Cosmic Invincible Loading System

Chapter 268: Capture the Stars Order [Second Update]

Since some troops in the military aircraft headquarters have been attracted by another group of people, and Court is interfering with the monitoring of the entire military aircraft headquarters, the people in the military aircraft headquarters do not yet know that their military museum has been invaded.

You must know that this military steel fortress is very large, and when those soldiers find them, it is estimated that Court has already succeeded.

At this time, Qi Fan's group had already begun to find a place to cover up.

As soon as someone enters, they will immediately start killing people.

However, Qi Fan summoned a clone to stay where he was, while he left quietly and went up to the second floor.

The military museum is much larger than Qi Fan imagined. It is divided into three areas. If there is no one who is familiar with the place to lead the way, I am afraid it is easy to get lost.

In addition, there is no light in the room, and you can hardly see your fingers.

But Qi Fan has "the strongest GPS positioning system in the universe", and the surrounding map has been completely presented in his mind.

Immediately restrained his breath, he approached quietly.


At this time, Court and the undercover agent had arrived at the place where the Star Order was stored.

In front of you is a tall alloy security door with 24-in-1 encryption technology, it is very difficult to open it.

However, the undercover agent seemed to be very familiar with the security door and opened it with ease.

In fact, this undercover agent at the military aircraft headquarters is also a member of the Angel of Sin, and he is also a veteran.

When the Angel of Sin was in Court City, he and the undercover member were already life-and-death friends.

After the alloy security door was opened, there was an empty space with a booth in the center and a dark blue token.

"This is the order of the stars?" Seeing this, Court couldn't help but get excited.

"En." The undercover agent nodded, and then said, "Now I'm going to start cracking, and this process must not be disturbed, because if something goes wrong, the door behind us may close automatically, and then we will will be locked here."

Kaoru nodded and came to the alloy security door to prevent anyone from disturbing him.

At this moment, Qi Fan was observing in the dark, motionless.

About two minutes later, there was a sudden boom on the first floor below.

Apparently, the military museum has been found to have been invaded, and fighting has taken place.

Then next, it will definitely attract a large number of troops to come.

Judging from the sound of fighting, the battle seemed to be a little intense.

However, the undercover agent's expression remained the same, full of concentration.


After another two minutes, the liquid tempered glass of the booth was opened, and the stars were at your fingertips.


Hearing this, Court was overjoyed and walked over immediately.

But at this moment, a figure passed by with a whimper, followed by a flash of starlight, and instantly came to Xingchenling's booth.

The undercover agent was taken aback and hurriedly reached out to get the Star Order, but it was still a step too late.

"Qi Fan?"

When Kurt saw the figure clearly, his brows were furrowed, and a surge of anger rose.


When the order of the stars left the booth, the entire military museum immediately sounded an alarm.

Immediately afterwards, the alloy security door began to close rapidly.

The three of them are all masters with good cultivation. Seeing this, they did not dare to neglect at all, and immediately left the room.


Alloy security door closed!

Qi Fan grabbed the Star Order in his hand, and then put it directly into his storage ring.

"Qi Fan, what do you mean?" Court said coldly.

"You answer me a question first." Qi Fan said.

"what is the problem?"

"What is the use of this star order?" This question has troubled Qi Fan for a long time. He also tried to ask the system, but the system did not tell him, because now he has no right to know.

To this end, he also deliberately searched the Internet, but there was no result at all.

"I don't know." Court replied immediately.

He looked at Qi Fan and wondered how he knew that thing was called Xingchen Ling?

Or, did this guy have a plan?

"I don't know?" Qi Fan frowned. "You have planned for so long to risk infiltrating the headquarters of the United Nations military aircraft. You told me that you don't know?"

Court suppressed the anger in his heart, and said coldly: "I'm just doing things for others, I really don't know what the use of this star order is? If you think I'm giving you less money, then after you go back, I can add you two hundred more. Billion Star Coins."

He understood, this Qi Fan didn't even know what the Star Order was used for.

Therefore, the other party has now robbed the Xingchen Order, and most of them should be asking for more money.

"Okay! Put this token here first. When you give me 20 billion star coins, I will return it to you." Qi Fan said.

"No, you have to give it to me now." Court said coldly.

"Give me the money first."

"Where am I going to give you 20 billion star coins now?"

In fact, let alone 20 billion star coins, even 10 billion star coins can't be taken out now.

Although I had promised Qi Fan before, I would give 10 billion stars after the completion of the matter.

But in fact, he doesn't have that much money at all.

In other words, even after he successfully obtained the Star Order, he would not give Qi Fan the rest of the commission.

He even thought about killing Qi Fan.

I just didn't expect that this guy actually took the Xingchen Order away at a critical moment with his heart.

"Why don't you, give me the storage rings of the two of you, then I will give you the order of the stars." Qi Fan was silent for a moment, then the corners of his mouth raised.

Hearing this, the two looked at each other.

Suddenly, Court moved and charged towards Qi Fan at a very fast speed.

At the same time, a mecha appeared on his body, and a lightsaber appeared in his hand, stabbing Qi Fan between the eyebrows.

Whether it was Court or the undercover agent, it was impossible for them to hand over the storage ring to Qi Fan.

Moreover, they do not believe that after handing the storage ring to Qi Fan, Qi Fan will give them the order of stars.

So, just do it.

Now that Qi Fan has obtained the Star Order, there is no need to entangle with them.

Because at the same time that Court shot at him, Qi Fan let the system detect the other party's information.

This Court is not at the ninth level of Xinghai at all, but is the same as himself, at the tenth level of Xinghai.

Although he didn't know how he concealed his cultivation, the information detected by the system was absolutely infallible.

It may be difficult for Qi Fan to defeat Court in a short period of time.

Moreover, the undercover companion beside him is a master of the ninth level of Xinghai.

Now is not the time to fight, otherwise, none of them will be able to run away.

The Star Order was stolen, and the military aircraft headquarters was dispatched immediately. Many masters appeared and surrounded the military museum.

You must know that this place is home to many masters of the Great Perfection of the Star Sea Realm. It is not enough just to get the Star Order, and it is necessary to be able to leave safely.

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