Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 883: Make up yesterday

Dulin talked with the four federal speakers for a short time. He also changed the situation of the empire slightly and used it in his talking strategy.

"You must know the empire very well. After all, we have been with each other for a long time, dating back hundreds of years." Du Lin's words were recognized by everyone, and they nodded.

The existence of the Confederation is not short-lived, but in the past many years, a concept similar to "state" has not been formed. It is more like a large group of businessmen living together and building some bazaars in some convenient places. Gradually, these places became more and more prosperous because of the existence of businessmen, and eventually changed from market to township, and then to cities. After a long period of time, cities without a national concept existed for a long time. Of ancestors think why not unite and turn a loose business alliance into a country?

The country has the advantages of the country, the regulation and utilization of goods and management are more convenient, and it is also very helpful to the management of the entire business alliance, so in the end, the business federation is a unique country. In some policies and systems, the Federation also directly copied the system of the Empire, but not all of them. They used it when they felt good, and they did n’t use it if they felt bad. After all, there is still a big gap between the Federation and the Empire, whether it is the state The system, or the stratification of society, is almost completely different.

The question Du Lin is asking now is to tell them that they have gone too far.

"Excessive decentralization will bring a lot of dangers. People will not be in awe of authority. They will be free and casual, and will even breed a dangerous idea."

"The Empire and the Commonwealth have some of the same problems. For example, capital forces have eroded and interfered with political power. Many large consortia and capitalists in the Empire are looking to cultivate their own political spokespersons. By helping these political spokespersons to continuously improve their political status, they will eventually improve their policies Profiting from tilt. But this is not the same as the federation. No matter what strength and social influence these large consortia and capitalists have, they must play a 'game' within the framework established by the cabinet. If they cross the line, , They will suffer severe consequences. "

人们 "People are always in awe of those in power and fully aware of the great power of power. This does not seem obvious in the Federation."

Du Lin leaned on the sofa and changed his posture. "I checked some information after I went back last time and learned that there are two very serious movements in federal history that can be called" rebellion. "The first time was more than 70. The 'Retro Movement', initiated by several big capitals years ago, and the 'Parliamentary Reform Movement' more than 30 years ago. "

The previous "retro movement" was initiated by several big capitalists, who believed that the founding nation was looting the interests of all businessmen. This country did not exist at the beginning of the country. This is a loosely structured alliance. Every big business man has A piece of territory belongs to them. They circulate trade on their territory, and there is no behavior or nature of any country. The alliance has become more and more prosperous, and more and more businessmen have appeared here to trade, so that these so-called "nation-building nations" feel a huge crisis.

As a result, they used their unprecedented influence and power from others to forcefully turn this loose alliance into a country and stabilize their power and wealth by controlling the plunder of the interests of other businessmen. This behavior is as shameless as the robbers and thieves, and even more shamelessly, for their own status, they have devised a decaying feudal ruling method such as a lifetime system to persecute businessmen in the Federation. For the future of the Commonwealth, and for the benefit of all businessmen, these big capitalists launched a campaign known as the "retro movement".

They advocated a federal referendum to privately link the big consortia and big capitalists in the Federation, wanting to fundamentally dismantle the Speaker's life-long system and liberate these powers from the hands of the founding nations. For this reason, of course, they need to have some excuses that they can come up with, such as slogans such as letting the country return to its true form and liberating power from a few people, so they are also called "retro movements".

The consequence of this movement is that the ruling system is completely divided into two systems. At that time, a large number of government officials joined the magnificent movement, especially those government officials second only to the speaker. They can never reach the top The throne of power, so some people are more willing to try to break through this level, maybe they can reach the pinnacle of power in their lifetime. These people have been completely corrupted by the power of capital, and some of them are capitalists themselves.

联合 The United Parliament and the nation-building clan were almost overthrown in that movement, but they survived with the resources and strength in their hands, and the federal rule system also changed. The big capitalists who launched this movement have already fled overseas. Of course, this is the official statement. They will not admit that they are cruel and do not accept the rotten rulers of opposition.

The second movement is the "Parliamentary Reform Movement", which was initiated by several large consortia in the Federation at the same time. They believed that the Federal Speaker's lifetime system would bring about the decay of power. Uncompetitive federal high-level officials would gradually lose their vitality until they became Like some decaying feudal dynasties, the last bit of erosion has turned the Federation into a third-class country.

After the last movement, the United Parliament has always firmly controlled the power in their own hands. They started from a big family of half business and half power to a family of power. Money is no longer tempting to them. All they want is Permanently stabilize the power in your hands.

The consequences of this campaign are not as serious as the last one. Of course, it may have something to do with their constant vigilance that Diao Min is going to stab himself. In the end, these initiators fled and died, but also for The Federation has brought about different changes ~ ~ That is, in addition to the United Parliament, the Federation has established a new institution, the Federal Parliament, and has begun to accommodate social capitalists, consortium leaders and some other identities. People become members of this new institution. The union parliament delegated power to the federal parliament, and then introduced capitalist representatives to compromise, reconciling the sharpening contradictions.

When Du Lin uttered this sentence, the expressions on the faces of the four gentlemen changed slightly, which was not very good-looking, but Du Lin continued to say, "In addition to these two sports, there are other big and small The movement was just not loud enough, and the follow-up influence was not serious enough, so I did not mention it. "He smiled slightly," Gentlemen, if these things happen in the Federation ... ", his tone suddenly strengthened," No, It may happen the first time, but nothing will happen afterwards, because people dare not do it. "

"The more dangerous things, the more they should be in the hands of a few!"

"When people have enough wealth, but they do not understand the power of awe, their first thought is to break the rules and challenge power."

"Some people have inflated their stupid ambitions because they have acquired wealth that ordinary people cannot have. They mistakenly believe that power comes from wealth, but they don't know that wealth is just an extension of power."

"What we need to do now is to correct their misconceptions and let them understand what the world really looks like!"

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