Cosmic Invincible Loading System

Chapter 270: Encircled [one more]

Qi Fan's clone and main body immediately caught up with the three of Court and blocked them.

"What are you doing?" Court was furious.

Somewhere on the steel giant island, the submarine has been docked, waiting to pick up the three of Court.

"Qi Fan, we can't leave if we go on like this. If you have anything to do, let's escape first." Dai Ni said loudly.

Court snorted, but didn't object.

Now the Star Order is on Qi Fan. If Qi Fan can't escape, the Star Order will eventually return to the military aircraft headquarters.

Instead, let's go out and talk about it.

However, they still underestimated the capability of the highest military fortress of the United Nations.

At this time, the entire steel giant island suddenly shook.

"what happened?"

Suddenly, there was a slight fluctuation in the night sky, as if a layer of water waves covered the entire steel giant island.

"It's not good! It's a formation!" The undercover spy's face changed greatly, and despair could not help but surge in his heart.

At this point, a huge formation started.

The entire steel giant island seems to be completely covered by a transparent pot cover, and people outside cannot enter, and people inside cannot go out.

This is the headquarters of the United Nations military aircraft, the most authoritative armed base on earth.

Court's plan seemed foolproof, but he still underestimated the people here.

This place gathers the outstanding elites of various professions from all over the world, and there is a troop called the Star Array.

At this time, this formation is jointly promoted by fifty star formation masters.

"It's over." The undercover spy turned pale. He had been with the military aircraft headquarters for so many years, and he didn't even know there was such a formation.

Because the larger the range of the formation, the longer it takes to arrange it.

He thought that even if there were many excellent star formation masters, it should not be possible to start the formation in a short time.

But in fact, this formation has existed for a long time, just because this is the strongest military fortress in the world, and no one has come to provoke it, so the formation has never been activated.

Qi Fan's face was also a little ugly at this time. He originally thought it was impossible, so he summoned the dark gold mecha and flew away directly from here.

But looking at a formation, it is obvious that even if he has a dark gold mecha, with his current cultivation base, it is difficult to rush out.

"This is the headquarters of the United Nations military aircraft, do you know the consequences of trespassing?"

At this time, a middle-aged man wearing a silver mecha descended from the sky and appeared in front of the four.

"Cui Guangting!" The undercover agent was shocked when he saw this.

Cui Guangting, the general of the United Nations, Xinghai tenth-level mecha warrior and warrior.

In this planet, his combat power can be ranked in the top five.

"Anyone who betrays in the army will be shot to death."

As soon as the voice fell, Cui Guangting disappeared in place in an instant, and when his figure moved, he suddenly appeared behind the undercover agent.


The spear stabbed and suddenly pierced the undercover's throat.

"So fast." Qi Fan frowned.

When Kurt saw that his friend was dead, he immediately summoned the mecha and prepared to fight.

The situation at this time is already very serious, and it can be said that there is no chance of victory. Seeing that Court would rather die in battle, he does not want to be captured.

Moreover, trespassing on the UN military aircraft headquarters was originally a capital offense.

"Dani! It seems that I can't fulfill my promise to you." Court said with a wry smile.

"It doesn't matter, since I volunteered to participate in this plan, I have already prepared myself mentally," Dani said.

Court wanted to steal the Star Order, in fact, he wanted to exchange the Star Order for a chance to go to a higher-level civilization planet.

He pursued Dani for two years, but the other party still did not agree to her.

It was not until later that Court agreed to take him away from this planet to live on a higher civilization planet, and Dani reluctantly agreed.

It's just that Dani wouldn't bow down to him before leaving this planet, because she never liked this man.

If it weren't for the desire for better development, Dani would have left the organization of Sin Angels long ago.

In addition to Cui Guangting, three other generals followed, followed by lieutenant generals and major generals...

These generals are at the lowest level of Xinghai, and they have experienced hundreds of battles, and their combat power is terrifying.

"It's really a headache now." Qi Fan sighed in his heart.

If it was one against three, or one against five, Qi Fan felt confident.

However, there were already as many as a dozen practitioners appearing one after another at this time, which would be very troublesome.

"Qi Fan?" Immediately, an old man in a military coat walked out from the crowd.

"Master Marshal, be careful." Seeing this, Cui Guangting immediately protected the old man.

This old man is two hundred and ten years old this year, and his cultivation has reached the tenth level of Xinghai Great Perfection.

As soon as they stood in front of them, they felt a cold air blowing towards them, which made people feel under pressure.

This person interviewed the Grand Marshal of the United Nations Military Aircraft Headquarters, and his power status is one of the best on this planet.

Even if Yao Fenglei came, he had to give him a bit of a thin face. It was conceivable how strong this old man was.

Qi Fan estimated that the fighting power of this old man should be similar to that of Yao Fenglei. Perhaps at his peak, this man was even stronger.

However, because he is too old and has no hope of advancing to the Nebula Realm, I am afraid that he will not have a good life for a few years.

But it would be a big mistake to underestimate him because of this.

"Some time ago, General Yao returned from the planetary patrol ship. The person who was summoned should be you, right?" said the Grand Marshal.

"That's right, it's me." Qi Fan nodded and said with a smile, "So we are all our own people. If it's okay, I'll go first."

After saying that, he turned to leave.

"Stop!" Cui Guangting snorted coldly, thinking how could there be such a shameless person.

"Haha! Sure enough, you are young and promising! You are only nineteen years old, and you have already reached the tenth level of Xinghai. Within a hundred years, you will definitely hope to reach the nebula realm." A smile appeared on the Grand Marshal's face, and he kept looking at the young man. , eyes full of admiration.

Qi Fan rolled his eyes at him.

Within a hundred years?

I thought that I've been thinking of you as a bad old man for a hundred years. Give me a week, and the Nebula Realm will definitely break through.

The reason why the Grand Marshal would say this is because he himself has been trapped in the Xinghai tenth level for more than a hundred years. Although he has already touched the threshold of the Nebula Realm, he has never been able to break through.

In addition, now that he is old, he has only ten years of life to live at most, so he has basically given up.

"I heard that you killed General Yao's family. General Yao returned to Earth some time ago. He originally wanted to kill you, but he didn't do it in the end. I think it was because of your talent that I couldn't bear to let a genius die. "

"I've been the Grand Marshal for a hundred years, and I've been cultivating successors. I think you can become the next Grand Marshal after Cui Guangting. I wonder if you're interested?" The Grand Marshal said suddenly.

"Becoming a Grand Marshal?" Qi Fan was a little surprised when he heard this.

But if it could save his life, he wouldn't mind agreeing for the time being.

"If I'm interested, you can let me go?" Qi Fan grinned.

"The death penalty can be avoided, and the living crime cannot be escaped." The Grand Marshal shook his head, and then said, "After all, you have committed a serious crime by trespassing at the United Nations military aircraft headquarters, and you must be imprisoned for at least seven or eight years."

Hearing this, the smile on Qi Fan's face disappeared immediately.

"Fuck you!"

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