Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 851: fanaticism

After talking to Toya once, Du Lin suspended the idea of ​​continuing to dial the number on the list. These international hot money and foundations have a set of operating procedures and rules and regulations, they are unlikely to trust themselves without hesitation, even if they say Trust is just a courtesy, that's all. If too much information is revealed, it is not safe to go out, so Du Lin temporarily suspended this connection.

Next, we have to wait for things to ferment.

On September 9, the Commonwealth and Empire reached a new agreement on the Monetary MoU signed between the two countries. The currency relationship between the two countries was completely split, and the exchange rate of the Federal Shield no longer nailed the exchange rate of the Imperial Star. Free floating in the market. At the same time, the Federation will give the empire a certain level of economic assistance each year, including cash of one billion federal shields and materials of not less than 800 million federal shields, including the transfer of some technologies. Against the background of the diplomatic friendship between the two countries, further strengthening bilateral relations has played a vital role in promoting the status of the empire and the federation as important members of the international community.

As soon as the news came back to the federal territory, the stock market rose sharply, and all industries and industries showed excellent chemical reactions. The three federal banks jointly announced another interest rate cut, which completely stimulated the activation of the increasingly active financial market. Many prominent public figures have come forward to say that this is the most correct choice for the Federation in recent years, made the most important choice for the financial economy of the Federation, and made the firmest step to promote the Federal Shield into a mainstream international currency. .

On the day when this news was announced, a large amount of goods hoarded in the port began to be loaded on board and left, and some small and medium-sized enterprises also began to consider the possibility of foreign trade.

游 Hot money and foundations from around the world have also begun the journey of harvesting wealth. They have already bought a large number of Federal Shields some time ago. Now that the Federal Shield has achieved a free floating exchange rate, it has also made at least a dozen percent.

"How much did I earn?" Du Lin asked by standing by the window and watching the crowds boiling on the street.

This is the seat of Madero Exchange and one of the most prosperous areas in the Federation. Madero Exchange is one of the two largest exchanges in the Federation. As federally active capitalists began to appear around the world, the Madero industry gradually revealed some trends to become international trading houses. More and more international investors are appearing here for settlement. It is said that the president of Madero Exchange is negotiating a series of cooperation matters in four other countries that have just calmed down the war.

Once they complete these transactions, they can invest in the financial sector of four countries, including stock futures and currencies, within the Madero Exchange. This move greatly stimulated the entire federal financial system. Some financiers stood up early and shouted to be the arrogant slogan "The world's largest financial transaction hub, the Federation even the world", so it can be seen how much federal people now have about capital Mania.

A series of good news has made the entire federal economy and finance extremely active. People are constantly hearing who has made a lot of money, and where real estate has been sold out as soon as it is opened. A lucky guy bought a few years ago. Only stocks have now turned dozens of times. The whole society is full of all kinds of outrageous wealth myths, but until now, no one has questioned in the public opinion these contents which do not look like real news. Instead, people are constantly helping to make people more enthusiastic.

The Federation's largest newspaper, the Good Morning News, reported that nearly 67% of the 317 million people in the Federation opened various trading accounts, and 4% Nineteen people are trading in a certain financial commodity. Remove those seniors and minors, almost everyone in the entire Federation is speculating in stocks, futures, and foreign exchange.

A federal that has a stronger business climate and a better capital system almost everyone knows how to generate income for themselves. They have caught up with this great market. Even official spokespeople are joking when they call for rational investment.

The frenetic atmosphere makes the Federation like New Year every day!

"Twenty-one points ...", Natiya gave Dulin a report that the trader had just written, which listed Dulin's return from the investment in the federal shield to the present. According to the exchange rate of the international currency market, one star dollar can only be exchanged for 3.2 federal shields, and the increase of the federal shield has exceeded people's imagination. Some people claim that the last dollar can only be exchanged for two federal shields, and even one to one in the end!

论 This argument has a huge market. People have been blinded by the crazy increase, so that many people who do not understand have joined in, and they are annoying that the Federal Shield is No. 1 in the world.

There was a burst of exclamation outside the window, and then there was a burst of laughter. This situation has happened many times in the past few days. The Federal Shield must have set a new high again. These people are completely crazy.

Du Lin returned the report to Natia, and thought for a moment, "Thirty points to help me trade ..."

Natia didn't ask why, and immediately went to implement Du Lin's request. Du Lin stood by the window and looked at the "investors" who were waving their hands and cheering on the street. They shook their heads with a smile. These people were really So cute!

Later, Du Lin received a call. On the other side of the phone was a person from the Federal Financial Management Commission, hoping to find time with Du Lin to sit down and talk.

When Du Lin came to the federation, he did not conceal his whereabouts, nor did he sneakily do anything. He drove out 80% of his working capital with great fanfare, and bought the federal shield in the foreign exchange market ~ This is already one of the abnormal flow of funds. The funds that Du Lin can mobilize are 290 million stars. According to the previous bribery, this has exceeded 1 billion federal shields.

恶意 Once such a large currency warehouse is sold maliciously, even if it cannot shake the continuous rise of the Federal Shield, it will affect some investors in the Federation. Although the federation is said to be an open market, there are still some things that are included in the regulation, not as free as imagined.

Du Lin responded to each other's request, and the two set their time tonight.

After the closing of the transaction, Du Lin took Nateya to meet the person of the Federal Financial Management Commission. This financial management commission is like a "police station" in the capital market. It is mainly responsible for monitoring abnormal fluctuations in financial markets and financial crimes. Is a very energetic sector. Even the capitalists of the federation do not like this group of people. They claim to be protecting the financial security of the federation, but in fact they are undermining true financial freedom.

He met Du Lin who looked very young, only in his early thirties. After seeing Du Lin, he came forward and shook hands with Du Lin to say hello. This is the character of the Federation, and having money means having everything. The anti-crime department has been guarding Dulin from developing criminal organizations within the Federation, conducting criminal activities, and placing him as a dangerous person. However, in the financial and economic departments, Du Lin was treated as an ancestor. Who made him so rich?

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