Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 898: Initiatives

Suddenly, there was a loud gunshot on the surface of the sea, and Du Lin immediately caused the captain to cut off all power supply systems and stop the engine. Accompanying some of the murky sounds, one can already guess what happened.

The patrol ship of Erhai defense encountered an armed ship and had a brief exchange of fire. Some faint lights were faintly seen in some places far away. If you didn't guess wrong, it would be impossible to reach the sea.

Du Lin was silent in the dark for a moment. The federal government responded faster than he imagined. If he was forced to walk the sea ... it was too dangerous. He knew that there would be many patrol ships to break through, even if his head was hard. There were so many scars that it seemed that this road could not be taken for the time being.

There is also a disadvantage of walking away from the sea, that is, once found, there is no place to escape, and if you do n’t jump the ship, you will be killed. You may not be able to survive the jump.

Immediately after making a decision, Du Lin asked the captain to restart the engine and asked him to dock.

The short-term armed conflict not only changed Du Lin's mind, but also alarmed many people. When the naval base learned that it was not Du Lin's party, but a group of illegal armed pirates, they did not continue to ask questions. Be careful not to let Du Lin out of the country, and send more ships to sail on the sea. It was already dark at this time. If Du Lin was going by sea, it would most likely be in these days, and he would definitely choose to leave in the middle of the night. If he leaves from this area, the garrison commander in this area will definitely bear more responsibilities.

He doesn't require that he must catch Du Lin on his own side, but he must not let Du Lin break through from his side. Almost everyone at the naval base has sent out to participate in patrols. It can be used for nothing, but it must not be done. .

Du Lin, who re-shored, stood on the beach, he lit a cigarette, and watched the stowaway not far away sink into the water slowly. When the stowaway completely disappeared, he turned around and led a person towards a nearby one. Touch the place where there is light. Since the waterway is inaccessible, go by land.

There is a long border between the Confederation and the Empire. The territory of the two countries is entangled with each other. It seems as though any place can pass, but Du Lin is afraid to take risks. Instead, he chooses to go north instead of south.

出发 From here, after passing four cities, you can cross the narrow corridor at the corner of the northern continent and enter the Principality of Orex. As long as he entered the Duchy of Orix, his trip was basically safe.

The sudden disappearance of Doolin made Sail and the United Parliament a little bit of a headache, but they were only limited to "some". At this time, their mood was good because of the social turmoil and the rapid deterioration of public order. According to the federal constitution, the state ’s Power began to be concentrated, curfews were placed in all regions, and social resources began to obey the rationing system. In some respects, the power of the Joint Parliament is infinitely enlarged. It can be said that the limits of centralization in the current social environment have been achieved, which is enough to allow them to use the special power in their hands to do things that are not usually convenient.

"First of all, we have to deal with those who are disobedient." As the "cooperator" of the financial tsunami federation, Mr. Sai is of course the leader of the current United Parliament. He looked at the gentlemen around the conference table. , The corner of his mouth involuntarily picked. This feeling of holding heavy power has not been experienced for a long time. When the country faces some special conditions in the constitution, the joint parliament will concentrate all power to become a true "dictator" until this special period has passed. period.

Although the Confederacy has suffered great shocks and injuries, their power in their hands has been magnified more than a few times. If it is said that the loss, for them, there may not be any substantial loss, but the power has become more.

With Mr. Sai's voice falling, others nodded one after another. Sometimes, in some occasions, whoever takes the initiative can eat more food. Mr. Sail launched this change without the knowledge of some of them. No one knew if he had prepared other back-ends. Without prejudice to their own interests, they did not mind Mr. Sail to preside over this. Conference, and even preside over this beneficial change.

Looking at everyone's approval, Mr. Sail is very satisfied. He continued, "Our goal this time is our old opponents. Since they are willing to do good things, then we might as well let them continue doing good things ...". The new-generation consortium also suffered heavy losses in the financial tsunami. It can be said that it hurt its vitality, but it did not hurt the fundamentals. If these consortia are compared to farmers, they are now experiencing a violent storm, which destroyed the crops in the field, but did not let them go to their own land.

They may face many problems in the next year, but as long as the next year's crops are planted, they will be able to fill all the barns when the harvest season comes.

Now what Mr. Sai is going to do is destroy the land of these farmers, let them lose the most important foundation-split, then requisition, dismantle the big consortium step by step, and break up their wealth and share it evenly. The bottom of the society allows wealth to be redistributed. In this way, we can solve some intensifying problems in the current society and restart the entire society! The restarted society will have a relatively fair atmosphere for a period of time that will last a hundred or two hundred years. During this time, these people will stabilize the power in their hands and will not be threatened by some new consortiums as in the past. .

The joint parliament will play an important role, thus occupying a more important position and gaining more power in the restarted society. Did you do so much just to have such a day?

The meeting lasted until the next morning. Although the speakers were very tired, they looked very excited. Through this meeting, they have resolved internal contradictions and divided future interests, and everyone is very satisfied.

At noon, the government announced the current treatment plan for the financial tsunami and other issues to the community. First of all, the federal government and the top ten consortia, including some large capitalists and group companies, need to provide enough money to support the national economy and not cause a complete collapse. Some funds are used for pallets to ensure that the federal shield does not become a waste. Paper, the other part of the funds is used to resume production. Officially speaking, the people of the Federation have fed these consortia for decades, so at this moment, they are facing a difficult social environment, and these consortia should also feed the society. They don't need to share the money with the poor, they just need to pay enough money to stabilize the market.

Second, during the financial frenzy before the financial tsunami, many small, medium and micro enterprises closed their factories and invested funds in the financial market, which led to imbalances in the supply and marketing of many circulating goods and caused many social problems. In order to stabilize the needs of the social market, the current Supreme Council of the United Nations requires the municipalities and state governments in various places to requisition some of the companies' factories currently in production for the production of daily necessities, to meet the daily needs of local people, and to target some large monopoly farming The industry has set a mandatory price standard for their goods.

The main purpose is to requisition the factories of those large consortia. After being requisitioned, these factories are temporarily listed on the national brand. Special measures are implemented in special times, and everything is for the Federation. Who dares to say no, is the sinner of the Federation.

After the release of a large number of policies, some major members of the consortium ran away with money and left the Federation without looking back. Everyone can see that the financial tsunami is only a small part of the crisis. The real crisis comes from the centralized parliament after the centralization. Some people even faintly feel that there may be a smooth outbreak of the financial tsunami, and the founding nation has also played a key role in it, allowing them to have power over the law in a special period.

I still have a part of the consortium, but they stay, they have to fight, even if the chance is slim.

Some big capitalists, mainly the top ten consortia, no longer respond passively, they started to take the initiative, and some speculations and reflections on the financial tsunami continue to appear in some newspapers. . Some even held a rally to preach that the joint parliament after the centralization has seriously violated the spirit of federal freedom, a violation of the rights and interests of all citizens of the Federation, and a shame for the Federation. Under the impetus of these people, some people held signs calling for the dissolution of the joint parliament. Citizens took the lead in deciding the country's future, and a political movement began to spread.

Over the years, these consortiums have also collected a lot of black materials for the founding of the nation. They originally planned to throw them out after completing the previous plan and growing again. Now facing this huge crisis, but also an opportunity, they did not hesitate to detonate all the bombs.

For a while, the society of the Federation became more chaotic, and the battle between the founding nations and consortiums became increasingly fierce. These large consortia even began to actively interfere with city operations in some cities.

十二月 On December 5th, the first day of the third week of the financial tsunami, the official spokesperson of the San Lodo City Hall took the tension to a new level-the referendum.

"What happened?" Du Lin handed a twenty yuan denomination to a dirty passerby, who quickly put away the money, and looked at Du Lin already strangely with his eyes. Those people, after a while confirming that these people are not the ones they imagined, then said enthusiastically, "The City Hall intends to join several other cities to form a new state and then declare independence. Just go to vote and get one. Bag of wheat kernels and some beef, everyone went ... "

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