Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 17 Chapter 116: I'm sure it's that guy

The expedition to the North Sea, because the enemy is strong... Chaoge has gone to hundreds of thousands of troops, and the battle lasted for several years.

Now that he returned from the big victory, although the casualties were considerable, there were still more than one hundred thousand remaining, and the remaining people were all elites who were able to block a hundred.

The army started out with great momentum.

The black battle flag was flying in the air, with swords, spears and swords pointed at the sky, shining with dazzling cold light.

After several years of fighting, the countless soldiers had been trained as one. More than a hundred thousand people passed by at the same time, but they were like one person. The resonance created by the huge roar made the earth tremble.

And at the forefront of more than a hundred thousand soldiers...

The leader is not the mentally stubborn old man as imagined, but a handsome young man with bronze skin.

His eyes have double pupils, his expression is majestic, he is riding a black jade unicorn, with a simple golden long sword behind his back, and he is dressed in armor like a general of a hundred wars. His expression is indifferent and like a true Tao, like a Tao and vulgar, like a general It resembles Confucianism and looks at the four different things, but it doesn't look weird. On the contrary, it gives people a sense of exactly what it should be.

This person is the Wen Taishi who Su Yi has been wary of for a long time...or rather, he should be called Yu Wen Tuo.

Su Yi really should let go of his mind immediately, the legendary Master Wen Tai had already been replaced by someone... and even... it was the person who was replaced by his excellent friendship.

But at this time, Yu Wentuo's expression was far different from the cold grin he had originally, with a gentle smile on his face, and his bronze skin, making him look like a simple boy next door.

With a smile on his face, he said to the middle-aged man sitting on the side of the black tiger: "Brother Zhao Dao, you have always practiced in your Luofu Mountain. You don’t care about the years in the mountains, how come today, you will take the initiative to reach the mortal world. , Is there something bothering you? If there is a place where the younger brother can help, just open the mouth, if the younger brother can do it, there is no shirk."

"It's nothing important."

The person sitting across the black tiger sighed, and said: "It's not that the two sisters in the family are stubborn. I have to be my elder brother to accompany Hong Chen to play. I am worried that she and the two are fooling around, and there will be some misfortune in the world. At the end, I have to personally walk in the dust, alas, it is really a headache."

He was talking about a headache, but the thick spoiling on his face was almost overflowing. Obviously, he was just the kind of humble words that said nothing in his mouth, nothing, our children are very ordinary. But in fact, the bottom of my heart is a terrible type.

And Sanxiao is naturally an excellent child in his mind.

Yu Wentuo clearly noticed this, and laughed loudly, "Unexpectedly, Brother Zhao Dao is out of the dust, but he can't escape the **** of family affection..."

"Brother Dao, aren't you the same? How happy to be with you like a flowery family."

Zhao Gongming smiled and glanced at the three girls who whispered in a group in the back. Two of them were naturally his naughty and willful sisters, while the other one was...

With a delicate appearance, a delicate face, and a mischievous smile, isn't it just Dugu Ningke who is obsessed with Yuwentuo?

Zhao Gongming smiled and said, "I wait for people who refine qi and cultivate Taoism, like Brother Yuwen Dao, who are not so romantic, but they are rare."

Yuwen Tuo, in this plane, is called Wen Zhong, but he disdains to use other people's names, so on the grounds of his own family's surname Yuwen, basically friends with better friendships still call him Yuwen Dao Friend.

He glanced at Dugu Ningke behind him, his charming face was still the same as he had seen at the time, delicate and lovely, but soft and lovely in front of him, noticed his gaze, Dugu Ningke turned back with a sweet smile ... the attachment in the eyes is almost visible to the naked eye.

Yuwentuo smiled bitterly: "Ruhai is affectionate and cannot live up to it."

From the Xuanyuan sword plane to the fairy sword plane, now they came to this mysterious place again...their husband and wife have always been with each other, and now in Yuwentuo's heart, Dugu Ningke is truly an irreplaceable person.

"Husband and wife love each other deeply. I envy others."

Zhao Gongming sighed, and he didn't notice a look of envy on his face... After all, it was a feeling he had never had before. Just looking at that mana cultivation base was no less inferior to his Yuwen Daoist friend so sinking into it. , Even reluctant to pursue the avenue...

You can know what a beautiful feeling that is.

He laughed and said, "It's no wonder that the master will be smoked by Qi Qiao Qi."

Yuwentuo smiled bitterly and speechlessly.

When she recovered her memory, she was already a disciple under the Virgin of the Golden Spirit... After that, she practiced with her for many years, progressed to the gods, and gradually deepened her magic power. She was gradually able to compete with these second-generation disciples. Therefore, the Virgin of the Golden Spirit wanted to I recommended it to her Master Tongtian, so as not to delay myself.

But if you continue to practice, what should Ning Ke do? Is she alone in the great avenue, let her sink in this world?

No way, Yuwentuo had to refuse this alluring temptation.

And the reason... is because there is a wife in the family, so you can't abandon it at will.

It is precisely because of this that even if Zhao Gongming's generation is actually higher than Yuwentuo, those who should be called the uncle, but also call Yuwentuo the Dao brother... because if he hadn't taken the initiative to refuse, I am afraid he would be early Already tied with them.

"It was I who failed Master and her old man's expectations..."

Yu Wentuo sighed, his heart was not just about Ning Ke. Although he was not very rich in the Demon Realm, he was extremely peaceful and happy... But suddenly, without a trace, he came here. Inexplicably dangerous world.

In an extremely dangerous world, the cultivation level that I was proud of in the past is not worth mentioning here...In order to regain the power to protect Ning Ke, I had to cultivate hard.

And when he saw the so-called Di Xin, he understood what was going on.

Even if that guy was in a state of amnesia, Yu Wentuo recognized him at a glance, and understood, I am afraid that all the weird things were exhibited with him as the source.

So... he needs his own help to get himself to this plane, right?

The time that I met with that guy is not too long...I didn't say that I had been together for a long time, but the two people have always maintained extremely good communication. Is it sympathy?

Or is it because of the reincarnation of the same artifact, with an inexplicable sense of intimacy?

It is for this reason that Yuwen Tuo did not bring Dugu Ningke back to the mountains and forests, but instead served as his master teacher in Chengtang. Over the years, he made great contributions to Chengtang in the Southern and Northern Wars.

All this, of course, is not how loyal he is, but because the one who sits high on the throne is his friend.

I don't know if the guy has recovered his memory, why suddenly he lost his memory?

A thought suddenly flashed through Yu Wentuo's heart.

And now...

Qiong Xiao and Bi Xiao are looking into the distance expectantly. Their delicate faces are filled with excited and happy smiles...Without the control of the eldest sister, the two sisters are really sky high. The ocean is wide and leap, and eldest brother is always bully...Isn't this just letting you play at will?

Bi Xiao was the most anxious, and grabbed Dugu Ningke's hand and asked, "Sister Ningke, how long will we be to the Chaoge? I heard that there are so many people in Chaoge... I especially want to go to the fun. Place to play."

"It's coming soon, probably in a few hours, right?"

Dugu Ningke glanced at Bi Xiao, with a smile on his face. This Bi Xiao, who should be Tuo’s uncle’s generation in terms of generations, is as childish as a child in her mind... Yes, it's so cheating.

I want to cheat them a bit.

No...No, Tuo won't allow me to play with people like Thinking, Dugu Ning Ke looked at Yu Wen Tuo with a sweet smile on his face, no matter where he was... Anyway, as long as there is him around, everything is not a problem.

As long as there is you, it is good.

Being sweet from the bottom of my heart, I suddenly heard Yu Wentuo say loudly: "The army is stationed, twenty miles ahead is Chaoge, take a rest for three hours, start cooking, use the most energetic look, and go back to our hometown!! !"

"It's xn!!!"

The answer came out loud, with the joy of returning home.

After fighting for nearly ten years, now he is finally back.


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