Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 915: discuss

Mr. Linken chose to cooperate very cleverly. He heard a lot from the words of Major Eric. The lives of his family and friends were in the hands of the Imperial Army. Betraying the country may be a very cruel choice, but for these little people, you can't require them to have too high national feelings. After all, people can only see hope if they are alive.

He is not a noble and great person. He is just an ordinary person. He has a beloved family member and inspects his own life. If there is a choice, he will not take this step.

He found sufficient reasons and arguments for his next behavior. Mr. Link nodded decisively, which made Eric very satisfied. He immediately sent a team of soldiers into the virgin forest with Mr. Link. This group of people will leave sufficient marks on the road. When they reach the periphery of Saint-Lotus, they will inform the Imperial Army by means of a telegram. Fang, then the troops will follow the signs they left, through the virgin forest, and reach the periphery of Saint-Lotus, surprise the city, looting the richest city in the Federation.

In war, all despicable and shameful means can be forgiven and allowed, because at this moment, the greatest and noble goal is to end the war as soon as possible, and to welcome the arrival of peace as a victor.

At this time, the people in Saint-Lotus have not realized that the empire has a new combat plan. They intend to directly attack the central city of Saint-Lotus, across the third and fourth city chains, and the society is still in a relatively stable stage.

In the eyes of some big men, beside the trash can on the edge of the city street, a guy dressed in a stunner and a little thankful awakened from the corner. He got up and spit a thick sputum, scratched his **** and frowned. Akira walked to the side of the street, and he kept mumbling to find revenge for a **** named Mike. A car was rushed away from the road and galloped away. The police car in the distance was long overdue. Everything seemed to be the same as before, except for the rapid deterioration of public order.

I glanced back from the little person on the side of the street. The old man took off his eyeball and put it in a silk handkerchief. He dropped two drops on the eyeball made of this gem with special drops for cleaning, closed the handkerchief, and wiped slowly. The atmosphere in the room was very low. This time the top ten consortiums really couldn't handle it. First, they suffered more terrible losses than ordinary people in the financial tsunami, and then they were forced to put their children on the battlefield. They also voluntarily donated a large amount of money to the federal government in response to Mr. Sai ’s "power The greater the responsibility, the greater the call ".

In the following, a large number of workers and factories were temporarily requisitioned to make all kinds of necessary military products for the war. Facing a series of means and combined punches from the federal government, they did not even have the right to say no.

Saying no, it means losing responsibility, losing stand, losing the image that has been hard to establish for decades, and only gritting teeth and blood to swallow all the pain.

Mr. Sail's tactics have played a role, they have been weakened to the limit, and now there is only money left, and there is nothing more to fight against the federal government and the nation-building. And this war does not know when it will end. If it lasts longer, it is likely that they will be dragged alive. The longer the war, the more things are needed, and some huge individuals in society will be fully fermented into nutrients to ensure social stability during the war.

"They're crazy, I mean Sail, and those people." The old man bowed his head and stared at the other fake eyes with the dazzling false eyes in his hands. The expression on his face didn't fluctuate too much. But the heart has already set off a terrible wave. He had a suspicion, a horrible guess, and perhaps this war was also a means for the Sioux people. He is older than everyone else and has experienced more things than everyone here. He has participated in at least three so-called reactionary movements, protesting and even using action to force the nation to abandon the system of speaker life.

But these all failed. The last time he even dug out one of his eyeballs with a spoon and put it on a plate. Then he gritted his teeth and admitted to the Jianguo people before coma. He was a man with no eyes and no eyes. The contribution of the founding nation to the federation only saw more seductive powers, so it made the wrong choice. He paid for his actions with an eyeball in exchange for a chance to survive. But this time, he wasn't sure if he could dig another eyeball and survive.

Those who are in Sail have gone crazy. In order to completely resolve the struggle between the old and new consortia, they actually tempted the empire to start a war without authorization. What's even more ridiculous is that they actually succeeded. The empire did not hesitate to start a war so that they are now forced into a dead end.

"We have little chance left. Either leave the Federation immediately, find a small country to regain our strength, or completely surrender, live a life full of trouble, and be a person who will never see the light.", The elderly Pushing the wiped gemstone back into the empty eye socket, everyone has watched this action many times, but still can not adapt well, whether it is dug out or tucked in.

The sadness on the face of the young consort's head was bleak, and he gritted his teeth. "Is it too late to leave now?"

The eyes of some others fell on him, and he turned subconsciously and looked at the street outside the floor-to-ceiling window. "It is meaningless to continue the fight, they have crossed the line, but we have no means of restriction. Even this time we We can survive the danger safely, so what next time? Next time? Without the power of checks and balances, we will always be one step behind them and one step behind forever! "This tragic failure left the leaders of these new generations of consortia. Realizing their arrogance, they must bear the main responsibility for leading the founding nations over the years.

If they were not so tight, they would not have suffered such a terrible failure now, and the people who built the nation would not necessarily lift the table.

Yes, lift the table and use the centralized system of war to directly crush their power. This will not only cause a lot of permanent damage to the country, but it will not do any good, but they did it because they were I can't breathe.

The old man looked at people with different expressions around his face and laughed twice. "In fact, we have another way to not only survive this crisis, but also to make these arrogant people pay a heavy price. . "

Jiu Jiu's eyes focused on him immediately, and he showed very relaxed, "We can cooperate with the empire ..."

Some people have committed treason in order to protect the personal safety of themselves and their families, but some people have chosen to take the initiative to treason in order to obtain more benefits.

The old man's yellow eyes rolled a little, and he smiled very "dangerously". He touched his chin and said softly, "If we help the imperial army to disintegrate this country, you say, will we get something very impressive? Good? ", He did n’t have the whim to think about it. He had planned for a long time, and he had prepared for a long time. He also specifically gave an example," When the Ogudins overthrew the Guart dynasty, some Guart were dynasties. These people have made outstanding contributions. These people are now in high positions, and some of them have the General Assembly Speaker such as Heidler, and others have their own businesses. "

"The Ogdin people like to set some examples to set an example for others. We can be one of the examples and even participate in the management of the Federation to some extent. Gentlemen, conquering a great country is not just by force. It's enough, and we need a lot of other things. It is precisely that we can fill this shortcoming. Maybe we can also become the existence of a nation. "

What the old man said was very deceptive, or he pointed directly at the people's heart. These people spent the best years as he did, lost a lot of valuable things, and stood here, standing in the clouds. On top. Let them give up all the achievements here, they may not be willing.

Since I can't stop the mountain, let the mountain come to me!

Anyway, as long as it is on top of the cloud, it doesn't matter to step on that mountain!

The room was silent for a long time ~ ~ Someone asked, "What if it fails?" In fact, this is a nonsense, even before he asked the question, he already knew the answer.

So some philosophers always use a variety of rich words to describe human contradictions. They know the results clearly, but hope that someone can lie to them and give themselves a false answer.

The old man snorted softly, "Failure? He lost his reputation, then stood under the spotlight of the trial, accepted people's scorn and cursing, and finally went to death."

"Gentlemen, no matter what you choose, I will try it. I don't have anything to lose, and I don't want to run away again. Even if I fail in the end, at least I tried, but fate didn't choose me! "

These people soon discussed the results. Seven people chose to leave the Federation. They still have very rich capital compared to ordinary people and ordinary enterprises. Even if they change a country, they can easily climb back up. They have a good understanding of the operation of capital and some small means. It is only a matter of time to return to the top. Leaving here will not be an indelible shame in their life resumes.

In addition to the elderly, there are two people who choose to stay and try it. They are too unwilling to work hard for half a lifetime and say that it will be gone, and they will not get peace without trying. Just like the old man said, vertical and horizontal is just a death, what if it succeeds?

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