"Damn it!"

"Damn it!"

Cursing in his mouth, Doralon quickly shuttled through the ruins at this moment to dodge.

In the face of Susa's slash, he was completely unprepared and unable to resist.

In particular, each blow has the destructive power of a general.

If this is hard, even he will suffer a heavy blow.

Especially when he was attacked by Susa before, although he defended it at the first time, it was still affected.

"But how long can you last with this power?"

"As your physical strength continues to be consumed, it will be your time to die!"

With a flickering murderous intent in his eyes, Doralon continued to dodge, but he didn't have any intention of escaping.

Instead, it shuttles back and forth around Susa's surrounding area.

"Want to consume me?"

Taking in the full view of this scene, the corners of Ron's mouth rose slightly.

He wasn't an idiot, and he couldn't see Dorallon's thoughts.

But it is precisely because of this that the mockery in Ron's eyes is also three points stronger.

Not for anything else, because in such a situation, it is simply a fool's dream to want to consume your physical strength.

What he now has at his disposal is the eternal kaleidoscope, and the blessings of the intercolumnar cells.

It can be said that just by susa, who maintained the third stage, launched an attack, he did not have much consumption at all.

But there's no way Ron could tell it directly.

Looking at the figure that kept dodging, the vision of the white eyes was also looking at the outside area.

Under the insight of the white eye, he could see the traces of the Warring States and others at a glance.

Because of this, Ron knew exactly how long the group had been out there.

So far, he has no intention of interfering, obviously just wanting to wait for him and Dolaron to reap the benefits of the fisherman after both defeats.

"I want to be a yellow finch!"

"It depends on whether you have the ability to do that. "

With a cold smile inwardly, Ron's gaze playfully glanced at the trees in the distance.

Then, he manipulated Susa and began to force Doralon to move towards the woods.

Although I don't know if the Navy knows the secrets of Dolaron.

But there is no doubt about 740, that is, he and Dolaron are both big troubles in the navy.

At least in the eyes of the vast majority of people.

In this case, if Dolaron is driven over, it will cause both sides to be killed.

In this way, even if the navy will deal with itself at that time, the pressure will be much reduced.

As for saying that the Navy might not strike at Dolaron, it is almost impossible.

After all, Dolaron's secret is not for everyone to know.

And even if he knew, the man didn't dare to tell it in front of so many people.

"Not good~"

"This guy is going to calculate me. "

At the same time, Doralon's face turned ugly.

As he continued to retreat, he vaguely felt the presence of the aura of the navy.

There was also an aura that he was all too familiar with, his father: Monchi D Karp.

In such a situation, Ron's purpose is beyond doubt.

Once you can't break the game, you will face a two-sided siege by Ron and the navy.

For a moment, Doralon was shocked and angry.

But he didn't have any way now, even if he wanted to dodge and avoid, but Ron's slash was the first to block his path.

Coupled with Susa's constant approach, unless he chooses to fight Ron now, he will have to retreat to the rear.

"Marshal Sengoku, it seems that our existence has been exposed. "

In the woods in the distance, the pheasant took in the scene and said, "The son of the evil god is forcing Dolaron to come close to us. "

"What are we going to do next? Shoot straight or retreat!"

As soon as these words came out, the rest of the people also looked at the Warring States.

After all, in the current situation, there are many things they have to face.


The leader of the revolutionary army, now appearing in front of him, to kill or not to kill?

This is a problem and one that makes countless people feel uneasy.

"Of course. "

In this regard, Sengoku glanced at Ron's location in a complicated manner, and then spoke, "Today, no one wants to escape from here, whether it is the son of the evil god or the leader of the revolutionary army. "

"Pheasant, get ready, and when the time comes, you will directly block this area. "

"Use your power to blockade this place, and don't let the flames of war reach the inhabitants of the island. "


With a promise, the pheasant knew what the Warring States meant.

Without hesitation, he began to walk forward.

And as the pheasant stepped forward, Sengoku and Karp also looked at each other at this moment.

"Karp, don't forget your own justice!"

Subconsciously spoke, and the Warring States still chose to warn at the moment.

"I see. "

Clenching his fists, Karp looked at Doralon who was approaching this place, and his face was extremely firm despite the pain at the moment.

Soon, Ron's Susa forced Dolaron to the woods where the navy was hiding.

"Ice Age~"

A lazy voice rang out.

In the next second, an endless icy aura swept out.

In an instant, around this area, countless glaciers rose from the sky.

In just a few breaths, a radius of five miles turned into a frozen cage.

"Son of the Evil God!"

"Leader of the Revolutionary Army!"

"You can't escape today, just tie your hands and arrest it!"

At this time, the voice of the Warring States was full of energy.

Immediately afterwards, the figures of the Warring States, Karp and Pheasant walked into the battlefield.

It's just that the leaders are also Sengoku and Karp, and the two of them are walking around at the moment while tearing off their cloaks to reveal their black suits.


"It's straight to the point. "

Seeing this, Ron's face changed drastically.

As a traverser.

He knew too well what Karp and Sengokuto's coat represented.

These two guys are definitely going to take off their coats and be ready to do a big job.

And once these two old guys get serious, any one of them will be able to fight alone with the Four Emperors.

Especially Karp, this guy has the confidence to suppress the rest of the four emperors except for Whitebeard.

After all, it's not ten years later, and the current Sengoku and Karp grades have not yet reached that terrifying level. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Although it has already declined, it is not as severe as the future decline (BGFE).


At this moment, a loud shout rang out.

In the next second, Karp's figure could be seen suddenly rushing out of place.

In an instant, his figure appeared in the area behind Doralon.

"Iron Fist of Love~"

Without any hesitation, Karp's punch struck directly into Dolaron's body.


The screams resounded, and Doralon defended immediately.

But in the face of Karp's fist, he couldn't resist it.

Blood spurted out of his mouth, and the whole person was instantly knocked hundreds of meters away.



"It's really wonderful for a father to beat his son!"

Seeing this, Ron couldn't help but gasp.

Although there is an element of sneak attack.

But being able to sneak attack a strong man like Dolalong is not something that ordinary people can do.

Especially Karp's blow, which was a posture that didn't spare his hand at all.

This had to make Ron wonder if this Dolaron was picked up by Karp.

However, before Ron could continue to think, Karp stared at him with blazing eyes and said, "Sengoku, go!"

"I'll leave it to me. "


promised, Sengoku did not refuse.

One step forward, the whole person turned into a golden Buddha.

Immediately afterwards, Shaving, the figure of Sengoku soon appeared in Dolaron's place.

"Big Buddha Blaster!"

Without any nonsense, Sengoku launched an attack directly, aiming directly at Dolaron on the ground.

"Armed Dragonization!"

When the crisis hit, Doralon immediately activated the Devil Fruit's human-beast form.

In an instant, it can be seen that Doralon has turned into a humanoid tyrannosaurus similar to Kaido.

It's just that compared to Kaido's blue scales, Doralon is cyan.

Immediately after, Doralon raised his hands and directly unleashed the power of the Devil Fruit.

"Wind Barrier!"

In an instant, the hurricane formed a barrier in front of him.

directly lowered the power of the Big Buddha's shock wave.


"Animals are phantom beasts!"

Seeing this, the figure of Sengoku had already arrived at Dolaron's location.

After glancing at the latter, Sengoku slowly spoke: "Dolaron, in the end, you still ate this Devil Fruit. "

"Originally, it belonged to you as a congratulatory gift for becoming a general, who would have thought that you would steal it in advance!"

Apparently, Dolaron's Devil Fruit was also stolen.

Or from within the Navy Headquarters.

And listening to the meaning of the Warring States, this thing was originally intended to be given to Dolaron, but unfortunately......

"Marshal of the Warring States. "

A hint of complexity flashed in his eyes, and Doralon didn't expect things to turn out like this.

Soon, however, he calmed down.

Raising the hand, the entire outside of the human body becomes pitch black at a rate visible to the naked eye.

A powerful armed color covered his body, and Doralon looked at the Warring States Road, "There is no point in saying this now. "

"Since you want to capture me, come on!"

Hearing this, Sengoku shook his head.

Without hesitating, he attacked directly towards Dolaron.

He knew that it really didn't make sense to say that now.

The latter situation cannot be explained in a few words.

Moreover, Doralon is now the leader of the revolutionary army, and a wanted criminal by the world government.

As an admiral, he could not be soft on him.

In an instant, the two figures were killed together.

Boom Boom –

Boom Boom –

The deafening roar resounded, and the battle between Sengoku and Dolaron directly entered the white-hot stage.

Both of them are at the peak of the generals, close to the strength of the Four Emperors.

In addition, they are all capable of animal-type phantom beasts, and the killing movement between each other is extremely huge.

It's just that Ron is also frowning at this moment.

Not for anything else, because in the area in front of him Karp is also ready to go.

The aura emanating from the latter was extremely terrifying, and even under Susa's protection, Ron felt a strong sense of unease.

"Lieutenant General Karp, it's been a long time. "

Holding back the restlessness in his heart, Ron's eyes locked on Karp and said, "Your son is over there, shouldn't he take care of it himself?"

To be honest, he would rather fight the Sengoku than fight Karp.

Although it is true that this guy did not eat the Devil Fruit, his own strength is beyond doubt.

In Ron's opinion, the two warring states combined were not as threatening as the current Karp.


With a cold snort, Karp looked at Ron extremely unhappily and said, "When does the old man need to report to you?" "

"Little ghost, you can't escape today. "。

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