Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 901: Secret meeting

"I just want to know that the agreement we signed is not countable!", Mr. Sail lighted a cigarette, and his personal doctor had long demanded that he ban smoking and alcohol and other things. Anything you enjoy is not allowed to be reused. & 1t; /

Everyone is afraid of death, but before death comes, even if they understand some profound truths, they cannot stop people from flying up. & 1t; /

Magus was silent for a while before he said, "That was many years ago, and the agreement is only valid for fifteen years." & 1t; /

"This is not something I think about, Magus. Now I need it. I have to do something to restore the current situation. I helped you at the beginning. Now you should help me." Mr. Sai's voice was very firm. "If I fail, I will expose all the inside information, the moment before I die. You can talk to them, and then you discuss it, I wait for your reply!", Without waiting for Magus to answer Mr. Sail hung up. There was no reluctance on his face, a little bit of pride. & 1t; /

He hummed the song that was popular more than 20 years ago, walked to the window, and looked at the spring in the revival outside the window. The tender green stars make the whole world full of business. & 1t; /

The war two decades ago was not just an ordinary war. To many people at the top and even the top of the tower, in order to solve the increasingly fierce conflicts and contradictions in the social class, the founding people of the Federation chose to temporarily solve some troubles by exporting wars, and then exploded the most famous North-South The war, the federal invasion of the empire, and the empire's southern border fell completely in a week, and even resistance could not be achieved. A large number of conscripted soldiers died in the southern meat grinder battlefield. In some battlefields, some dark red soil can be seen to this day. It is said that these were stained with blood at the time and have not faded. & 1t; /

The war had a profound impact on both countries. The Federation resolved internal conflicts by exporting wars. The Empire regained all the territories captured by the Federation after losing millions or more soldiers, and Taking this as an opportunity, Magus led the New Party into power, ended the feudal rule of the Yaoxing Empire for a thousand years, completed a new life, and entered a new era. & 1t; /

It is not clear that in fact, before the outbreak of the Civil War, Mr. Sio of the federal nation-state had known the young New Party leader Magus, and the two had quietly signed a series of 15-year agreements. This agreement is full of too many terrible things, and it can never be exposed. At the same time, this agreement has also become a sharp sword in the hands of Mr. Sai, used to force Magus to agree to his conditions. & 1t; /

His conditions are actually very simple ... let the empire go to war, as it was 20 years ago. & 1t; /

Several cities, including the City Hall of Saint-Lloyd, held an independent referendum together. Mr. Sio knew that this was definitely not the case that Saint-Loe really wanted to be independent. Even if the referendum passed by the federal heart city, they were really independent, but they Dare to announce this result? & 1t; /

They didn't dare, they only needed to block all communication and trade, and they could trap these cities and return them to the arms of the Federation. This is the final fatal blow for these consortia. They want Mr. Sail, the federal government, and citizens of the entire federation to know their determination. They need to start negotiations and sit at the negotiating table to solve the current problem. But Mr. Sai was unwilling to do so, and there was no doubt that he knew the ideas of these consortiums. They lowered their heads to avoid being killed and then waited for the opportunity to rise again. & 1t; /

Such parody has been done once by the United Parliament, and concessions have been made to make these consortiums stronger. If you use the power in your hands to completely steam these people out from the beginning, there will be no subsequent time and time again. trouble. Decentralization and division of government are all because of the first indecision and the realization of the last step. Now, after so many years of so many shit-like battles, Mr. Sail has to calm down these people and these consortia before he dies. & 1t; /

He will not start the negotiation process, he will watch San Luo enter the referendum, and even expect them to declare that the referendum has passed to begin independence. Without forcing himself into despair, others would not have the courage to insert the knife in their own body and then kill the person standing behind him. & 1t; /

Now the interim regime has weakened these consortia to the greatest extent, but it is a little worse to completely eliminate them. It can be said that it is the recognition of the whole people, and it can also be said that it is the indifference of the whole people. Mr. Saiou doesn't want to compromise with these people anymore, so he needs some outside help. & 1t; /

There is nothing more powerful than the war of aggression that can unite and unite the federation. By then, those who are independent and split will become sinners of the entire federation. Without even any means, they will move towards Perish. As for everything sacrificed for this purpose, it is worthwhile. In order to move toward the real unification of this country, it is forgivable to sacrifice some people's interests and even life. & 1t; /

Of course, Mr. Sai will not say that this is done for the founding of the nation, mainly because his family can continue for a long time and hold power. No one knows this country better than him, and only he and other founding people can make this country go further. & 1t; /

In the Empire, Magus crossed the streets and alleys into an underground space. The dim light could only illuminate the ground. In a dim room, a conference table, and the matt tabletop did not reflect any light. There were high-backed chairs around the conference table, and the chairs were already full. They can't see their appearance here, it's dark, they can only see a faint outline. When Magus came into the room, the "young man" sitting there teased with a young voice, "Every time You are the latest. "& 1t; /

Magus smiled, sitting in his chair and looking at the shadows around him, everyone was there. & 1t; /

The design of this room is very wonderful. It is said that the design of the Imperial Academy Art Branch participated in the design. The theme drawings are said to be from the religious collection of the Theocracy. The light becomes controllable in this room, everyone only reveals the lower body, but they can't see the looks of others wonderfully, they can only see a dark outline. As for what kind of method was used to build this room, Magus didn't know. Although curious, he didn't want to know. & 1t; /

The young man sitting with his legs tilted. Some rusty copper rings on his hands looked more rusty than the last time. At this time, he was playing with a gold coin, which was the most commonly used empire during the feudal period. A currency, Yaoxing Empire Gold Coin. & 1t; /

Since Magus overthrew the feudal dynasty, almost all the imperial gold coins have been cast into gold bricks and stacked in the treasury, some of which have been given to the imperial central bank in exchange for the support of merchants, and some were used as early currency currencies. Margin ". Such gold coins are rarely seen on the market today, and each one is very valuable. Its current price has already exceeded its price when it was used as currency, and it can be regarded as a young antique. & 1t; /

Magus took off his hat and put it on the table in front of him. He loosened his scarf and coughed twice. "Gentlemen, I started this meeting today. It is Mr. Sail who hopes that we can fulfill the seventeen agreements. "& 1t; /

"That agreement has expired." The one speaking was the shadow sitting opposite Magus. The man was wearing a pair of dark gray striped pants, a little fashionable, but his voice was a bit old. & 1t; /

"I know, I've said it, but Mr. Sai said that if they can't get through the current difficulties, they will expose seventeen agreements once the twists and turns cause them to lose their power." & 1t; /

The sitting young man asked with a smile, "What does he want us to do?" & 1t; /

Magus hesitated before he said, "War!" & 1t; /

"War of Aggression!" & 1t; /

The man sitting under Magus laughed, and the laughter was full of irony, "He means let us go to war? He thinks very well, but what about our losses? Other than that, Internationally, we still have to bear the name of the aggressor, which is not in line with our future direction and the interests of the empire. Do n’t agree with him. He will be exposed if he is willing to expose, anyway ... ”& 1t; /

Anyway, he didn't say anything, but everyone here knows well and knows what should be behind anyway. & 1t; /

Mr. Theo is very cunning. He wants to use external pressure to force the entire federation to unite around power, and he represents power. In such a highly centralized situation, anyone who violates him and stands in opposition to him will be picked up by the collective will of society. At the same time, he needs some victories to stimulate the federal society ~ ~ to shape himself into a hero, which looks like ... as Magus did more than 20 years ago ... & 1t; /

A voice was suddenly remembered in the conference room that was silent for a while, and the seated man said in a deliberate tone, "Actually, it is not impossible to promise him. The empire lost a lot and lost a lot of things, including people's Confidence. Now, taking advantage of this good opportunity, maybe we can get back what we have lost. With one victory, we can renew the empire's confidence in the kingdom of heaven and awaken people's sense of dignity and glory. But this one We will continue to discuss and discuss the matter and tell Sail that if he is not afraid of death, he can come to the empire, and we will sit down and make things clear. "& 1t; /

"It would be better to sign another agreement. He has our little handle. I also need to know his lifeline." & 1t; /

People's eyes are focused on the young people's hands, and the ever-rolling gold coin is shining under the lights, as if it is a precursor to the glory of the empire! & 1t; /

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