Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 17 Chapter 121: It's ugly to be called rice.

How did Su Yi know that he asked Liu Yumo to help compile a high school textbook casually, but he accidentally threw Lin into a pit...

After all, Aoi was so comfortable with serving himself at the time, so that he was in a daze, what could he promise...but he ignored the gap between ordinary girls and geniuses.

Liu Yumo just compiled a random book without the slightest outline, so I still don't want it to be ridiculous.

It can only be said that it is a dreadful misfortune to have a mother who has come to an alien plane and still pays attention to the nine-year compulsory education.

At this time, Su Yi had already embarked on the road to the imperial palace with Altria. Halfway through, he bought a few candied haws and smiled at Altria: "Qingxue likes to eat this. It’s something sweet and sour. Now that you see it, let’s bring her something..."

With that said, he took one and ate it first.

But accidentally tilted his head and saw Altria's longing gaze, the emerald-green pupils carried a covetous look.

Su Yi was stunned, and tentatively handed it over again, and asked, "Why don't you come and try it too?"

Altria stretched out her hand to cover her mouth and coughed twice, and said, "Ahem...Although it is during working hours, you shouldn't eat these messy things..."

Su Yi immediately retracted his hand, "Well, then I won't give you food..."

"I want I want... master I want."

Altria immediately snatched the candied haws from Suning's hands without any image.

Seeing her charming appearance, Su Yi suddenly laughed happily.

Altria drank a candied fruit in her mouth and ate it with relish, but with a dissatisfied expression on her face, she whispered in a low voice, "Yan Ye, you are really bad-hearted."

"Sorry, sorry, but the expression just looking at you eating is so cute."

Su Yi smiled heartily. Although he was apologizing, the expression on his face indicated that he was not sincere at all.

Altria blushed and said angrily: "I don't know if it's an illusion, I always feel that you have a deep misunderstanding of me... I am not the kind of rice bucket you imagined, do you know?"

"Of course I know."

Su Yi smiled and said: "It can be called a rice bucket if it is ugly. If you look so good, you should be called a foodie... and it is a very cute foodie."

Altria: "………………………………”

"It feels unclear whether you are complimenting me or hurting me."

Altria went to eat candied haws, pretending to ignore Su Yi.

After teasing Altria for a while, Su Yi's mood suddenly became better, and he was about to make fun of it for a while, but suddenly a voice with a relaxed smile came from behind.

"Friend Su, you are really in good spirits. In this broad daylight, you even molested the Liang family girl, so you are not afraid of being seen?"

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

"Girl Yunxiao?!"

Su Yi turned his head in surprise, and saw that behind him, the white clothes were graceful, the black show was softly draped over his shoulders, the pretty face with a familiar smile, the white skin was full of soft blush, those pairs were full of charm His eyes contained a soft smile...the beauty was thrilling.

Such a beautiful person, even though he has been tested for a long time, Su Yi's heart suddenly stagnated for a moment.

Seeing Su Yi's sluggish reaction, Nuwa couldn't help but smile.

Noting Nu Wa's smile, Su Yi reacted, and hurriedly put away his brother pig, and said in surprise: "Miss Yunxiao, why are you here?"

"What? Can't I come to you?"

Nu Wa smiled and joked. Although it was a very intimate remark, it was so natural.

In fact, she was also secretly confused. Since this period of time, although she has returned to the Nuwa Palace, somehow, her tea and rice are still not fragrant, she is not in her mind, and she can't do anything...

The whole person is sick, if it weren't for the immortal to not get sick, he would be immortal, immortal, and I am afraid that Nuwa would have to wonder if he was sick.

Or afterwards, Bixia's partner saw that she was not looking right, and asked as if she revealed her scars, does the empress still mind being defiled?

Although the word taint was used incorrectly, Nu Wa woke up in an instant, oh yes, it must be because she had not avenged her insulted revenge, so she was in such a bad mood.

It seems that before the revenge is over, his mood will not be good.

At the moment, Nuwa was dispatched again and came to Chaoge.

It’s strange to say that I was sick before, but when I remembered that I was about to see this nasty guy, my body was full of power, like a candle light with oil, the burning one was called a raging fire. .

Nuwa attributed this to the man who robbed Queen Mother of West, and would abandon him after the snatch...At that time, the man who liked Queen Mother of West admired herself, but she abandoned it like a slapstick. Is it proof that he has defeated Queen Mother of the West?

She and Queen Mother Xi had been insulting each other for so long. To tell the truth, Nuwa has always had the upper hand in strength, but it has never been the contest between girlfriends. Therefore, Nuwa has always been the one who was oppressed.

After being bullied for so many years, it's time to stand up and ride her under him, right?

Thinking about it, the smile on Nu Wa's face became even brighter.

He smiled and repeated one more sentence, and said: "What? I can't see you anymore?"

Next to Altria frowned, this woman had a weird smile.

And Su Yi smiled in surprise: "Look at what you said... Girl Yunxiao came to see me, of course I am only happy, but a little confused, why don't you come with your two younger sisters."

Nu Wa said in confusion: "My two younger sisters?"

"Emperor Qiong Xiao and Niang Bixiao... Those two strange... Uh... Those two girls, just separated from me. According to them, you may need to leave for a while in an urgent matter. What? Is it done?"

Su Yi looked at Nu Wa with concern and asked, "Is there anything I can help? Although I may not be better than you in strength, I can actually help you with some things."

"Ah... this, no need."

Only then did Nuwa suddenly understand that it seemed that her previous instructions were effective. The two Xiaos did not say that Yunxiao had entered the mountain and river shrine map, but how did the two of them come here?

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

bad! ! !

Nuwa suddenly reacted, Er Xiao is here?

In this way, this mysterious and mysterious Su Yi can already go to see the leader of Tongtian through Na Erxiao instead of through himself. At that time, he wants to reject him severely when he begged himself with expectation. Isn't the request... Isn't it going to fail...

In an instant, Nu Wa even thought of whether to kill or kill her in her heart.

Poor Erxiao didn't know it, but between Su Yi and Nu Wa's conversation, their lives had already walked around between life and death.

"It's cold..."

Surrounded by the crowd, Qiong Xiao, who was watching a group of foreigners perform fire-breathing acrobatics, suddenly had a cold war and asked, "Sanmei, do you suddenly feel so cold?"

"No...Wow, these people are so amazing. They don't understand any magic power, so they can change themselves. It's amazing..."

Bi Xiao clapped his hands and clapped his hands, and the smile on his face was never cut off. Most of the money that came in from Su Yi was given out to the money collectors, then rolled up his sleeves and said, "Or I How about going to show them the real invisibility? Make sure that people cannot see the flaws..."

"Well, Sanmei, stop messing around, why do I suddenly have an unknown premonition..."

Qiong Xiao looked around, and felt that a strong malice surrounded himself and others.

Fortunately, this kind of malice comes and goes quickly...

Nüwa just put aside her thoughts of murder in an is too unrealistic, and there is no need to offend the Master Tongtian for this.


It seems to speed up the progress.

Nu Wa fell into a deep thought.

And Su Yi looked at Nu Wa, who had suddenly risen in a daze, staring straight at the candied haws in his hand...

He naturally subconsciously thought she wanted to eat.

Right now, he passed the half-eaten candied haws in his hand and asked, "Are you going to eat this?"


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