Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 888: Taste laughter often

Everything is in place, only due to the east wind, this is a saying in this world ..., but not.

However, at this time, Du Lin has adjusted his state. The next exhibition may be particularly thrilling in future textbooks, and even make readers squeeze a sweat, but he is really calm now, except for a trace of his heart. Hiding deep desires.

"If there are no problems, then I will start it." On the phone, Du Lin confirmed again, and these people who built the nation, they have been thinking about it for a long time.

For them, this is indeed a dilemma. If you choose to stop Doolin, there is no doubt that the day when the Federal Shield becomes the currency of international settlement will be the beginning of the new and old forces tearing their skins. In order to protect the power in their own hands and to return power to the people who really need it, the battle between the founding nation and the new consortium will be extremely fierce, and it is likely that these rulers will be reduced to new kings, holding up their scepters and heading to the throne. Ladder. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

This is what they do not want to see. They have ruled this country for hundreds of years. As a ruler, the factors have already entered the bone marrow. As soon as each generation is born and sensible, they will be informed by their elders that they belong to this country. Those who have the highest power must inherit some of these powers and pass them on for generations to generations.

The risk is too great now, and these people are not sure whether they can restrict the spying of the nascent consortium to their scepter. The more they stop and the more cruel they become, the more intense these people's desire for power is.

But if they do, collaborating with Doolin and destroying these new consortiums, the federal economy will go back at least ten years, or even twenty years, and there will be a lot of turmoil because of this, and it may cause civil war. However, they have thus stabilized the power in their hands and shattered all those who can challenge themselves and the forces in the current society. The reshuffled social class will bring at least two hundred years of centralized power to their stable rule. They can plan this new country as much as they want to make it less aggressive than it is now. . & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Is this treason?

No, this is a restart. This is a redistribution of social resources. Almost the vast majority of people will return to a state of nothing overnight. It looks as if they have indeed suffered a disaster, a financial disaster. But for many people, it also means an unprecedented opportunity for society to return to the society from the consortium pockets of the solidified class. As long as you have the courage and ability, it is not difficult to become a new noble. Without the stubborn and indestructible class, and without the rules and restrictions everywhere, this is definitely a whole new world.

The choice is to surrender power and then withdraw from the political arena sadly, or to restart the country and return everything to the simplest era, the choice is in their hands.

The receiver was silent for a long time before the voice that Du Lin needed was heard. "Yes, we have already made a decision and will cooperate with you comprehensively." They used the word "you", and they knew it was not Du Lin's plan alone has many participants, even ... and some unexpected people participated in it. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

"So gentlemen, on November 23, Shenhui will sprinkle this land!" Du Lin hung up the phone after speaking. He stood still without moving, pondered for a while and then shook his head.

He was about to turn around to arrange things, but unexpectedly saw Natia coming down from the car just entering the manor, and he frowned slightly. Some time ago, when Du Lin sent Natia back, she told her that she would not come back for the time being and handle her affairs with peace of mind. By the way, you can go to the west side and feel what the "West of Du Lin" is Beautiful view. Dooling knew that there would be a long time to flee, and he would not be able to return to China until at least the period of federal diplomatic pressure had passed.

In his original plan, he thought of traveling with Natia, but later he thought that taking a woman was not a realistic thing. In his mouth, he said it was a tour, but in fact he was a runaway. In the face of the federal pursuit and the uncertain positions of various countries, this tour will not be so leisurely. So when he sent Nateya back, he told her not to come again, but now she is here again. This is a troublesome thing, and he doesn't like trouble. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

After returning to the study, Du Lin asked Nadia to come to the study. As soon as the door was closed, Du Lin asked, "Don't you say you don't need to come back?"

Natiya sighed and answered the question, "I'm divorced."

Du Lin looked startled, "Divorced? That's terrible!" In fact, he already knew.

Natia did not quarrel with Walter after returning, it was more like a peaceful breakup. Perhaps Walter also knew how stupid things he had done, so he did not quarrel, he knew that quarrel could not change the outcome. Since it can't be done, why not be more generous, gentlemen, and say goodbye more peacefully?

Then three people sat together and signed the divorce agreement. From that moment, Walter was free. He went after his own love, just as he said to Nateya finally. He looked for the passion he once had in that girl, the kind of blood that would consume all the energy and time for something that might be stupid every day. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

This is love, and they once owned it ... maybe.

Nateya was also extremely calm. After signing the divorce agreement, she gave nothing to Walter, and Walter did not ask for anything, and then left with the girl.

After a sudden divorce, Nadia had a little inexplicable sorrow, and a little more inexplicably wanted to laugh, laugh at herself stupid, laugh at Walter absurdly, laugh at a world full of stupid fools.

Then she thought about coming back. She was n’t sure if it was a right decision to go to the west alone. I heard that the law and order in the west is not very good. The simple western people like to greet guests with fast rotating metal bullets. In the end, it ’s still She chose to come to the federation. Maybe Doolin has other things to do.

Then she was here. Facing Du Lin, she sighed again, but her mood was not so sad. "This is actually a good thing. You don't understand. We have lived together for twelve years. I do n’t have much time. Maybe I was the longest time to get together when I was pregnant. I ca n’t afford to lose my job here. I always run around and have less contact time. Maybe that ’s why I feel sad. , But not as sad as you think. "& 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

"I thought that when I made this final decision there would be a knife stuck in my chest and let my soul die for a while, but it wasn't actually like that."

Du Lin asked in an uncertain tone, "So, is this actually a good thing?"

"Who knows?" Nadia shook her head and smiled, a little stunned, "Maybe just a little reconciled, because everyone will feel that they are the best, they should have everything, but in the end, they just have Wuwu's shadow looked coldly at him lying. "

"At our age, is there really love besides impulse?"

Du Lin pursed his eyes and opened his eyes twice. He realized that there was a question, would everyone say something philosophical after being hurt?

"Well, I'll give you a holiday. You can go elsewhere and relax. When you think you're relieved, we're discussing work." & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Natia suddenly looked up at Du Lin and asked, "Is this mercy, because you think I'm pathetic?"

"No, because it's dangerous next time." Du Lin didn't tell a lie to cover up the truth of the facts. Sometimes he was weird. Some people got rich but didn't dare tell the family, but they were willing to share it with friends. Some people gain powerful power for some reason. They never tell the truth to the people around them, but show their power very generously to people they don't know. Of course, they will use the reason that the family can not accept the facts or they are afraid that the people around them will be surprised at their own changes. This can only fool themselves for conscientious questions, but Du Lin has always been a sincere person. He never lies ... maybe Right.

"I will attack the federal financial markets, which will make me a target that many people must remove, so soon I will face many pursuits, and you will interfere with my escape here," Du Lin said directly. For reasons, and lit a cigarette, "I don't want to disrupt my plan because of an extra person, do you understand what I mean?" & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Nadiay thought about the expression of Walter looking at the girl, and suddenly an impulse suddenly appeared in her heart, which made her say unexpectedly without thinking about it, "I want to be with you together."

After speaking, she realized what stupid words she said ~ ~ and laughed, "I said nothing wrong, but at my age, there may only be impulses, and there are There are still more impulses. "

Du Lin also laughed a few times, "If you want to do that, you can wait for me in Sayesha, NTU 6 in early February. I will make a circle there during that time, and then do a tour around the world. "

Natiya didn't say much, and left the study. She went back to clean up and left the manor to go out to sea. She knew very well that this was what she should do. Although she was shocked by Du Lin's big plan, she also knew that she could not do anything now.

Du Lin, who was sitting on the chair with her legs tilted, pressed one hand against the armrest of the chair, and the index finger of the ring beat the armrest rhythmically, and the knuckle of the other index finger rested on her lips.

This country has entered the restart countdown!

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