Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 17 Chapter 128: Destroyed Warrior

Finally, Xiaobai really followed Su Yi to Baguio...

Of course, Su Yi left, leaving the two of them to rest together.

Can't you really sleep with your aunt and niece?

Su Yi thought that he hadn't had such a thick skin.

Of course, no one knows what happened that night. How powerful is Su Yi now. Facing enemies like Nu Wa, he dare not let his girls come over... After all, the opponent is too strong. , Therefore, he compressed his power to the extreme, no one can notice.

And that Nuwa didn’t know what was going on, she also concealed her own strength. Both of them deliberately hid themselves, and they had a low-key confrontation. Although Liu Yumo’s airy power could almost be against the surrounding area. The girl who knows everything in detail can't be kept secret, but she is very measured, and there is no need to worry about her appearing on this level of battlefield.

That night, Su Yi went to her palace to rest specially...Sure enough, she asked directly.

Obviously, she has been waiting for the end.

And when she learned that Nuwa had retreated without a fight, even Liu Yumo couldn't help being surprised.

But she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. The enemy is too powerful. If you can't fight, it's a good thing, right?

Reluctance to be hostile, doesn't it mean that she is not as hostile as she imagined?

Liu Yumo suddenly relaxed.

the next day……

Early in the morning, Su Yi got up early, holding his Fen Jixi and sword in the imperial garden, and fell into deep thought.

This hateful Nu Wa, came and went, is it just to destroy this weapon of mine?

I don’t know if I don’t check it, I only know what kind of damage Fen Jixi and the sword has suffered...Fen Jixi and the sword are made up of two most fierce swords, but now, the Xihe sword and the Fenji sword are two The evil soldiers have all been eliminated from the evil spirits and hostility in them. Xihe is okay, it is the sword of the sun and the strongest, but it has lost the bonus of the blood-devouring orb and the fire-lin piece, but Fen Ji If it is, the grievance has been almost completely resolved, without any power.


Fen Jixi and Sword: A-level magic weapon. The most powerful genius in the world, people who are not purely yang destiny cannot be imperial.

The Fen Jixi He sword of the original s level fell directly to a.

And it's simply sad to lose those many evil and hostile bonuses.

"In the future...can't it be used by the master's brother anymore?"

The figure of nightshade stood beside Su Yi in frustration. The petite figure looked thinner than usual. She aggrieved: "This weapon can't keep up with the master's brother, right?"

"Then you won't go back to Fen Jixi and the sword after the big deal. Anyway, you already have your own body now."

Su Yi's heart was actually quite depressed, but looking at the lost expression of nightshade, he naturally knew that he couldn't blame anything at this time, and smiled softly at the moment: "Do you think the master's brother loves you because you can Is the reason for helping me fight? Even if you just become a dragon knight and no longer a sword spirit, I still like you very much."


Solanum turned his head and glanced at Su Yi, and then quickly closed his eyes. If I can, I can't always be with my master's brother, right?

Unfortunately, this cannot be said.

"But that Nuwa is much better than I thought."

The little red snake turned into a beautiful girl with a snowy skin in a red shirt, with an astonishing smile on her face, looking at the exquisite ancient sword like a red jade, she still looked so beautiful, but she had lost it. The essence of it.

She sighed: "The Nuwa of the Ancient Sword Plane back then, but after exhausting all the energy, the grievances on this sword could not be cleared, but that Nuwa was directly resolved with just one hand. Come, this Nvwa is much better than that Nvwa."

Su Yiqi said: "How do you know it was a hand out?"

"Of course, because I was also awake at the time, so I was watching..."

A Nuan covered her mouth and laughed pouting, her big watery eyes were full of glittering smiles, "Master, you have a serious face inviting you to fight, but you were directly let go of the pigeon. It looked really like So funny."

Su Yi: "…………………………"

Don't show up when it's time to show up, but you head up when it shouldn't.

"What are you talking about... so happy?"

The three of them were chatting, and suddenly, a familiar voice interrupted their conversation.

Su Yi looked back, but saw a woman in white clothes looking at her with a smile...

"Girl Yunxiao?"

Su Yi said in surprise: "Oh, look at my memory, patronizing my sword, but I forgot you, I'm sorry Miss Yunxiao, I forgot to entertain you, and I will invite Haihan."

A Nuan immediately covered his face, Xin Dao Master, you are really not talking, even if you ignore it, you can't say that, right? The stupid mouth is like something...that is, thanks to this girl Yunxiao being a client, she doesn't care about you, otherwise, even the girl who has a good impression will tell you. I really don't know how such a tongue deceived so many beautiful women around.

And as expected, A Nuan...

Nu Wa just pursed her lips and smiled, but she didn't say much, and didn't mean anything unpleasant.

after all……

I broke this sword.

She thought secretly in her heart.

Last night, I really had too many things, and it really made my heart a little confused.

It is precisely because of this that when the man in front of me said that I was waiting for you outside, he ran away subconsciously...

In fact, when Nu Wa returned to the room, she realized this.

She actually escaped.

The dignified Nv Wa empress, the goddess of the world, faced with the respectful and lowly revealing Nv Wa empress, she was scared back by a word from a man.

Flee without a fight.

Even Nu Wa didn't understand why she wanted to escape.

Is it because of this man's strength? It was so powerful that it was beyond my imagination...

It should not be like this...

Just looking at his angry gaze made my heart flustered, just listening to his lack of temperature, even with a disgusting voice, my heart flustered.

Then, he subconsciously escaped.

Fortunately, he did not realize that I was the person last night.

Nu Wa thought silently in her heart.

In an instant, it seemed that the heart hanging in the air instantly calmed down, and she smiled and asked, "What's wrong? Did something happen to this sword?"

Asked knowingly.

Ah Nuan showed a playful smile on her face and said with a smile: "Master, since Miss Yunxiao is here, then you can stay with her, I won't talk to you, and go to sleep, 88."

After speaking, a red light flashed, and she had turned into a small snake, and she was directly wrapped around Su Yi's arm.

Nu Wa was immediately taken aback, and said, "This, this... She is a snake spirit? She has been carrying it with you?"

I never found out that he still brought a pet?

Nu Wa looked at Su Yi in shock and nodded for granted.

She looked at Su Yi and suddenly felt that this person was really mysterious, and the little pets she carried could completely shield her perception...

I can detect the trace of Su Yi, but there is no vitality of this little snake?

And don't know why, thinking of the smile on the face of the girl in red before, Nu Wa inexplicably raised a feeling of... being completely seen through, as if she had no secret in front of that girl.

Is it an illusion?

After all, I'm the Nuwa Empress. Seeing through me, I'm afraid that even Taishang Laojun can't do it, right?


It should be an illusion.

At the moment, Nuwa put her thoughts on the business, with a gentle smile on her face, and asked: "By the way, Su Daoyou, I heard you sigh and sigh before, could it be that something failed?"

"This... indeed..."

Su Yihua was only halfway through suddenly shrugged his nose weirdly, and his eyes fell on Nuwa's bare hands.

Shocked: "Friend Yunxiao, your hand...wounded?"

Nuwa was startled, she subconsciously remembered something, her face turned pale and her heart was terrible.

Yesterday, although he easily caught Su Yi's sword, his sword aura still left a small scar on his finger, but I don’t know why, the wound is like a maggot attached to a bone. Never disappeared...

Did he find this wound?


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