Cosmic Survival: Sign In From The Rescue Capsule

Chapter 52 Discovered? Practice With A Bald Eagle First!

"Unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, dispatch!"

After several days on the surface of the planet, the capsule was fully charged with several solar devices.

So without much thought, Zhang Mingrui directly launched the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft and flew towards the satellite first.

"Start the search radar!"

"Activate the life detector!"

At the same time that the drone flew out, the two detectors were turned on, but after more than ten seconds, the general situation of the satellite all appeared on the screen.

First of all, the resources of this satellite are relatively barren compared to planet, with few metal resources, and ore resources such as limestone are still okay and worth recycling and decomposing.

As for the point of light representing the bald eagle, it was indeed motionless.

"It's just not clear whether you're recuperating or resting."

The corners of Zhang Mingrui's mouth raised, and the victory was in hand.

Originally, I was thinking about whether to use the only tracking missile obtained before on this Flight monster, but now it seems that there may be no need to waste it so much, if it is aimed accurately enough, the solar laser cannon may be able to destroy it.

While thinking, the drone has transmitted back the satellite real-time footage.

The bald eagle did not sleep, and the reason why he was motionless was that he was standing in a stone pit, pecking some stones with his mouth, and then throwing them at the wound on his stomach.

"This is in ... Healing?! ”

This scene surprised Zhang Mingrui, especially as the drone lens zoomed in, he was surprised to find that most of the wounds that had been bitten by the digging beast before were actually scabbed!

At the moment, only a fist file size wound remains, although it is still not good, but compared to the huge body of the bald eagle, this wound is equivalent to a human being pricked by needles!

"The wound healed too quickly, right?!"

Zhang Mingrui people are stupid!

It can be determined that the stone pecked by the bald eagle should be limestone, and I know that lime can indeed stop bleeding, but the effect is so obvious, it is really unexpected!

"Although its body has not fully recovered, my current combat strength is probably not something I can match."

Helplessly pouted, I thought that I could easily kill the monster when I came this time, but I was stunned to find that the people were almost fine!


"No, you can't retreat."

As soon as the idea of retreating appeared in my mind, I was forcibly vetoed by myself!

"Leaving the Digger planet, I must directly find the location of Fixed Star, otherwise I don't know how long I have to be stuck at this stage!"

"But on the road ahead, you will definitely encounter more and more powerful monsters."

"If I can't even kill this injured monster, how will I face other more terrifying monsters after that?"

Zhang Mingrui first asked himself, then replied to himself.

"Just take this monster to practice first, if you really can't fight, there is a tracking missile that can save your life, which also shows that my overall strength is not suitable for looking for Fixed Star."

"If you can fight, the tracking missile can continue to stay until you meet a monster that you really can't beat!"

Zhang Mingrui whispered, and immediately made up his mind to continue flying towards the satellite.


A few minutes later, the capsule flew to a position about ten kilometers from the satellite.

Although it cannot be seen with the naked eye, there is actually no obstruction between it and the bald eagle.

"The bald eagle should not have found me."

Zhang Mingrui glanced at the drone footage and determined it was still healing, so he decided to get closer.

After all, the closer the distance, the more accurate the laser cannon will hit!

It's just that when the rescue capsule had just moved forward for less than 100 meters, the bald eagle that was healing suddenly stopped and looked up sharply into the sky.

Although several kilometers away, through the layers of the firmament, Zhang Mingrui still felt the extremely alert and hostile gaze of the bald eagle!

"You can be found from this distance!"

Zhang Mingrui gasped and hurriedly pushed back to stop.

At the same time, the bald eagle did not react too much, after all, the rescue capsule was too small, even if its eyes were good, it might not be able to really see clearly.

"It should be purely intuitive."

Zhang Mingrui frowned, after all, there were many more life and death battles of monsters than himself.

But leave it at that?

How can it be!

"Start the camouflage layer!"

Since it has not yet been discovered, Zhang Mingrui has a chance to develop tactics.

So I activated the camouflage layer outside the lifesaving capsule first, slowly, slowly, and merged myself with the starry sky...

In the drone lens, sure enough, after sensing that the danger was gone, the bald eagle finally relaxed its guard and began to treat the wound again.


Zhang Mingrui raised his eyebrows, but did not act immediately, because he always felt that the vigilance of this monster was not ordinary.

Sure enough, after a few seconds, the bald eagle looked up again, searched the starry sky, and only then lowered its head again until it was really sure that the danger was gone.


This time, a real opportunity has come!

"Disintegrate the ray, emit!"

I couldn't help but say that the solar laser cannon was activated, and a disintegration ray that had already been charged up was fired towards the bald eagle on the satellite!

The bald eagle's alertness is indeed very high, and the moment the disintegration ray is emitted, it begins to raise its head.

But when you can see the yellow beam falling from the sky clearly, and you are ready to take off to dodge, in terms of speed, it is still a step late!


A powerful shot hit directly!

When the smoke and dust dissipated, everything settled.

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