Cosmic Survival: Sign In From The Rescue Capsule

Chapter 48 The Kuagoa Disintegration Is Complete! Another Monster Egg! (Monthly Pass Plus More!)

"[Inferior solar panels] built successfully!"

About a minute later, the first solar panel, finished manufacturing!

It did not appear directly in front of Zhang Mingrui, because the total area of this solar panel is still quite large, 10 square meters.

So in addition to the excitement, something embarrassing happened...

The area of the solar panel is almost larger than the entire rescue capsule!

"If it's not beautiful, it's not beautiful, so you can use it first."

Zhang Mingrui laughed wryly, as a perfectionist in sandbox-building games, he definitely didn't want his "home" to be a mush.

But there is no way, the goal now is survival, not life!

Looking at the entire structure of the rescue capsule, Zhang Mingrui placed this solar panel on the outer wall of the airlock cabin, because this is almost the only open space that can be used on the outer wall of the entire rescue capsule.

Other places, almost all of them are occupied by the rest of the equipment, if the electric solar energy panels are installed again, it will affect their use.

"Symmetrical, it looks beautiful."

Zhang Mingrui is content that although it may be troublesome to get out of the cabin later, as long as you are careful enough, it is not a problem.

"Start the solar panels!"

The solar power function, which has been planned for a long time, finally comes in handy at this moment, how can you continue to waste time?

With an order, the pure black solar panel slowly unfolded, greeting the sun and absorbing its warmth.

"[Inferior solar panels] are working, and given the weak intensity of sunlight, the actual power generation effect will be affected to some extent."

When the solar panel is fully unfolded, a reminder from the computer sounds.

Zhang Mingrui nodded, he had expected this matter and was not surprised.

And what is surprising enough is that although the power generation efficiency is slow, as long as the time is long enough, the first 10,000 degrees of electricity will be filled with it sooner or later!

After all, the power generation equipment on the entire rescue capsule, At the moment, there is more than one electric solar energy panel!

【Ordinary coal generator】!

【Inferior fuel generator】!

【Perfect natural gas generator】!

【Inferior solar panels】!

At a glance, in the state of the four major power generation equipment working together, every hour, you can have 120 degrees of power generation!

Not only can it offset the scientific research electricity of the scientific research station, but also the extra power can support the rescue capsule for other work!

"Start researching [water purification technology]!"

Now that the solar panels have been built, the construction of Zhang Mingrui's life-saving capsule is about to start accelerating!

"In terms of electricity, we have now entered a state of breakeven."

"If you can get closer to Fixed Star and get stronger sunlight, the power generation efficiency will be higher."

"However, starting with Level 3 technology, the amount of electricity that needs to be consumed will also increase... Let's talk about this later. ”

Zhang Mingrui said lightly, for himself, the most crucial task now is to collect resources, conduct technical research, build a rescue capsule, and strive to evolve the rescue capsule into a manned spacecraft as soon as possible!

"Actually, I can continue to fly forward, it's too dangerous."

"Such a small planet has 50 monsters, and the closer to Fixed Star, the more life forms there must be."

"How can I provoke me now?"

Zhang Mingrui sighed lightly, compared with other players in the universe survival competition, his development must be the top batch.

But in front of the entire universe, his current self is just an ant that looks a little strong!

"Steady don't wave, develop obscenely, sooner or later you can win."

Zhang Mingrui encouraged himself again and again, and when he was about to adjust his next resource acquisition goal, he heard a computer tone again.

"After the decomposition of the [Flaming Star Digging Beast], 20kg of raw meat, 10 pieces of nails, 20 bones, and 1 low-quality Digging Beast egg were obtained!"

The monster is finished!

This is really good news, after all, it means that there are new and different flavors of jerky to eat!

"After being captured by a bald eagle with such a large piece of meat, there are still 20kg left, and this earth digging beast really has thick skin."

Zhang Mingrui was amazed, after all, this is just an inferior Beast decomposition bun output, if you push it back, this monster should be nearly a heavy meal.

"And a monster egg?"

Nails and bones Zhang Mingrui was not interested and still did not know what they were for.

But the monster egg that reappeared made him have to pay attention!

【Inferior digging beast eggs】

【Description】: After hatching, you can get a digging beast.

【Note】: After birth, the digger will recognize the creature it sees at first sight as its mother.

Compared to the two winged beast eggs obtained before, this earth digging beast egg is definitely much better!

The contents of the notes alone are gratifying enough!

"I thought about raising an earth-digging beast to help me mine before, but now I really have a chance!"

"But incubation is also a problem, and you have to study the corresponding technology first."

"Moreover, even if it hatches, there is still no space to raise it in my rescue capsule!"

Zhang Mingrui's mood was excited at first, but when he thought about it, he wailed.

When I think of the size of an adult digger... How can it be as large as 50 square meters of space, right?!

(Thanks to the "ups and downs" boss for their monthly pass support!) Plus send more! )

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