Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 890: Tsunami [1]

Mr. Cardo opened the file bag and took out a copy of the equity documents. Each page was read very carefully. There is no doubt that these documents are true. He has his own way to verify the authenticity of these documents. There are always some unknown anti-counterfeiting methods in the financial field, such as seals or signatures, which are too particular about it.

According to the current evaluation of the Atlantic Group, the market value of the industry owned by this consortium is between 4 billion and 6 billion federal shields. The reason why such a large span is because of several important companies of the Atlantic Group Future prospects are very good, including United Construction and United Pharmaceutical. Although United Pharmaceuticals has not been very prominent in these years, they have already held several very important patents. It is only a matter of time before they start to make large-scale profits.

With these things, plus the creditworthiness of Atlantic Group companies, they are able to borrow from the Federal Bank to about eight billion federal shields. If you do it again, 10 billion is not a big problem.

But Caldo is not sure where this money will be used. Doolin borrows so many federal shields at this special time. If it is used to save the market, the risk of this money will not be too small, but it will not It's too big, and the influence brought by such a rescue operation is enough to make them make more money after the sudden sniper storm.

The universal values ​​of society will make people remember the dedication of Atlantic Group companies to fight against the evil forces from the world. People will pursue this new consortium and put their money in the pockets of these consortium companies, let them live. Better.

However, if Du Lin used this money to short the federal shield, it would definitely be a severe test for the current situation, and it is likely to lead to a series of changes. Even Cardo can already imagine many more serious and even Serious problems can explode.

He raised his hand subconsciously and wiped the cold sweat on the rubbing edge. It is now November 23, and the temperature on the federal side has dropped to about zero, but he still feels hot and sweaty.

"Mr. Durin ...", he organized the language, and rejected his request as much as possible without angering Durin. "Although I preside over the daily work of the Federal Bank, I have such a large financial business. I can't be the master. "His tone was very sincere." This requires the Ministry of Finance and the President to sign in order to get approval. "

Du Lin smiled, "I know very well, but someone needs to submit this application, isn't it? I'm not suitable for this job, and you are the most suitable person. Whether they are willing to approve this request, Your work is done. "

Cardo had no chance to refuse. He considered it, nodded, and glanced at Dulin. "Mr. Dulin, I have had some problems with my investment recently. I don't know if I can ..."

"Of course you can. We are friends. I am always very generous to friends!" Although this request was a bit strange, Du Lin still satisfied him.

When he returned to the Federal Bank, he immediately reported the matter to the bank's governor. As for whether the Treasury Department had to say hello, he felt that it should be left to the governor's decision. After doing all this, he waited quietly in the office, and pushed off all the work.

To the extent that he can be the deputy governor of the Commonwealth Bank and lead daily work, he is not a naive person for a long time. He is very disturbed at this moment. He is not sure if what he is guessing is true or false, but The worst is planned.

About an hour later, the secretary knocked on the door and sent in the approval document of the president, with the seal of the Ministry of Finance on it. The borrowing of such a large amount of money must definitely alarm the Treasury Department. This money is enough to cause a certain degree of turmoil, and it will not let the federal government know that the federal bank cannot take out this money.

After seeing the documents, Caldor arranged the next process, that is, the loan process, while packing valuables in the office, including some personal things, he was packed in a suitcase, and by the way he took all the money he had Transferred to an account of an overseas bank. When he was done, he sat on the sand, holding his face a bit frustrated, but quickly cheered up. He pretended to be indifferent, as he did every day, smiled and said goodbye to the employees, left the office building, and drove back home slowly. The moment he closed the door, he rushed into the room without changing his shoes.

His wife is making dinner for him, and there are seven days left before the New Year. The "New Year" of the Commonwealth is not January 1st, but December 1st. This has something to do with religious beliefs and folklore. To explain why the beliefs of the Commonwealth need to be said on December 1st A long history, in short, is not far from the New Year.

"You forgot to change your shoes, dear." His wife stood in front of the kitchen stove to make a thick soup without turning back. The sound of leather shoes stepping on the floor is not the same as the sound of soft-soled slippers stepping on the floor, which can only be heard with your ears.

Cardo didn't bother with the problem, he walked upstairs and said, "Go pack your stuff right away, then call and call the child back, and we leave the Federation overnight."

His wife's movements were tight and her heart tightened. When he turned around, Caldo had already gone to the second floor. She turned off the kitchen stove and chased after her, running and asking, "What was born? Why did you leave overnight?"

Cardo, who had already ran into the study, had no time to explain clearly, and he rarely snarled, "Go and do as I ask!"

His wife froze for a moment, then ran back to the bedroom in a panic, picked up the phone and dialed their child's school phone, and asked the teacher for leave.

Cardo has come to realize that this is a bureau, a terrible bureau, the Federal Bank and even the federal government, someone has treason. They are betraying the interests of the country. What's more terrible is that he has somehow become a "handler". After working at the bank for so many years, he knew that once the federal shield collapsed, the entire federal economy would be fatally hit. By that time, those who betrayed national interests must put away some people who attracted firepower in order to quell the grievances of the people.

One of the players with sufficient status and power like him is obviously the best scapegoat.

If he doesn't leave now, he may not be able to leave in two days. Before the situation has completely deteriorated, he must leave the Federation immediately. He asked for some benefits from Doolin because he guessed the seriousness of the problem. The sudden appearance of a large number of shorts in the foreign exchange market is just a sign, and he guessed that after Doulin got this 10 billion federal shield, he would start to sell in the foreign exchange market frantically.

Ten billion yuan is enough to shake the current situation of the federal shield. As long as the federal shield can continue to decline, coupled with increasing shorts, and other means he does not know, the federal financial collapse will only be instantaneous!

He thought that Doolin's request could not be passed, because even he could guess that Doolin was one of the main forces for shorting the federal shield. How could the Federal Bank and the federal government not know after learning about this borrowing demand? Now that they know, why should they agree with Du Lin's request? This shows what? This shows that the federal government and the president may also be involved in this financial tsunami, and may even be one of the black hands behind the scenes. Coupled with the growing conflict between the old and new consortiums that have been in the Federation for a long time, he faintly realized what.

His expertise tells him that he doesn't want to die and must leave now!

Half an hour later, he took his family out of the nearest customs office, and the destination was ... the Empire. He believes that the crisis is a manifestation of a huge conspiracy, and it is likely that the empire is also involved. In that case, why not stand on the side of the victor, and in his current status, he can even apply for political asylum. He believed that the Empire would give him high treatment, and they also needed some people to stand up and blame the federal chaos in order to gain more political benefits.

Du Lin didn't know that the scapegoat they had planned actually ran. Of course, it had nothing to do with him, because on the entire chessboard, he was both a chess player and a chess piece, and he was also preparing to run at any time. Scapegoat.

At 9:30 the next day, the funds of the Federal Bank were already in place. He immediately informed Mr. Jack and the Minister of Finance of the Imperial Cabinet that the next step could be taken.

At 10 am, a large number of selling suddenly occurred in the foreign exchange market, which caused the Federal Shield to have a violent shock in the foreign exchange market. The new generation of consortiums in the federation have already felt something. They immediately adjusted a large amount of funds to take orders while Urgent consultations with the federal government are required. The usually very aggressive federal government has suddenly become frayed, and certain unknown changes have continued to make these consortia's demands continue to fall through. Either the finance minister left on vacation or the head of the Commonwealth Bank couldn't find anyone ~ ~ hit these new-born consortia by surprise.

At the same time, all financial appraisal agencies on Empire's Sherry Street began to lash out at the federal financial policy in the past two years, pointing out in detail that their financial achievements lack a solid foundation, and they have badly watched the federal economic performance. The Imperial Central Bank and Southern Commercial Bank also issued new risk assessments, saying that the unprecedented increase in the federal shield has huge hidden dangers, and it is recommended that all customers reduce their holdings of the federal shield. At the same time, due to the end of the currency relationship between the two countries, the Imperial Cabinet announced that it would no longer continue to hold a large amount of federal shield foreign exchange savings in order to stabilize the stability of the exchange rates of the two countries.

At 11.25 noon, the Federal Shield has created the largest one-day drop in recent years, at 11 percent. Moreover, this is only a half-day market, and a half-day ...

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