Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 15 Chapter 89: Dahong hopes that only Su Yi can exploit the loopholes

The barefoot immortal sighed and sighed, obviously speaking the truth...

The Antarctic Immortal couldn't help laughing out loud!

This sentence is really...

Indeed, he is indeed a good boy in front of you!

Of course, if you don’t look at the face of the monk and look at the face of the Buddha, even though you look down on the simple good boy Xiaotian, the face of the old friend, the barefoot fairy, still has to be given!

Antarctica Xianweng nodded, indicating that he was listening, and you continue to talk!

The Barefoot Immortal sighed and said: "Xiaotian is indeed a simple child, but it is because of his innocence that he was deceived by his colleagues. He once did something that violated the mortal criminal law!"

"Hey...what am I talking about...the mortal criminal law, can it still affect our heavenly immortals?"

Barefoot sighed: "But I couldn't bear the suffering of Tian'er at the beginning, so I crossed him to heaven before he was tortured. Now thinking of thinking, but making a mistake, the case is still unsolved, plus now, Erlang God went to the heaven to become a judicial god..."

The Antarctic Immortal said indifferently: "So what? No matter how arrogant and domineering Erlang God is, he will only show prestige to his Jade Emperor uncle. We are all old seniors. How kind of a person is your barefoot immortal in the heaven? Even the Jade Emperor. Your Majesty, I also have to respect you three points, the flat peach feast, the Danyuan conference, when did you miss your seat? Last time you were deceived by the grandson monkey and caused the Yaochi to be upset. The Queen Mother didn’t bother you, but gave it away. Do your few flat peaches comfort you?"

"I said so, but in my heart, there is always something unreliable!"

"What's so unreliable? Compared to this... I heard that there are a lot of flat peaches ripening in the flat peach garden. The queen mother is planning to reorganize the flat peach banquet! You don't want to get more flat peaches for your son, worry Some of these are not..."

The Barefoot Immortal frowned and stood up suddenly, "No, I still can't let go of it. I have to go to Tian'er and tell him to stop a little bit recently, otherwise, if I hit the hands of the Erlang god, then The guy is so hot! There is no need to offend him!"


Suddenly thunder blasted from the horizon, and lightning screamed!

An invisible coercion fell down!

Let the barefoot Daxian and others only feel the body sink, and then the feeling quickly disappears invisible!

Barefoot and Antarctica Xianweng looked at each other and said in unison: "This is...someone has made a big wish?!!!"

The faces of both of them were already shocked!

The so-called great aspiration is a wholehearted desire to do a thing that is extremely beneficial to the common people. This sincerity and this heart, even the way of heaven must be touched, so to lower the great aspiration is also a great merit!

Who is it like this? Can actually shock the way of heaven?

For a time, not only the Barefoot Great Immortal and the Antarctic Immortal Weng, but even the Jade Emperor sitting high above the mysterious dome, and Queen Mother of the West were aware of this strangeness!

Queen Mother West said in surprise: "Great ambitions?! Who is so capable, can be treated like the Ksitigarbha?"

The Jade Emperor was puzzled at first, and then revealed a few hints, "Could it be..."

For a while, his face was mixed with sorrow and joy, and he didn't know what to say!

West Spirit Mountain...

Tathagata's face showed a pensive color, "Not only is it extremely difficult to achieve a great aspiration, but it also needs to be inspired by the cultivation base, who can be so successful?"

On Luojia Mountain...

Guan Shiyin looked at the violent thunder that crossed the horizon in awe! Secretly surprised, the great aspiration of the Ksitigarbha King, the phrase that **** is not empty, he will not become a Buddha. At that time, he followed the thunder and pierced the Three Realms. Why is there only thunder and lightning today, but no heavenly sound?

what is the problem?

Poor but no one knows, Su Yi really wants to do this great good deed... It's just that his whole heart is because of the task! But Heavenly Dao didn't know this... on the contrary, Su Yi took advantage of it!


Until the sky thunder dissipated!

The barefoot Daxian and the Antarctic immortal were relieved from the shock just now!

Although Dahongwang is amazing, it is also famous for being extremely difficult to complete! It can even be said that it is completely used to embarrass people...

You don’t see that the Ksitigarbha has the entire spirit mountain to help, but now countless thoughts, but still can only condescend to the underground palace, to be that bodhisattva status!

They were just shocked that someone could touch the Dao of Heaven. This requires not only great kindness, but also great mana!

Taking a deep breath, the barefooted immortal was about to speak, but in the distance, suddenly a heavenly general in silver armor staggered towards this side!

With sharp eyes, the barefoot fairy recognized at a glance that he was clearly his kind child's friend, how could he come here?

Suddenly, a thought flashed through my mind like a sparkle!

"Oh no good!!! My son is in danger!!!"

Barefoot yelled!

At this time, the day will rush to the front, shouting: "Daxian! Daxian is not good, just now a group of fierce gods rushed to the Nantian Gate and captured Li Tian!"


Barefoot anxious, "Where did they go?"

" the newly built Judicial Tenjin Mansion!!!"


He slapped his thigh barefoot, and said angrily: "That Erlang God, his hands are really hot, and he doesn't care about my face at all. He caught my son, what is he going to do?!"

Antarctic Immortal Weng asked in surprise: "Why would he dare not give you face to his old friend? You know that even the Jade Emperor is polite to you..."

" and I discussed for a while, but I forgot that Yang Jian is actually not too old from my son. Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. How can he learn from the Jade Emperor's method of keeping a low profile and keeping time?!"

Barefoot anxiously said: "No, I must hurry to the Judicial God's Mansion, otherwise, Xiaotian is in danger!!!"

"Right, right, right! That Erlangshen is so insensitive, you have to be an old friend!"

Antarctic Immortal Weng thought for a while, and said: "But the guy Erlang is thoughtful, I am afraid he has already made a response! In my opinion... old friend, please go there quickly to protect Linglang, I will find more friends, we will unite Plead with the Jade Emperor, the **** Erlang dare not give face to your old friend, I don’t believe he dare not give face to the Jade Emperor!"

"Yes, old friend, you have worked so hard!"


The barefoot Daxian hurriedly flew toward the Judicial Heavenly Mansion on the cloud!

And the Antarctic Xianweng went to Taiyi Real Person...

Who hasn't come here for a few family members?

Some of those people are kind and honest, but some may be worse than Li Tian!

Now that Erlangshen acted on Li Tian, ​​it was clear that they had violated the interests of these old immortals!

"Yang Jian, Yang Jian, I will let you know, even your uncle, you can only treat us politely, you fellow, why dare to be presumptuous with us!!!"

Antarctic Immortal Weng snorted coldly, driving the clouds faster!


And now...

Inside the Judicial Tenjin Mansion!

A celestial general who was **** by five flowers was struggling desperately. While struggling, he roared: "Don't you let me go? You dare to be presumptuous to me, don't you know who my father is?"

Su Yi coldly looked at the struggling Li Tian below the stage, and smiled contemptuously, "I don't know who your father is, but it's not me anyway, so I won't protect you... By the way, Boss, take the penalty mirror first!"

"Heaven... Heaven's penalty mirror?"

Li Tian's body suddenly shook, and the Mirror of Heaven's Punishment, as the name suggests, is a mirror that can reflect people's past sins. It is specially set up for the **** of justice!

The internal formation is closely related to the Tian Tiao. If you do not violate the Tian Tiao, nothing will be revealed, but if you violate the Tian Tiao, then all your past that violated the Tian Tiao will be photographed... and there is no chance to refute!

Unexpectedly, this guy was so swift and neat, Li Tian shouted: "I don't want to shine a mirror on the sky, my father is a barefoot immortal, even if the Jade Emperor is polite to him, I am his son, you can't do this to me!"

After finishing speaking, his face suddenly and fiercely fell, staring at Su Yi fiercely, and said: "I'm telling you, you arrest me while my father is not When my father comes, you still It’s not that you have to let me go, you have to apologize to me..."


Su Yi clapped his hands and suddenly realized: "If you don't say that I have forgotten, the accomplice who sheltered the murderer hasn't arrived yet! Boss, the celestial punishment mirror has been taken, don't take a picture of him first, wait until his father comes!"

A cruel smile appeared on Su Yi's face, "After all, I kill the chickens and curse the monkeys. When I kill the chickens, I have to wait until the monkeys are all together!!!"


Thank you Tianye? Wushang's 45,000 rewards (two more owes, four more in, one more...and three more...)! ! ! ! Thank you Alsared for his 2500 reward! Wang Qingyun's 2300 reward! FonGYinG's 2000 reward! Thank you for the 1000 rewards of Nicholas Commandment! Thank you DOOM, Wang, Lingsha Luoxue, and there is a universe in your sleeve for the 500 rewards! Thank you Swadia for the 200 tips! Ximen and other Qiuyu, personal counterattacks, Nine Swords Breaking the Sky, Light Blood Fog, Repentance, Remembrance, Ball Guru, Eleven Wolves, and 100 rewards for love! Thank you for your 20 rewards! 10 Tips for Shrimp Shrimp! Three watch today...

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