Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 873: Help

Saint-Los is one of the most prosperous and prosperous cities in the Federation, none of which is referred to by some capitalists as the "new capital". Although this is just what the capitalists say, and it has not been officially recognized, many people still refer to Saint Luo as the new capital because this is the world.

The top 50 federal companies, the top 10 consortiums, including the head office of the Commonwealth Bank, are all located in this place. Saint-Loss is located in the middle of the federal territory. At the earliest, Saint-Loss was only a freight transfer station. Goods from all parts of the Federation Will gather here and then conduct a new round of scheduling, a large number of businessmen gathered here, making this town completely different in decades.

It used to be a paradise for adventurers and speculators. Some of these people have gradually become the dust of history. Perhaps even the names have now been forgotten, but some people have emerged from it and become the "new emperor" of the city. A large number of large capitalists and consortia have gathered here to create an extremely prosperous social environment here. Walking on the street and meeting a person casually may be the middle and low-level cadres of a large company. This is a city that is fascinated by gold, especially at night, only to be able to glimpse the city's prosperity and the special smell it emits.

On the top floor of the tallest building in Saint-Lotus, ten people with different expressions sit or stand, and the whole city is outside the floor-to-ceiling window. Here you can see every street and every building in this city, as if the entire city is nothing but Like the toy in hand, it makes people feel full of power.

十 These ten people are the heads of the top ten consortiums in the Federation. They are very familiar with each other, some are relatives, and some have cooperated for many years. People did not include the founding nation in the selection of the top ten consortiums in the Federation. Otherwise, the current top ten consortiums may not have anything to do with it. The founding nations that have been accumulated over hundreds of years are enough to match these new consortia even if they have not made any slight progress now.

This is also the reason why the national clan was not established in Xinludu. They disdain to be mixed with these new-born consortiums. They have their own pride and persistence.

"The situation is a little strange recently ...", the speaker seems to be in his thirties, but the actual age is already forty years old, and the great role of money is vividly reflected on him. Better maintenance makes him look much younger than his peers. Expensive clothes and low-key luxury accessories are enough for many people to look at him with such a look. He walked to the floor-to-ceiling window with a wine glass and looked down on the city of Saint-Lotus. This is him, or their city, and he is proud of everything here.

There are many beggars and homeless people in the Commonwealth, and there will never be a large number of losers in the society, but they are rare here. Because the high cost of living here makes it difficult for beggars and homeless people to maintain, and it is impossible to have those freaks who can fly to the top of the building on a bicycle!

He glanced back at the others in the room and continued, "Someone was pushing this, the right inside story came out at the right time, some international hot money that was not afraid of death appeared properly, and then was properly overturned to the ground. It's a coincidence. "

This is no coincidence, but like a script, everyone is perfectly performing the plot they need to show, and it feels smooth and scary.

An old man in his sixties chuckled a few times. He lowered his book and took off his eyes. "This is not a bad thing for us. People believe that there will be no problems in the federal financial economy. And he is willing to pay for possible risks. Is n’t that good? ”Everyone else is listening to the old man. This old man was one of the leaders of the consortium who had confronted the national group. Although he failed in the end, compared to Those who have gone missing can be said to have succeeded.

This is like a humble ordinary man waving his weapon at the emperor. Instead of being executed, he has grown stronger. His experience and his experience are very important to everyone.

The old man glanced at the others and said, "We and their current goal are the same. In order to ensure that there are no mistakes in this goal, we now need to unite temporarily, as we did in the past. Once the federal shield becomes With the international settlement currency, it's not just us who are benefiting, they will also extract a lot of benefits from it. "

"Gentlemen, although they don't consider themselves a consortium, they are essentially no different from us!"

"Continuously increasing the influence of the Federation and inspiring the Federation ’s desire for victory will only allow the entire society to devote more resources to this matter. I have noticed that the Federal Government has recently introduced a new policy and the Ministry of Defense has allocated the Navy More military spending, and probably mobilize more than half of the navy around the end of this year to provide security for our import and export trade. "

"Now they are more anxious than us, and they can see huge risks, so they can't wait to complete this goal ~ ~ Once the federal shield really becomes the international settlement currency, then these huge risks now It can be passed on to all currency member states that use the federal shield for settlement. "

他们 "They are anxious. They must not only show the invincibility and strength of the Federation in terms of finance and economy, but also draw more countries and forces into this circle by showing off force."

他们 "They have paved the way for us, so why didn't we start running on this road before them?"

The old man shook his head and said, "It's easy to know what happened, what's the reporter's name ..."

Someone responded casually, "Majeri, sir,"

"Yes, Margery." The old man put his eyes back on, and held up the book again. "Ask him and you will understand everything!"

当然 "Of course, I offer a trivial suggestion, why don't we try to cooperate with it?", The old man smiled and continued reading the books in hand.

The financial market will be stable in the next few days. After experiencing a "financial sniper", the steady rise will make more people believe that the federal financial security is unbreakable, which has also attracted the attention of some countries internationally. For these less-developed countries, successful and mature economic construction experience is the most attractive to them now.

The prevalence of the great internationalism trend has made the ruling layers of these countries feel a sense of urgency. If they cannot catch up now, they will only be lost further and further, and even lose their international voice!

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