Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 17 Chapter 140: Happy Yang Yi

There is no harm in getting this woman. .The fastest update

This is a power that can help yourself more than the power of the so-called fairy gods! ! !

Thinking about it, Ji Fa couldn't help but want to catch Yang Yi's hand with excitement.

But Yang Yi seemed to have a premonition. He got up directly from his seat, turned and looked out the window, just avoiding Ji Fa's hand stretched out, as if he hadn't seen it, leaving him a bit too To save face, she said: "Uncle Jiang is my uncle, and his academic ability is extremely strong. Otherwise, he won't be named the next doctor by Emperor Xin of Chaoge. If he does not leave Chaoge, he will be the prime minister in the future. The position must be his undoubtedly. Therefore, he came to join Lord Hou with great sincerity."

"But now he is also notorious. At the beginning, Na Di Xin was so important to him, but he didn't know how to flee... In the minds of the people, his status has already plummeted. This bad reputation has even spread to Xiqi. Come."

Ji Fa withdrew her hand with a wry smile. This woman is really too shrewd. She would easily avoid her when she wanted to be close, and she would still leave no trace. If it weren't for too many times, I am afraid I would think that she was actually unintentional.

"Should it be spread to Xiqi on purpose? I'm afraid this is also Di Xin's conspiracy..."

Yang Yi sighed: "It's a very clever method. Did he foresee Uncle Jiang's rebellion in advance, so he reused him like that before? In this way, once Uncle Master leaves, the previous respect and reputation will be turned into a sharp edge , So that Uncle Jiang has nowhere to hide. It's really amazing...This trick is simply a heartbreaking move. It can't be more suitable to deal with the cultivator..."

After all, whether it is Yuanshi Tianzun or other people, who would put those ant-like humans in their eyes?

But he has forgotten that commanding the army with such a messy reputation will only get twice the result with half the effort.

Sure enough, when Yang Yi listened to Jiang Ziya, Ji Fa sighed: "Although I now worship Prime Minister Jiang Ziya as the prime minister, he is now notorious. When the people mention Jiang Ziya's name, they all swear. Therefore, this prime minister cannot appear in the public. Next, otherwise, I'm afraid the people's saliva alone will be enough to drown me..."

With a distressed sigh, Ji Fa said: "The reputation of the father is too high, and the brother Wang is too kind. I took over their team. The whole people in Xiqi are staring at me, as long as there is a little to do. If it doesn't, it will attract criticism from the people, oh... this feeling of living in the shadow of the father and the eldest brother is really bad. Fortunately... the eldest brother is definitely going to die, right?"

"Yes, Boyi is definitely going to die after taking this test to Chaoge. If this is the case, Lord Hou needn't worry too much, he will not come back again."

Yang Yi smiled and agreed, but thought of another question in his heart. This Di Xin seems to be different from the plot...

Together with the potatoes he sent before, as well as the strange behaviors before...

Yang Yi's face looking out the window suddenly revealed a sweet smile, with a faint joy in his eyes, murmured: "What about potatoes... this time, I have found you."

"Miss Yang, what are you talking about?"

"It's nothing, if it's just these things, you should leave it to Master Jiang, Master Hou."

Yang Yi pushed back the bamboo slips that Ji had sent, and said, "My words used to be replaced when he was away. Now that he is here, I should retire."

"You want to go?!!!"

"of course……"

Yang Yi smiled, with an unintelligible look in Ji Fa's eyes. She smiled and said: "I have done everything I should do now, and maybe I will come back later, but now, I really want to leave. "

Ji Fa anxiously asked: "Why are you leaving? Are you really staying here to help me only because of your Patriarch's order? Do you really fail to see what I want for you?"

I really haven't seen it, so I might as well say that what you see is all you want to use my mind...not to mention...

Yang Yi pursed her mouth and smiled, her face was flushed, her voice suddenly softened, and she said softly: "Even if you can see it, it's a pity... I already have someone I admire... Sorry. Yang Yi can only live up to his highness's kindness. It is better to hit the sun if you choose a day. Let's say goodbye to Lord Hou today. I believe that next time you meet, you will probably call your Majesty."

"Wait... Girl Yang..."

The voice just fell.

Ji Fa was shocked to find that there was a fresh breeze in front of the window, but where could there be traces of the beautiful woman?

Just... did you leave like this?

I have no place in your mind like this?

Also, what do you mean by someone you already admire? That tone, that look, there is no presence in my eyes at all, are you mocking my toad wanting to eat swan meat?

Ji Fa's face quickly became sullen.

With a loud shout, he directly pushed everything on the table to the ground. The previous gentleness was gone.

And now...

Where did Yang Yi take care of Ji Fa?

She is really in a good mood now... finally found her father's trace.

My father didn’t become the lord of Yijiao or Shen Gongbao as he thought. Instead, he went to the mortal world and became the emperor of the mortal world. It was a wise decision. No wonder I haven’t found you all these years. trace.

But unfortunately, even if I find it now, there is no way to see you...

But... wait, father, soon, soon I will make you complete.

Yang Yi gradually showed a happy smile on his face. It is really hard to imagine that as an orphan, he has a father who is connected by blood... Is this the connection between bloodlines?

I feel so happy.

The speed suddenly increased, and she had already flown to the Jinxia Cave of Yuquan Mountain.

Yuding’s real person’s dojo is also the place where she has worked hard for many years. Now that she knows the whereabouts of her father, she naturally has to work hard to get stronger strength as soon as possible. If you don’t talk about it, then Yisu might be I want to erase my father's consciousness, and then use his own consciousness to replace the real father...

Therefore, I need strength to help my father deal with Na Yisu when I need it, instead of doing what I do now, I can only make false claims with him.

Thinking about it, Yang Yi suddenly became firm.

However, in just half an hour, Jinxia Cave is close at hand.

Skillfully avoiding the mountain guard formation, Yang Yi fell to the ground lightly.

And seeing Yang Yi coming back, Jinxia Cave was suddenly full of vitality.

"Oh, the baby apprentice is back, the old-fashioned baby apprentice is back... quickly, let the master see if he is thin, that **** old man don’t get hungry and thin. My baby apprentice is already small enough...cough cough cough Cough... disciple, don't pinch, don't pinch, Master knows it was wrong, your strength is incredible now, you will pinch off the flesh on Master's face."

Seeing Yang Yi, the real person Yuding showed a happy smile on his face, like an old naughty boy. He laughed triumphantly in the dojo. Unfortunately, it took less than three seconds to be proud. Yi gave a severe lesson.

After finishing the Yuding real person, Yang Yi respectfully said to the ghost king: "Little sister has seen the senior brother."

"Junior sister is too polite."

The ghost king smiled and saluted, but he couldn't help but be surprised secretly in his heart. After a short period of time, the junior sister's mana cultivation base seemed to be more refined.

I'm afraid it has broken through again...It's almost a ghostly speed, and it's not inferior to the progress of the stinky boy back then.

I just don't know why, that kid's Nine-turn Profound Technique has clearly cultivated to the highest level, why is he still so concerned about Yang Yi, whose cultivation level is far less than his?

"Miss, you are back."

Another voice came over.

Feng Mocheng, wearing a small servant, walked over slowly with a broom in his hand.

He was smiling, his eyes showed a tangled look, but he was well hidden.

I couldn't help crying crazy in my heart, she was stronger, and she felt more oppressive...Oops! If you don't do anything, it will be too late, and there will really be no chance of success at all.

But another voice was telling him desperately, how could he do it? She is your teammate... That woman is to make you entangled, is to torture you, she is helping her teammates revenge, she is using you, even if you do, it is impossible to get the anger of reviving your girlfriend If you are transporting points, you must never do it.

But even if he knew that the other party was Yangmou, Feng Mocheng still couldn't help but feel the pain in his heart.

Originally, in the past two years, staying away from this woman, and a little better, but now...she is back again.

And came back with a happy Feng Mocheng gave Yang Yi a sneak peek, and then was surprised to find that she actually winked at herself...

The long-term tacit understanding made him instantly understand what she meant.


Su Yi...found it?

Thinking of the man who looked like a **** like Yuan... Feng Mocheng was speechless for a while.

He could only squeeze a reluctant smile, welcoming Yang Yi, or Hei Yu's return. (To be continued...)


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