Cosmic Survival: Sign In From The Rescue Capsule

Chapter 63 Special Rewards! Survivor Medal!

This situation really caught Zhang Mingrui off guard.

After all, I just want to develop obscenely, and after developing to be strong enough, I will find a habitable planet and live in a quiet corner.

But the cosmic survival race suddenly announced its name, and suddenly made itself the target of the survival of the whole universe!

After all, if the identities are exchanged, when Zhang Mingrui hears that other survivors have completed their evolution, they will only envy at most.

But you evolve and evolve, and it makes my living environment more dangerous!

Even Zhang Mingrui himself definitely wants to jump and curse the street!

Although the life or death of others is really not their own business, they have been scolded like this, and their hearts are not very comfortable.

Never look at the chat system unless you can resist it!


"Upstairs, don't scold, now it's better to figure out how to try to survive."

"That's right, the second stage has officially opened, no matter how much you scold, it is impossible to go back, or first ensure that you don't hang up."

"I don't understand why you guys are scolding Zhang Mingrui? Was his luck and ability strong, his fault? And when he completed the evolution of the manned spacecraft, he definitely didn't know that this kind of thing would happen. ”

"Don't you think this email is setting an example for all of us who survive? Since Zhang Mingrui can complete the evolution of manned spacecraft, so can we! ”

In the chat system, there may be hundreds of thousands of words scolding Zhang Mingrui, but when they gradually scolded and could not move, suddenly, someone stood from an objective perspective and analyzed this matter.

This made Zhang Mingrui's eyes light up, and he immediately decided to echo it.

Zhang Mingrui: That's right, the email says that the greater the risk, the greater the gain. Since there are daily replenishment resources, it means that we all have the opportunity to catch up with Zhang Mingrui's progress as fast as possible!




After the message was sent, the entire chat system universe channel suddenly went down and fell into a strange calm for a few seconds.

Even Zhang Mingrui himself is stupid!

Looking at the sentence he said, and then at the prefix "[Zhang Mingrui]", his brain went blank.


Isn't it an anonymous chat that doesn't say good?

Why is it that the whole universe is my real name?!

The survivors of the whole universe were all stupid for a long time when they saw this name, and after finally reacting, the sentence just now was instantly brushed away.

"What do I see? Zhang Mingrui's real name? ”

"Zhang Mingrui, do you still have the face to speak for yourself? Do you want a face? ”

"The greater the risk, the greater the gain? If we hang up directly, are you responsible?! ”

"Zhang Mingrui, where are you in which galaxy? When Lao Tzu has the ability, he must go over to find you and then crush you! ”


Zhang Mingrui closed the chat system, really afraid to continue reading.

"Is this competition pitting me?"

"Give me my real name and don't remind me?"

"It's embarrassing to know that I won't speak!"

Zhang Mingrui pouted helplessly, and his mood was quite complicated.

But to be honest, no matter how much other survivors scold themselves, it doesn't matter to themselves.

After all, survival is their own business, if because of the change of the environment, you complain about the sky, how can you live for a long time with such a mentality?

"Ten replenishment resources a day, this is clearly a good thing, they should thank me!"

Zhang Mingrui snorted coldly and decided to put the microcomputer down first and do something else.

Suddenly, a system email appeared on the screen!

"Another letter?"

Zhang Mingrui was stunned and quickly opened it.

"Congratulations Zhang Mingrui, you became the first survivor to complete the evolution of a manned spacecraft, and I hereby reward you with a [Survivor Badge]!"

Actually got a reward?!

Zhang Mingrui's stiff expression suddenly became ecstatic, and he hurriedly clicked to receive it, and a medal appeared in his hand!

【Survivor Medal】

【Note】: After wearing, the resource collection efficiency is increased by 10%.

【Remarks】: Please keep it safe, the badge is not bound and will not be responsible if it is lost or taken away by other survivors.


Get rich!

When I saw the introduction, I directly lost my voice and exclaimed!

Originally, I wanted to scold the system, but now I not only don't want to scold, but I also want to thank you well!

I never expected that after becoming the first survivor to complete evolution, I could still get such a good reward!

10% increase in resource collection efficiency!

If a ton of copper is dug, then under the action of the badge, it is 1.1 tons after getting it, which is 1100kg!

Over time, it will be an immeasurable treasure!

"It can be dropped, is this the system encouraging survivors to compete with each other?"

"But I don't know when this happened, now there are only 10 people in the A6 galaxy, let alone the competition, even if you want to meet, it is unlikely!"

Zhang Mingrui happily hehe, completely ignoring the matter.

Walk towards the working module, ready to study the situation of the evolved spacecraft, and at the same time make a good development plan for the next step.

(Thanks to the "Chumo" boss for his monthly pass support!!! )

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