Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 17 Chapter 143: I think you will like this sword

"Judicial God?"

Chan You frowned and pondered for a while, and vaguely felt like where he had heard of this name, but after thinking about it, she didn't have any impression at all. She immediately asked, "What kind of position is this? Is it only in the Heavenly Court? Speaking of which, I have never heard of it."

"Really? So your Majesty hasn't heard of it..."

Bo Yikao smiled and said, "Since your Majesty doesn't know it, then forget it. It was Meng Lang, a minister before."

With that, he raised his glass and toasted Chan You again. Although Chan You didn't know what he meant, he didn't ask any more questions.

And now...

Su Yi was already completely stunned.

This... Judicial God...

He unexpectedly said these four words inexplicably?

I would know this title...

Could it be that the deceased of the Westward Journey plane failed?

But if you talk about the plane of Journey to the West, I have offended a lot of people, but the words of my old friend are not too many... Queen Mother Li Jingxi and others have already come to this plane, if you say anything else...

Su Yi's face was full of black lines, and he thought to his heart that the shell of Bo Yi's test was still filled with a monkey.

But in the case of monkeys, haven't they already returned to the mountains and turned into a carefree wild monkey? Lost all my power and memory... how could it be here again?

The identity of this person is really interesting.

Su Yi frowned, the look on his face getting stranger.

In the following period of time, the Bo Yi Kao never mentioned going back to his Xiqi, as if he came here, he took this post as his home...every day visits the upstream and downstream of this Chaoge, and Many courtiers in the courtroom have established extremely good relations.

After observing for a long time, what he wanted to do, but still did not reveal the slightest sign.

"Isn't it really coming to give the treasure?"

Chan sat quietly opposite Su Yi, with a confused look on his face, and said: "This person is polite, and this person is very polite, and he is not ashamed to be Xi Bohou who was next to Xiqi. Although he is slightly inferior to his father, he is not far away. Maybe he is bright and majestic, but we look at him too maliciously?"

"Impossible, he is not a real Boyi test at all."

Su Yi sneered and said: "He hides well, but when he saw you who looked the same as me, he still revealed his stuff... He asked you about the identity of the **** of justice. It is estimated that he also had doubts. The position of God is my position on the previous plane. Therefore, he must be my deceased person. This person is definitely not a human being. He should be a first-class immortal. It is just that he changed the appearance of Bo Yi to test. What did he want to do? I don't know anymore."

"Really? It turns out that he was testing me before..."

Chan You suddenly realized that she was tempted by someone unconsciously.

It's just that what the guy wants to do is still unknown. Without knowing the identity of the other party, it is naturally difficult to know the purpose of the other party.

The two are thinking about themselves...

Su Yi suddenly stunned and said, "Auntie Chan, I have something to do here, so let's leave that guy alone. Anyway, if I'm here, he can't get over any big really can't work, it's a big deal, I will appear as a real person In front of him, see if he can swindle out his identity. It’s just that if you do this, you will fall into a passive position... Forget it, let’s worry about this later."

"I smelled a refreshing fragrance..."

Chan You glanced at Su Yi and said, "Seeing you are so eager, is it because the girl named Yunxiao is here?"

"Aunt Chan has a good nose."

Su Yi smiled in admiration and said: "Yes, I just noticed the breath of Yunxiao. She said before that she would help me to repair the sword. It was a long time since she went. Now when she comes back, she may have helped me burn Ji Xihejian has been repaired."

"Really? Then you go... I'll think about it again here, what is the purpose of this Bo Yi test."

"Well, there is Aunt Lao Chan."

Su Yi left in a hurry.

Chan You was left with a deep thoughtful face, but the question he was thinking about changed, and he muttered: "Has the title been removed from the girl? When did they get so close?"

Obviously, her thinking has been misled by Su Yi.

And now...

All of Su Yi's thoughts have been put on the Yunxiao girl who just returned.

Feeling inexplicable, even brought a little nervousness.

When she left, she inexplicably changed her attitude towards herself, and even forced herself to remove the title of girl. Mo said that at the time Solanum asked her if she had a good impression of herself, even Su Yi herself thought so. of.

She likes me...

This kind of thought has been lingering in my heart since then. As long as I think of this possibility, an inexplicable sense of satisfaction arises in my heart.

It seems that the regret in my heart has been completely replenished.

That's weird, how can I regret it?

But now, she actually came back.

After leaving for several months, I came back to find myself again.

For a while, Su Yi couldn't even tell whether he was happy about Yunxiao's return or was he happy that his weapon might be repaired.

Walking fast...

Before going far, the oncoming breeze blew by, and a quiet fragrant breeze hit, this time even Su Yi himself could smell that unique smell.

A faint scent, like a musk orchid, but I can't tell what the specific taste is. I only know that it smells very nice and elegant... Just like her, the whole person reveals a calm and elegant feeling.

A woman who seems to be no more than two decades old, the occasional expression in the corners of her eyes and brows seems to contain everything.

Su Yi looked forward and saw the bluestone table not far in front.

A white-clothed woman is sitting there leisurely, a long and supple flying in the wind, her fair and pretty face is covered by a black show, and her perfect silhouette is breathtakingly beautiful.

Noting Su Yi's gaze, she smiled and said, "Fortunately, I have repaired your sword for you."

As he said, the green jade finger pointed to his feet.

Just beside her leg, on the stone table, was leaning a scarlet unsheathed long sword.

It looks familiar.

It's Fen Jixi and the sword...

No, is that still Fen Jixi and sword?

Su Yi finally left Nu Wa's body, looking at the weapon that was both familiar and unfamiliar, a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

The sword that leaned there looked like, but it was absolutely different from his original Fen Jixi and sword.

Fen Jixi and the sword are made by the fusion of the Fen Jijian and Xihe sword. The sword body has the characteristics of two swords at the same time, red and black, red dazzling, and black dazzling. They come together to form that one. Coquettish peerless magic sword.

But now, the black pattern on the sword has completely disappeared, replaced by pure red, as bright as a transparent crystal, and within the sword body, there is endless entanglement, which is not so much. It was dazzling, gleaming with a faint golden light, looming... as if a golden liquid was flowing in it.

And its shape is also greatly changed.

The changing edge is no longer...

If you say it, it seems that after going through the prosperous, it has returned to the ordinary, and once again changed to the appearance of the Xihe sword before.

Only at the hilt of the sword, the place where the Blood Devouring Orb should have been inlaid, has been replaced by a looming golden light, and the previous Blood Devouring Orb and Fire Lin piece have been directly gone.

"This...this is..."

Su Yi's breathing suddenly stopped.

Looking at this sword, which should be called the Fen Jixi He Sword, a hot look was subconsciously revealed under his From this sword, he felt something that made him extremely kind.

The intimacy of blood connection still exists, but it feels more handy...Even if he doesn't hold it in his hand, he can feel that this sword seems to have undergone an extraordinary change.

The figure of nightshade also floated out of the demon refining pot, with a deep look of shock on his face, and said in surprise: "Big sister, I feel that this sword seems to be completely different from before."

"That's natural."

Nuwa smiled complacently, got up, held the sword in her hand, and believed in herself: "Sorry, Fellow Su, I have changed the characteristics of this sword without your consent, but... I guess you should Would like this sword."


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