The body's instinct sent a strong danger signal, and Vegeta subconsciously wanted to dodge, but it was too late.

His battle with Gillian is like a chess game.

Either side can suppress the other because of a single move.

Especially, at a stage where both sides have great reservations.

"You're careless!" Gillian let out a cold snort, and the strength accumulated in his fist, igniting crimson flames on the fist.

An overweight punch hit Vegeta the back.

Boom!!!!!!!!!! A loud bang.

Vegeta took the punch firmly.

Severe pain spread all over his body, and the painful Vegeta grinned and his face was hideous.

The horror of this punch made him feel that his body was about to be shattered.

[Such a heavy fist... This guy's attack can be even stronger! With my current posture, there is no way to avoid harm. Vegeta endured the intense pain to stabilize herself.

However, the domineering Gillian will not give him a chance to breathe now, and once again cast a super high-speed movement to reach Vegeta's position one step ahead, and at the moment when Vegeta stabilized his figure, his whole body rotated at high speed, using centrifugal force to increase the force of the attack.

Another upperkick hit Vegeta, kicking Vegeta tens of thousands of meters away.


After receiving two blows in quick succession, Vegeta coughed up some blood in his mouth.

The strong physique of the fourth order peak of the Super Saiyan is logically so terrifying that it is impossible for a super huge star to explode around it, but now it is full of shocking fist prints.

Jilian's attack power can reach the peak limit of the tenth dimension every time!

However, Rao is so, and Vegeta is not afraid of rejoicing.

A red light flashed in his eyes, and he turned his head sharply, only to see that Gillian had appeared one step ahead of him where he was about to come, and his hands merged, forming a huge war hammer, and swinging down fiercely.

This time, the guarded Vegeta, at the moment when Gillian's warhammer was about to hit him 04, dodged without danger and cleverly came behind Gillian.

Energy quickly accumulated in the palm of his hand and pressed it on Gillian's back.

Boom!!!!!!!!! The energy exploded, and the horror of the impact blew Gillian thousands of meters away.

The situation was reversed again at this time.

Gillian's bright red tight combat suit was blown out of a gap, and shocking scars appeared on his flesh and blood.

"The reaction force is faster than I thought, in this case, you can turn the situation around, and it hurts me." Gillian turned around indifferently and looked at Becky nonchalantly.

As for the injuries behind him, they have long been ignored by him, and this level of trauma is nothing to him.

"You are also stronger than I imagined, and I was injured by you in the fourth order state of the Super Saiyan."

"I have to admit that your strength has indeed surpassed the God of Destruction!"

Vegeta spat out the dirty blood in his mouth and praised Gillian from the bottom of his heart.

The bloodline power in the body is repairing the injuries on the body and the wounds inside the body as quickly as possible.

"You are not bad, in such a long time, you are the first opponent who can make me feel this pressure, a strong person in another world!"

"As a tribute to you, I will use all my life to defeat you."

"!! mercilessly"

Gillian gave Vegeta enough respect, and he felt very lucky to meet such a strong man.

Vegeta also read Gillian's mind, which can be regarded as sympathy between the strong.

After all, they are so powerful that they have basically no existence that can talk to them.

No one can understand their loneliness, carrying great power, but they have lost the enthusiasm they used to have, and they don't even have the people who speak.

"Me too." Vegeta looked at Gillian with a smile.

But soon, his smile was replaced by a hideous look.

I saw Vegeta clenched his fists, his face showing hideousness, and his forehead was bulging, showing signs of dying from exploding.

The big play, just the beginning!!

"Ha!!!!a As Vegeta's cry sounded, the bloodline power in his body was further activated.

The coercion of his own bloodline and the wildness of the Saiyans were further released, and his momentum ushered in explosive growth.

The overwhelming bloodline coercion turned into a blood-colored storm that swept the universe and spread rapidly.

Ji Lian, who was impacted by this bloodline power, felt the deepest, and at the same time, his fists involuntarily clenched.

The mood also became more and more excited.

Vegeta's strength increased again, not only did not make his heart retreat, but further stimulated him and uplifted his heart.

A meaningful smile appeared on Gillian's face.

When was the last time you felt this sense of oppression?

It's been too long to remember.

The surrounding space exploded as Vegeta's aura continued to skyrocket.

From this exploding space, countless black lightning bolts were like poisonous snakes tearing towards Vegeta, but they were suppressed back by his breath.

This scene, watching Gillian's blood boiled.

What did he see?! Space exploded!!

At this end of darkness, no one knows what it is, but he has a hunch that the end of this world, connected to it, must be another world!

And at the moment Vegeta is here.

The pale pink divine power burned endlessly around Vegeta.

The pink aura around him is even more intense, adding a pink lightning.

The pupils also turned pink and gray and white, and this extremely powerful bloodline power, even if the God of Destruction was alive, was far less than the current Vegeta.

This is the true limit of the fourth order of Super Saiyan!

In the power of bloodline, increase the fusion and display of the power of God.

At this moment, the divine power and the bloodline power were equal to the bonus, causing Vegeta's true combat power to increase several times.

"After waiting for Gillian for a long time, the current power is all the power that I completely unleashed from the fourth order of the Super Saiyan." Vegeta moved himself, his pink and gray eyes looking at Gillian and chuckling.

In this state, his strength is so strong that he has reached the peak of the tenth dimension!!

Even if it is placed among all the gods of destruction, it is an existence that stands at the top.

"Yes?" Gillian whispered, and soon the smile on his face disappeared.

Around his body, a crimson flame that was different from the flames suddenly appeared.

An extremely strange, extremely terrifying sense of oppression rushed straight into the sky, and Jilian's momentum ushered in an explosive increase, and this surging energy directly reached the peak of the tenth dimension.

Compared to Vegeta, Gillian's momentum is even stronger.

There is no other reason, because Gillian is still that pure power, not mixed with the power of God.

Vegeta used the power of God to add bonuses, which has reached the current tenth dimensional extreme!

"Come on!! If you have any skills, let them all come out. Jillian's face was full of confidence, and he withdrew all his breath back into his body, and said with a proud face.

"What a terrifying fellow, your strength even surpasses the strongest God of Destruction Beerus who fought me in another space-time world not long ago."

"It seems that this battle will be unforgettable for me, and it will not end so soon."

Vegeta did not attack first, his gaze scanning Gillian, not daring to slack off in the slightest.

"It's useless to talk more, let's use your strength to see the real chapter." Gillian said arrogantly.

Both parties inward the breath back into the body.

At this moment, the environment around them became extremely depressed and low.

The atmosphere on the battlefield also became extremely strange and terrifying.

The space is distorted by their fiery fighting intent, and it looks like they are in a strange world.

Vegeta and Gillian, two warriors who symbolize the pinnacle of the mortal realm, will decide the final victory here!!

After a short silence, the momentum of both sides exploded at the same time.

The fierce battle, also at this moment, is fighting again!

"Let's fight!!!" Vegeta let out a high-pitched roar.

The bloodline power around his body condensed dozens of pink energy light balls, as if the stars were brilliant and conspicuous.

The pink ball of energy light broke away from Gillian's control and rushed towards Gillian.

"Good to go!!!" Gillian also let out an excited cry.

I saw a flash of red light in his eyes.

The infinite impact was unleashed, and the invisible aura turned into a dense attack, smashing towards the dozens of energy balls sent by Vegeta.

Bang!! Bang!!!! Thundered!!!!! ......

Bang!! Bang!!!! Thundered!!!!! ......

The roar of energy explosions is endless.

The flames of the explosion covered Gillian himself and everything around him.

Gillian, who was in the midst of thick smoke, waved his big hand, set off layers of storms, scattered the flames of the explosion, and he himself burst out with extreme speed, rushed out of the gunsmoke, and went straight to Vegeta to kill.

At this moment, the speed of his explosion was so fast that it could not be seen clearly with the naked eye, even his perception was difficult to detect.

Sprinting in front of Vegeta, the sharp fist, wrapped in the heat that burned everything, slammed towards Vegeta.

Not to be outdone, Vegeta launched a strong counteroffensive.

Bang!! Pound!!! Bang!! Pound!!! Bang!!! Pound!!! Bang!!! Pound!!! Bang!!! Pound!!! ......

The two sides fought each other head-on, fighting again and again in space.

The energy shockwave that resembled a tidal wave continued to sputter in all directions.

In just a few seconds, they had already fought each other thousands of times. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The battle became more and more hot and fierce, the belligerence and blood of both sides began to boil, and while the body temperature rose, the combat power was also skyrocketing.

The pain turned into pleasure, and the combat power was expanding rapidly.

"Eat me a blow!!!!" Vegeta's energy condensed from his whole body converged on the blade of his right fist.

The smashing blow formed, breaking through Gilian's strong blow, and an unstoppable heavy punch was thrown violently.

Ji Lian raised his hand under 807 consciousness to block.

Boom!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Destroy the heavens and the earth, shake the four directions.

The surrounding space collapsed.

The power of this punch was beyond imagination, although it was blocked by Ji Lian, but the impact and destructive power in it, the shock of Ji Lian's arm was extremely painful, and he himself was shocked.

Without waiting for Jilian to defend, Vegeta seized the opportunity to attack again.

Mobilizing his whole body functions, a gorgeous and extremely destructive sideways kick landed on Gillian's neck.

Attacked by terrorist forces again, Gillian's strong body turned into a shocking light in the universe and flew upside down into the distance.

Receiving two heavy blows in succession, Gillian's competitive spirit was stimulated.

He forcibly stabilized himself in a violent manner, using space as a pedal to stabilize himself.

Before he could react, a golden light flashing in the distance deeply attracted his attention.

The source of this burst of golden light is Vegeta!!

Mobilizing the energy of the whole body, it formed a destructive energy cannon that was enough to destroy everything.

"Eat my trick!!! Gamma burst flash!!!!!!!!!!! Vegeta directly unleashed his ultimate move.

Rumble~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A deafening roar resounded in the universe.

The super giant energy cannon with a diameter of 100 meters was surrounded by countless blue-white lightning, roaring like a dragon.

Vegeta did not spare the slightest hand, and the destructive power under this blow was enough to destroy the entire universe!!

Feeling threatened, Ji Lian's face was solemn, if he took this blow head-on, even if he blocked it, his body would not feel better.

I saw that he raised his hands high and quickly mobilized the energy in his body, and in an instant, a huge crimson energy ball was condensed by him.

High-energy cutting !!

At the time of the power conference, the persecuted cyborg 17 had to blow himself up to resist.

This time, it was Gillian who used most of his energy to destroy the attack.

Moreover, he is still the Gillian twenty years later, and his power is terrifying, much more terrifying than Gillian when the power conference of the past era, right?!


The special move of the two shattered the surrounding space and shook the surrounding star field.

The horror of its energy made the angel Makarita, who had been maintaining the balance of time and space around her, suddenly change her face.

"Not good!! The strength is too strong to sustain it!! "


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