and told him that the Imperial Bank was willing to accept his terms and apologized to Du Lin at a reception. Being able to make such a decision means that the current rotating chairman is under greater pressure. Doolin once had doubts about Vicki. What role did he play in this? If he took out the patent certificate, the turmoil would calm down, but did he fail to do so, does it mean that he is another group of people? & 1t; /

On the second day after receiving the phone call, Natia arrived in the capital, along with her was Walter and her daughter, a little girl who was just in the ninth grade. & 1t; /

The atmosphere of Emperor Capital and the South was so different that their family didn't adapt so quickly. When Nateya saw Du Lin, Walter took their daughter to go shopping. & 1t; /

"You came very fast, is the road going well?", Du Lin reached out and shook Nateya, "We will leave the empire the day after tomorrow. You may need to talk to your family. At the latest we will be next year. Come back about the first half of the year. "& 1t; /

Doolin's trip to the Federation this time will not actually last that long. It will probably end in January and February next year, and then they will conduct a two-to-three-month trip around the world. & 1t; /

Why did no one rob him of his "commander" identity and power after Du Lin made this huge plan? Because all participants know that this is not a good job. A group of people has ruined the financial economy of a country. Does this country just admit its failure and face this huge setback lightly? & 1t; /

Of course not, they will try their best to find this person and destroy the **** from the physical to the spiritual in a humanitarian spirit, even if they cannot recover the losses and make up for it, at least they can vent their anger. So Du Lin needs to flee for a period of time, it can be said to be a tour, and finally return to the empire as a hero. & 1t; /

It was a very dangerous journey, and he rarely put himself in a dangerous situation, but this was another phased task that he must complete in another big plan. The more you know about this society, the more Du Lin can feel that even after more than 20 years, mainstream groups in the society have no feelings about the Federation, and even hate this country. It is the Federation that has shamed the proud Ogdins. If the Confederation of Confederations is a powerful country that is not weaker than the Empire, perhaps people will feel better. & 1t; /

But the Confederation is just a kingdom of villains formed by the treacherous merchants looked down upon by the Empire. They were actually invaded by a group of mean and shameless villains who had never looked down on them. The feeling is lingering. & 1t; /

What Du Lin has to do is not only to grab huge benefits for himself, but more importantly, he needs to be a "hero", a hero of an era, a hero of a country! & 1t; /

At that time, people will know what he did, what he did for the empire, for the mainstream society, people will cheer for him, the girls will spread their legs and wave the handkerchief in his hands, he will fully integrate into the true sense In the mainstream race of the empire, people will also be proud of him. & 1t; /

Only when this condition is met, or the limit is reached, can his next phased plan continue to be implemented step by step. & 1t; /

Life is long. You can't remember what you are doing every second of every day in your life. More than 90% of all the things you have experienced will be forgotten in the corner of your memory, or even completely forgotten. & 1t; /

But life is very short. When you inadvertently return, you will find that there is not much time left. You may feel that you have not even tried to do something that has not been done even in such a short life. Go Break through some of my limits. & 1t; /

So while you still have time, ability, and motivation and impulse, do what you want to do! & 1t; /

The determination in Du Lin's eyes flashed, and he led Natia on the sand with a smile. "I have a few houses in Central. You can go and choose your husband and daughter to live there. Those The house's decoration, furniture, and appliances are all complete and do not need to be purchased separately. In addition, I have already contacted the Royal School of Aristocracy, they are willing to accept your daughter to go to school there, I think she will also like the environment there . "& 1t; /

In order to ensure that Nadia can go to the Federation without any worry, she arranged everything very well, especially her daughter. The problem of schooling was not a problem at all in front of Du Lin waving a check. The principals came out personally to thank Du Lin for his help in education. & 1t; /

"I don't know what I should say ..." At the moment, Natia was very complicated. Not only did Dulin do so much for her, but she also gave her the most timely help when she encountered difficulties. , "I owe you so much, I don't even know what to do, you know what I mean!" & 1t; /

"Yes, yes ~ ~ I know!" Du Lin stroked a few words, "You want to repay me, so working hard for me is the best way, and what I do is not What the hell, rich **** always have something they want to do without asking for it, don't they? "& 1t; /

Nateya couldn't help but laughed again, and finally managed to get rid of a few tears. She felt that she had become accustomed to the way of talking like Doolin, and it really made her feel much better. She shook her head with a smile and said, "In short, I want your help." Without waiting for what Du Lin said, she preemptively said, "So what do I need to do now, and what kind of things to prepare?" & 1t; /

Du Lin pointed to the bar on one side. "If you don't mind, we can have a drink, relax for you and take a nap, then ... I mean you go back to sleep, and tomorrow we will attend a reception together. As for work, you just need to show your ability. "& 1t; /

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