Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 912:

In the first few days, Xiu En felt that this was definitely not a problem. As he was the leader of the local bureau and the rich life experience of a prisoner, it was not easy to find a job that could support himself in the west. Thing?

Reality gave him a mouth in a very timely manner, let him understand how cruel society is.

The first job he applied for was a courier for pizza and snacks in the ring line. Every order he gave could get a 15% commission, and his tip was his own. According to his algorithm, he can send orders for at least eight cents a day, which is already more than one dollar, plus the consumption given by customers, they all add up to almost two dollars. In a relatively backward place in the west, two dollars is enough for one day's living expenses, and there are extras. It is not a problem to support yourself.

He also applied for a few foreigners who emigrated to the empire. All of them were innocent looking, silly for short.

The moment before I met the interviewer of the restaurant, that is, the boss and the chef, he felt that this time he was stable. He had too many advantages. The most important one was his identity. He was an empire!

Then, as said above, the reality gave him a slap in time, so that he could not understand it.

He was eliminated on the grounds that he did not look like a good person and had experience in jail. The restaurant did not want such a person to take delivery, which would affect the restaurant's image and lose more customers. Secondly, and most importantly, those immigrants only need eight cents apiece, and these people give the restaurant a sense of security.

This seems to have nothing to do with the so-called sense of security, but in fact these immigrants pay attention to their identities and information. Now basically all immigrants are in the inspection period. Once someone complains about them, get them The resident status of the Empire has a great influence. This enhances the safety of restaurants occasionally deducting their salaries for some reasons, and coupled with their lower wages, choosing immigrants who can be controlled is the thing that small, medium and micro enterprises in the west are most willing to do.

It's not impossible to hire imperial citizens to work, but these people are uncles, maybe they will in turn complain about the restaurant exploiting their labor force, so why choose an imperial who has experience in crime and prison?

So Xiun was defeated, somehow lost.

Then he found several jobs, and each job would have some immigrants as competitors. Each time he became a stepping stone for those immigrants. After a successful **** interview, he was successfully unsuccessful.

Once, twice, and three times, he gradually realized that this society is no longer the society in the past. Although there is still a large shortage of labor in the society as a whole, there are still some outstanding problems. He does not know how to summarize these problems. But felt the problem.

In fact, this is the same problem for many countries with population introduction systems. The contradiction between cheap labor and high-priced labor and the attitude of labor exploitation are doomed to have a large number of labor in countries with more foreign populations. unbalanced. On the one hand are foreign populations who are willing to be oppressed and exploited. They are willing to swallow and accept unfair treatment in exchange for a right of residence. Life and quality are more like a luxury expectation for the future. Today's pay is for the enjoyment of tomorrow. It is precisely because of this ideal that they are willing to do many things that people in their country are not willing to do.

看 Look at the Empire in turn. They need a better working environment, a minimum hourly wage that meets the legal requirements, and organizations such as workers' unions to provide them with all kinds of assistance. When capitalists use these people, they will be very embarrassed. They are very relieved. After all, there are many skilled workers, but then there are a lot of troubles. They experience various rights and interests, and they strike. For example, sometimes capitalists are controlled by these workers and workers' unions.

说 Although there have been no obvious bipolar contradictions so far, some places have shown signs.

Of course, Xiu En's understanding of society is not enough to find out and summarize these problems. He just feels that it has become very difficult to find a job.

In the next period of time, Xiu'en continued to search for new jobs. In the end, he was only able to actively lower his salary requirements and indicated to the employer that he was not a drag on the family. He could do something for the company on the weekend. That's how I got a job in ... sewers. Yes, to clean up the sewage sludge, the daily wages add up to only 80%, and there are four hours of free overtime on the weekend. The money was not enough for him to guarantee his life in the West. Now Xiu En's quality is no longer required.

So he found a second part-time job, working on the construction site in the morning and cleaning the sewers in the afternoon.

During the period of time, the workers' union found Xiu En, asking about work treatment and whether their rights have been violated. Can face the eyes of the employer's smiling smile ~ ~ Xiu En can only tell the truth.

Gradually Xiu En is immersed in the struggle of an ordinary person's life. In the face of a heavy life, he must swallow his voice, otherwise he will be hungry or he will sleep on the street at night. He has been an outstanding representative in the eyes of family and friends since he was a child. Even if he is in prison, it is not the lowest level. He now realizes an unprecedented world and a heavy life like this. Gradually, he was about to forget about Du Lin, began to save every expense, began to calculate the use of every penny, and smiled at the bank's deposit of more than 30 yuan.

Until someone informed him that Du Lin was back, he should "go to work".

After half a year of hard life, Xiu En finally feels like another generation. When he faced Du Lin again, his mentality was completely different, and he had a change that he could not say. He didn't know if it was a good change or a bad change, but by this time his heart had calmed down-it was impossible.

I have suffered so much, for what?

If you just want a peaceful life, it is absolutely impossible, maybe more unwilling, let him reappear in front of Du Lin. He needs an opportunity, whether from Du Lin or from the official, he has to prove that his excellence from childhood to big is not luck, chance or coincidence, but his own effort and talent!

I could succeed before, but I can succeed in the future!

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