Cosmic Survival: Sign In From The Rescue Capsule

Chapter 60 Meet The Conditions! The Life-Saving Pod Begins To Evolve!

Two days later, the Cosmic Survival Race officially arrived at its twenty-first day, and Zhang Mingrui's third weekly check-in was also ushered in.

[Congratulations to the host for completing the weekly check-in! ] 】

[Congratulations to the host, get an epic sanitary cabin! ] 】

The third weekly check-in, originally just expected to get a good equipment again, such as an excavator, but unexpectedly, directly obtained a separate cabin!

Still a Zhang Mingrui has been looking forward to a full twenty-one days of sanitary cabins!

【Epic Sanitary Cabin】

【Description】: Basic hygiene needs such as washing, bathing, stool, and urinating can be used. It can automatically connect the water circulation system and gas circulation system in the spacecraft, and make the excreta into crop fertilizer. It also has an automatic cleaning function to prevent water vapor leakage.

[Resource Requirements]: None, the corresponding technology has not been unlocked.

Note: You can understand the epic sanitary cabin as a toilet on earth, and you don't need to worry about anything.




If the check-in system is a real person, even if he is a bearded and wretched uncle, he is willing to hold him and kiss him fiercely for ten hours!

The previous two epic quality rewards are indeed important, and they are important for Zhang Mingrui's survival.

But this time the reward is enough to make Zhang Mingrui happy!

Because after the appearance of the epic sanitary cabin, there is really a chance to let yourself go from "survival" to "life"!

"Build [Epic Sanitary Cabin]!"

Although the [Epic Sanitary Cabin] occupies a huge area and requires space of two meters by two meters by three meters, if the construction is completed, the newly expanded rescue capsule will be crowded again.

However, Zhang Mingrui still didn't think much about it, and he was directly sure!

Even if its area is not large, even if the toilet is covered by a bath bomb and next to the washbasin, it is still completed!

Not only to take a good bath, but also because, if the reward given by the check-in system is not used, it will seem like a fool!

Brushing teeth, washing face, bathing, squatting in a pit...

The operation that was normal on Earth before has become an incomparably luxurious life in the cosmic environment!

There is no doubt that Zhang Mingrui is the first player to complete a personal cleansing in the entire cosmic survival race!


Walking out of the health cabin and returning to the activity compartment again, I only felt that my whole person was ushering in a new life.

Not only that, but in today's daily check-in, I also got the [Perfect Animal Incubator] as a reward!

This equipment, Zhang Mingrui also chose to build, but did not immediately put the three monster eggs obtained earlier into the cultivation.

First, because the cultivation time cycle of monsters is very long, and second, even if you want to cultivate, you have to wait for the survival capsule to complete its evolution before you have the time and energy to think!

"There are four days left, hurry up."

Zhang Mingrui looked at the slowly rising power storage and looked forward to it.


The cosmic survival race has finally come to its twenty-fifth day!

However, Zhang Mingrui did not choose to stay up until zero, and slept directly until three o'clock in the afternoon that day.

【Sign in successfully! 】 】

【Congratulations to the host, get the perfect greenhouse incubator one! 】 】

If you put it in ordinary times, the emergence of [perfect greenhouse incubator] is definitely worth spending hours to study, after all, it is absolutely possible to solve all future crop cultivation problems once and for all.

But now, Zhang Mingrui's mind is not on this at all.

Because, after all the power generation equipment of the entire rescue capsule worked for five and a half days, the power stock finally exceeded 100,000 degrees and rushed to 120,000 degrees!

"Calm down! Calm! ”

Zhang Mingrui took a heavy breath, dissuading himself from being impulsive.

After all, what is about to be carried out is the most important lifesaving capsule evolution link, once there is any mistake, all the efforts of the previous twenty-four days may fall short!

It took a full two hours to check the capsule up and down, inside and out, and after making sure there was nothing wrong, it still did not start immediately.

"It has to be a bit ceremonial!"

Zhang Mingrui said to himself.

"Bathe first!"

After that, I went to take a quick shower.

"Change your clothes again!"

Then, tirelessly take the spacecraft suit from the airlock cabin and put it on the body.

When everything was done, Zhang Mingrui finally walked to the console, and after six days, activated the rescue capsule again, allowing it to slowly fly away from the satellite.

After all, what will happen in the process of evolution cannot be determined at all, so it must not be affected by high temperatures, and the variables must be reduced to a minimum!


After driving the capsule to an altitude of ten kilometers, Zhang Mingrui left the console, picked up the microcomputer, and entered the information system.

"Start now!"

"Life Capsule Evolution!"


"Manned spacecraft!"

The next moment, tap the "Evolve" button on the screen with your finger!

"Receiving the need for survival capsule evolution."

"Start testing whether the capsule meets the evolutionary conditions."

"After the test, the survival capsule evolution conditions are met."

"Does it evolve immediately?"


If this voice was not a computer AI, but a human being, it would have been impossible to endure such nonsense.

But the computer process has to be completed.

So, the moment the computer AI asked "no", Zhang Mingrui gave an affirmative answer!

"Start evolving!"

The next moment, the eyes of the entire universe seemed to focus on this corner, and they didn't let go!

(9th !!! Thanks to the "Listen to the Wind and Rain" boss for his monthly pass support!!! )

(The little brother continues to go to the 10th more!) Aim for a yard before 12 o'clock! Keep asking for flower review votes! )

Welcome the National Day 7-day long holiday, read books and enjoy the sky! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

Grab it now (Event period: October 1st to October 7th)

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