Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 17 Chapter 119: Brother-in-law raising sister-in-law is justified

"Huh? What did you call me just now?"

Su Yi's ears seemed to be in a trance, as if he had heard some terrible address.

Is it an illusion?

Qiong Xiao hurriedly smiled and said, "No, nothing... Bi Xiao is always unobstructed, she can't speak her brain, she said it wrong, she said it wrong."

The eldest sister hasn't told them about the existence of this brother-in-law, maybe because of shyness? Or is she not ready yet?

If you waited for someone to shout like this in advance, I'm afraid that waiting for the eldest sister to come out of the picture of the mountain and river in the future, you will have to suffer.

She glared at Bi Xiao fiercely... Are you bored with life?

Let's pretend to be ignorant for the time being, do you pretend to be so pure without seeing the brother-in-law in front of you? Your eldest sister and I are just ordinary friends. We have such a pure relationship.

It’s just that when I look back and think about it now, it’s true that the Nuwa Empress came, and when the eldest sister came out to welcome her, she did look a little rushed, and after that, she was reluctant to enter the Shanhe Sheji Tu, as she only thought that she was distressed for these two sisters. ...

But now it seems that the eldest sister was having a private meeting with this man that day, and then suddenly discovered that Empress Nuwa was visiting Sanxian Island, so she ran back in a hurry, and then she became very anxious.

And she was reluctant to enter the mountain and river shrine, naturally because she had just been with this man... It was when she was in love with each other, and she was naturally reluctant to part with it for a moment.

Thinking, as if not giving up, Qiong Xiao asked, "Dare to ask Fellow Dixin, have you never seen your eldest sister since that day?"

Su Yi nodded, "Naturally, she was walking in a hurry at the time. There seems to be something urgent, and I didn't ask what it was..."

"Really? In this case, everything will be explained."

I have to mention that many things, if you look at them with colored eyes, things that are normally normal are also suspicious.

Not to mention, Nuwa Empress is visiting. As a junior, Yun Xiao naturally wants to greet her. He is reluctant to be fooled by his sister, and is unwilling to enter the mountain and river shrine map. This is normal, but if Su Yi suddenly appears If it is, it seems obvious, Yun Xiao did all this for him.

Bi Xiao said: "Then...I have one more question. Would you take the liberty to ask?"

"But it's okay to ask."

Su Yi winked at Yu Wentuo and asked if these two women were insane, asking some messy questions, is it weird I know your eldest sister? How lonely is your elder sister to make you shocked to discover that she has more friends?

Yuwen Tuo shook his head slightly. The tacit understanding that belonged to the reincarnation of the divine tool made his meaning clearly understood by Su Yi. These people are all elite disciples of middle-level leaders who have cut off their teachings. If they are good, if someone comes in the future, No worries about no one to help.

Su Yi sighed.

But at this time, Bi Xiao asked: "Dare to ask brother-in-law...Ah no, fellow Taoist, dare to ask if this Chaoge City is your site?"? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Su Yi raised her eyebrows and didn't understand why the topic suddenly turned here. Are you a mother-in-law picking a son-in-law? Also ask about my family business?

He immediately replied: "The whole world, could it be Wangtu, I will become King Chengtang, the land under this world is naturally mine."

"Great, you can play with confidence."

Bi Xiao cheered happily. Why is this polite? I have come to my brother-in-law's site. People say that my brother-in-law is like a brother, so in the future, I can treat this brother-in-law like his eldest brother.

Qiong Xiao also sighed in a lightly relieved sigh, "The eldest sister is also true. Such important things are kept from us... I really don't treat us as sisters. Although we always trouble her, we all I am an adult, and I know the severity of the matter. If I introduce it as soon as possible, it won't happen that I don't know each other like this."

"Yes...Is it? It seems to be hers anymore..."

Su Yi blinked, subconsciously aware that something was wrong, but after thinking about it carefully, it really seemed that there was nothing wrong.

Zhao Gongming sighed: "Friend Di Xin, the two sisters of Peng Dao are a little rude, and they still look at Haihan."

Bi Xiao pulled away Zhao Gongming and raised Zuoyi's arm, and smiled: "Alright, big brother, what are you doing so polite, you are not an outsider... right, sister... uh... Friends of Di Xin? Am I calling you that?"

Su Yi is speechless, why is your attitude so good suddenly?

"Friends of Taoism are just a name, just call it whatever you want."

"Okay, then I'll just call you that."

Bi Xiao patted Su Yi's shoulder unceremoniously, and laughed happily, "By the way, Daoist Di Xin, I came out in a hurry this time, and I didn't have any money with me. If I go to the mortal world, it is said that I need money. Yeah, how about you get me some?"

Knowing that it was her own brother-in-law, she was really rude.

Su Yi: "……………………………………”

He winked at Yu Wentuo again, indicating that Er Xiao of the three heavens might really have a brain problem.

At this time, Zhao Gongming was already ashamed to find a place to get into it, feeling that his face was lost by his two sisters.

By the way, it would be too much to ask for money when you first met... How come I didn’t know that my sisters were so rude?

After hosting these three fellow daoists...

Seeing Bi Xiao holding the money bag squeezed from her, pulling her second sister downstairs happily to play, Zhao Gongming seemed to be more worried about his two unreliable sisters, and he could not be rude. After accusing him, he hurriedly followed downstairs to take care of him.

Su Yi glanced helplessly at Dugu Ning Ke, who had been watching the jokes, pursing his lips and grinning happily, and said helplessly to Yuwen Tuo: "Where did you meet these two wonderful girls? This is too familiar, right? ?"

Yu Wentuo smiled bitterly: "They are not like this to others. Maybe Brother Su gave them a different feeling. I can only say that Brother Su is too friendly. But this is also good. If you can befriend them, If you have any difficulties in the future, you can ask them to help... These three Xiaos are very popular in the interception education, and I really know a lot of masters."

"Yes, but I already know Yunxiao, these two..."

Su Yi smiled bitterly, and sighed: "It's nothing, although it's a little rash, it's pretty cute... well, pretty cute..."

Yuwen Tuo burst into laughter suddenly, but he rarely saw his brother Su languishing.

But at this time, on the busy street, far away from Su Yi and Yu Wentuo, Zhao Gongming had an unhappy look on his face and reprimanded Bi Xiao: "Sanmei, how can you be so rude? So presumptuous to this fellow Di Xin Daoist? Actually... he asked for his money in an arrogant way? You shame all my cheating face."

Bi Xiao naturally retorted: "If you don't want to follow him, who do you want? Do you have any money?"

Zhao Gongming's speech was suddenly slack, "I can borrow from Yuwen Daoyou... I can't be rebellious with him, he certainly won't..."

"Come on, no matter how much Mo Ni is an outsider, it doesn’t look good to ask for more money. How can Dao Yu Wen compare with Dao Di Xin? He’s his own family, do you know how immeasurable he has with the two of them? I don't know, you dull big brother, I tell you, they two are much more invincible than you two."

But Qiong Xiao sighed slightly, and said inconspicuously: "This eldest brother-in-law disappointed me a lot, but after all, it involves the life-long happiness of the elder sister, and I can only feel wronged by myself."

Zhao Gongming: "…………………………”

He was speechless: "Isn't it just a friend who has met a few times?"

"Friend? A friend who can make my elder sister think about it? Huh... I tell you ~ This is the future eldest brother-in-law, the brother-in-law raises the younger sister-in-law, isn't it justified? Asking him for money, of course I am open This mouth."

Bi Xiao eagerly said: "And I'm still going to be ready. After the two days have been enough, I will go to him to have a good discussion. At that time, I will weigh up how much my brother-in-law can endure, and why should he give the eldest sister? Are you confused?"

"Yes... is it?"

Zhao Gongming can't keep up with the thinking of these two sisters at all.

dt>spanlass=”read-author-name”>Luohua Independent

Second! ! ! A new month, a new beginning... for a reward


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