Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 867: Picturesque scenery

The old man unconsciously took a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket, and Du Lin's words were not exaggerated. What he said was facts. This is also the unanimous decision of the United Parliament and the federal government, including capitalists, consortia and even citizens in the federation. That are eager to be done. When one thing is promoted by the whole people, the top of the tower can only design directions and routes, and cannot completely control the situation, because they cannot control the spontaneous motivation of everyone.

The conference of the Eighteen Nations in previous years, although the content of the conference was to discuss whether the sea area is part of the national territory, but it also showed from the side that a country has no role in the context of the entire international position, even the empire. Both the United States and the United States objected, and another sixteen countries voted to agree.

No matter how powerful the empire and the confederation used to be, even if one can play ten, then what? Others don't take you to play and isolate you. In the end, you still have to lower your head and bend to take the initiative to integrate in? Moreover, the federation has never implemented isolationism, and the general direction of the country has always been active integration.

After discovering this, the federal policy direction and future route began to work towards occupying a more important position in the international community. To become a super-class superpower, it must be able to hold hands and convince others. thing.

In the Commonwealth, what is not or worse than others?

The answer is simple, finance, economy.

Or to put it plainly, that is rich.

The Federation is the earliest open free trade market in the world and the most mature country in the financial system. This has something to do with the past history of the Federation. Their systems and rules are far more effective and advanced than those of other countries, and their powerful capital power is enough to make the foreign trade of federal merchants spread all over the world. Under the premise of having such a very advantageous advantage, and the gradual easing of international wars, and the start of economic development and strengthening of national power in various countries, the federal government and the Speakers suddenly discovered that they were playing the rest of what we were playing. of.

So can we be the leading big brothers in these underdeveloped countries in the world, tell them how to avoid possible errors in development, find the most suitable development direction, and then let them become their own younger brothers and let the Federation become the real meaning "Big International"?

Once the idea was proposed, it firmly grabbed everyone's attention. A lot of opinions from consortia and big capitalists came together. The federal government felt that it could be tried. At the same time, they also noticed the issue of currency settlement in the process of foreign trade. Bring influence. If one day all countries in the world use the federal shield for settlement, and even use the federal shield in their daily lives, then it is not a problem for these countries to say that they are affiliates of the federation? !! When they use federal currency, read federal books, and even feel that they are federal ...

It's exciting enough to think about it. Although this idealized plan eventually evolved into a more realistic ironic plan, leaving the world in the shadow of the federal financial order, it is undeniable that Whether it is idealism or realism, it has nothing but harm to the Federation.

Following the protests and voices of the "civilian" consortium, the Federation began to actively implement this plan. First, they need to resolve the contradiction between themselves and the empire. Restoring tariffs is only the first step. Then cooperation in all aspects, including funding Economic aid is all about solving the empire's need not hinder them in the process of federal **** of the global financial system.

Then, after rounds of building, federal capitalists are active all over the world, so that all countries in the world understand the terrible and powerful foundation of the federal economy, and have longed for it.

In this process, there are some things that are too smooth, and the expansion is faster. However, with the joint efforts of the federal government, joint parliament, enthusiastic masses and big capitalists from all walks of life and big consortia, everyone does not think this will become a problem. As long as the Federation's position in the international financial field is getting higher and higher, and the importance of the Federation to the economic construction of various countries, all problems will not be problems in the end, because some people will pay for the earlier omissions.

现在 But now, a young man tells him, tells the makers and participants of this huge plan that when things are not as simple as he imagined, the old man is lost in thought.

After a while, the old man's cigarette was burned out. He squeezed his eyes and looked at the cigarette butt, inserted it into the ashtray, and looked at Du Lin, "This is also the real purpose of your coming to the federation. ,is it?"

Dulin did not lie, and admitted it directly, just like he would not lie when chatting with Magus, because he knew that lying Magus could feel it. The same is true of this old man. They have been standing at the top of the world for too long and have encountered everything. Lying or not lying, even if they are not sure, they will doubt. This is not as generous as it is, but it is more able to trust these people.

"Yes, Your Excellency," Du Lin said slightly, "I am a businessman ~ ~ My purpose is to pursue higher returns. When I find that there are major hidden dangers in the Federation, I know the opportunity. Here! This is not only me, but many people are waiting for the opportunity. Even without me today, there will be another Rowling, or Rayling, they will certainly do the same thing. "

"Our biggest advantage now is that I am willing to tell the truth, and this bomb will be detonated by myself!"

The old man thinks that a large amount of international hot money has recently entered the federation. At the beginning, the federal government said that this was a good thing, and even everyone in the joint parliament thought it was a good thing. A large amount of capital has flowed into the federation. As long as this money is invested in the federation, it is tantamount to helping the federal economy and financial prosperity. They are not afraid that these international hot money will be collected and left. Under the current megatrend, there is no higher way to invest than reporting on federal investment. Once more countries can be affected by the federation, the financial and economic level of the federation will grow exponentially, giving more profit margins.

But now it seems that this is not a good phenomenon.

The old man wanted to know more. He asked, "Mr. Du Lin, can you tell me, how do you detonate this bomb? Or how can we prevent this bomb from exploding?"

Dulin Haha laughed and rubbed his belly. "The scenery here is beautiful, and the lake is beautiful. Will the fish in the lake be more delicious than the outside?"

The old man froze again and glanced at his watch. "Well, it seems that I can't save a dinner ...", he stood up, "Let's fill the stomach first. After we have dinner, we have time. ! "

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