Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 17 Chapter 111: How did you conquer your mother?

   Sakura has been serving Su Yi's side with a smile, helping him with wine and vegetables, and taking good care of him.

I have to mention that the etiquette of Japanese women is indeed impeccable, especially between Sakura's actions, the purple silk flicks slightly with the movements, and a pair of star eyes reveals some delicate and obsessive, that swaying Qiong. His nose and cheeks were slightly red, as if standing beside Su Yi, he felt very happy.

Without saying a word, Su Yi's eyes lit up inexplicably when he talked about the news that he and Qing'er were together...

When I saw Xu Changqing didn't stop me at all, but sincerely blessed him.

An inexplicable smile appeared at the corner of his mouth...

After Su Yi was full of wine and food, he left with Xu Changqing and others.

Xu Changqing left on her own, while Su Yi took Sakura to chat for a while, and then asked about Xia Lin's recent studies. After all, Aoi wanted to be a tutor for Rin, but he was obsessed with his own requests and was obsessed with him. But I played a lot of tricks.

Until the question was clear, he knew that Rin was still studying hard at this time, so he smiled in satisfaction and left the restaurant with a touch of wine.

Seeing Su Yi's back leaving, the smile on Sakura's face became brighter, and she happily ran to her mother downstairs who was at the counter, and said happily: "Mom, mom...Did you hear that?"

"Silly boy, of course mom heard it."

Kwai smiled and watched as she ran a few steps, coupled with the busyness before, the cherry blossoms with a few drops of sweat on her face, the red face is so cute...

She kindly helped Sakura tidy up the messy purple silk, and smiled: "Silly girl, can Mom still not understand what you think? Mom never planned to stop you, if your uncle really doesn't mind. , Of course my mother will bless you."

"Well, thank you mom..."

Ying laughed happily, facing her mother, the only elder on this plane, she naturally no longer had to hide her mind, she had already given up her thoughts about Su Yi.

As for Aoi...

Seeing Sakura's happy look, her face showed a kind of weird expression. Since my daughter likes it, why should I stop it?

It’s just that in the future, I should be more careful, so they can’t let their two children reveal the secret between me and Yan Ye...

I remembered the nasty guy who had sneaked into his room in the middle of the night in the past few days and tossed himself to death several times.

Kwai reached out his hand and gently touched his lips, showing an obsessive smile.

Sakura looked at her mother who was suddenly confused, and didn't understand why she was lost in thought again...

Is it just an illusion? I always feel that my mother nowadays is getting more and more beautiful, and the skin is more and more moisturized and delicate.

It's like... a rose that has been watered and moisturized.


Not long after returning to the palace... Su Yi was intercepted by Chan You.

Seeing that she seems to have business affairs, Su Yi took her to a remote pavilion.

Seeing that there was no one else around, Chan You said something important...

"Really? Jiang Ziya really rebelled?"

With a pensive expression on Su Yi's face, he murmured: "In this way, the inertia of the plot is really great. Auntie Chan, you didn't force Jiang Ziya to do anything excessive, but instead re-use him. Still left."

"Indeed... everything was as you expected."

Chan looked at Su Yi deeply, and asked, "What should I do afterwards?"

"It's very simple... to publicize Jiang Ziya's departure and make his reputation worse. At least, we will take the initiative to talk about it."

Su Yi pondered, asking whether he should go to Sanxian Island now?

Go and see Tongtian...

No, it's not the time yet. Tell him the truth, he may not believe it, so wait, and the friendship between himself and Miss Yunxiao is not very strong, it seems that I will go to her for a good chat in the future.

"By the way... there is one more thing."

Chan You said: "Shang Rong told me today that Taishi Wen will return from Beihai in three days. I am afraid that you will be invited to meet you in person at that time, Qinger...cough cough, the evil spirit in her body is indeed I have been expelled clean by you, but Linger's words..."

"Ling'er...I understand."

Su Yi sighed: "It is not just to beware of Wen Taishi, in fact, it is only a trivial matter, and more importantly, it is to beware of those who interpret and teach...the gods, who dare not easily kill mortals, for fear of being contaminated with cause and effect. The monster’s words are merciless. Although I am not afraid of those guys, I don’t want them to be exposed to danger... And if there is no monster, their safety need not be considered."

After thinking for a while, many things had their priorities in his mind. He immediately got up and said, "Okay, Auntie Chan, I will bother you a lot in these two days. Please let me know if there are any things. , My words... I'll go to Ling'er..."

With that said, he himself couldn't help turning away his face, and he didn't know if it was an illusion. He always felt that in these few days, facing Ling'er, how could he always feel a guilty conscience?

Zhao Linger.

My niece has always been the one who likes to be close to me the most. With her charming and cute character, she is so obsessed with herself as Ryuuji. Coupled with her mischievous and willful behavior, she is the younger generation closest to me. It's not an exaggeration to say that it is a daughter.

After all, I can be regarded as someone's stepdad.

I just don't know why...

During this period of time, after taking Qing'er into the room, Su Yi always felt a little out of place when facing Zhao Ling'er. It seemed that there was something in her eyes that she could not understand. I always feel flustered.


in my expectation.

Zhao Linger was indeed at her mother's place.

I just don’t know why, I noticed my sight...

Qing'er's face was faintly twisted, as if shy, and embarrassed... In the end, it was even more self-defeating.

It's hard to imagine that I could actually understand so many intentions in her eyes.

And when I heard that Su Yi was coming to Zhao Linger...

Qing'er's eyes were even more awkward.

Twitchingly said: "You...that you...senior... so you came to find Ling'er..."

Taking a look at Zhao Ling'er, who was overjoyed next to him, Qing'er quickly removed her eyes and said, "Then...Qing'er...Qing'er should avoid it."

She said, as if to escape, she quickly escaped.

The hurried expression looked that it was not so much avoiding herself as it was avoiding Zhao Linger...but Su Yi was slightly surprised.

"How is this going?"

Su Yi looked at Qing'er's embarrassed back in surprise, and asked Zhao Ling'er, "Why are you still able to restrain your mother? I remember that you always looked like a hamster in front of your mother."

"Well... it's naturally because my mother suddenly found me good."

Zhao Ling'er grinned, took Su Yi's arm, and plunged his arm into her softness very unceremoniously, and smiled: "Uncle, what the **** is coming to me?"

Su Yi frowned awkwardly, subconsciously realizing whether this is too intimate, but Zhao Linger's movements are naturally very smile on her face is cute and lovely, if she specifically says it, she will show herself Insignificant.

At the moment, I can only ignore the soft feeling on the arm, and say: "I'm looking for you, naturally because of business..."

He told Zhao Ling'er what he had discussed with Chan You before.

Zhao Ling'er asked in confusion, "Help Ling'er get rid of the evil spirit from her body?"

After a pause, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she was surprised: "Is it like Sister Qing'er, Senior, you are actually helping her get rid of the evil spirit from her body? And now, Ling'er's turn?"

"What is the little girl thinking?"

Su Yi knocked Zhao Ling'er on the head without hesitation, and said sternly: "That was a mistake...I misunderstood that she is your mother, otherwise, as, just drink blood."

"Drink blood? Drink senior's blood?"

"of course."


The smile on Zhao Ling'er's face was still bright, but Su Yi was clearly aware that she seemed to be suddenly lost.

She smiled and said, "Where is the blood? Bring it?"

"This...maybe the way to drink is...different from what you imagine..."

Su Yi's face unconsciously took on a few twists.


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