Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 17 Chapter 147: The truth of the conspiracy

Su Yi was so happy that he couldn't help but laugh.

I feel so good...

Yunxiao is indeed his own lucky star... not only helped himself to repair the Fen Jixi He Jian, or in other words, it should be called Xi He Jian now. Its power is far superior to the previous Fen Ji Xi He Jian, and After taking off the ghostly appearance from the previous shot, it has become magnificent, and finally no longer needs to be misunderstood as an evil person.

And more importantly, it wasn't this, but the two news that Yun Xiao brought back.

It turned out that the people who came to this Conferred God Plane were not only the people brought by A Nuan, but also the powerful people. They all came along the passages that A Nuan left behind...

This is really unexpected.

The most important thing there yet?

Su Yi really didn't know that he was hit hard by himself before the Tathagata came, and that serious injury may not heal as quickly as possible, but at least, the old gentleman is here, so I can't think too optimistically.

And there is also Naboyi test...

Although he has never known his true identity before, it is certain that he must also be his deceased from the plane of Journey to the West.

But now after Yun Xiao’s prompt, Su Yi finally knows the most important information...

Although it was already confirmed when Jiang Ziya left, that Yuanshi Tianzun was still standing on the side of Xiqi, if it were not for the beheaded Lu Ya, I am afraid Su Yi would have never thought that he would be so eager. Shot.

So now it is naturally clear who the person who is taking the test of the shell is against Bo Yi.

"Oh? Who is it?"

With a solemn expression on Chan You's face, he asked: "Then what is his purpose? Have you figured it out?"

"Basically not leave ten..."

Su Yi said: "Although there is no evidence, and it's just my self-righteous conjecture on the one hand, but I think it should be like this and probably didn't run... right?"

Basically, it should be, and finally a question mark...

Chan You rolled her eyes vaguely, and suddenly felt that she had nothing to ask, but looking at Su Yi's seemingly scheming look, she had to coherently ask: "Then what you guessed is it? Tell me what's going on."

Su Yi smiled and said: "He is definitely not the real Boyi Kao. There is no doubt about this. According to my guess, I am afraid that the real Boyi Kao may have been killed soon after he left Xiqi, or ...I was already murdered at the time of Xiqi, and then the assailant came to Chaoge with his face on his face...for the purpose, I'm afraid it is to buckle the murderous **** basin on my head."

"How to deduct?"

"I don't know yet, but it must have committed a fault that I decided to be intolerable, and then let me kill him in front of the people of the world... and he is a cultivator, and there are many ways to get away. At that time Although it was he who killed Bo Yikao, the people all over the world don’t know the bends and turns, and I’m afraid they will think that I killed him. So, the real murderer just got away with it.”

Chanyou thought for a while, and asked, "It’s the one who worked so hard to do such a complicated thing... What did he do? What about killing Bo Yikao? A mere son of Bo Hou, if you really offend you, kill He killed him, and even Xi Bohou couldn't tell what was wrong. Even if he was dissatisfied, he could only swallow bitter fruit in his stomach."

"But what if Boyi's exam is just an introduction?"

Su Yi’s original thoughts have been chaotic, but as Chan You’s conversations, especially her questioning like a guide, his thoughts gradually became clear. Many things that he had never thought of before were also I got it.

He was shocked: "What if this fake Bo Yi tried to do more than just let me kill him? If he really did something that I could not tolerate, you think, after I killed him, Will you be angry with Xi Bohou? Especially in this era when it is common sense to sit and punish the nine races..."

"He wants Xibohou to die? Why?"

"I'm afraid it's for status..."

Su Yi said: "Xibohou’s reputation in Xiqi is almost far better than that of my so-called emperor. If he died in Chaoge for no reason, then the whole Xiqi will fall into In grief and anger, by then, the people's dissatisfaction with me will reach the highest level. If someone goes up to the heights and shouts, they will avenge Xi Bohou..."

Chan said in a frightened voice: "In that case, it's justified. After all, it was Bo Yikao who committed the fault, but you killed his father... The people don't care if they sit down or not..."

Su Yi said with emotion: "It's really insidious. I smashed Jiang Ziya's reputation and reused Xibohou, so that Xiqi had no chance to rebel. But now it seems that they are ready and ready to fight back. So I want to make things happen."

"It is not right to say that you are ready. You can only say that your prestige is getting higher now. The potatoes and corn you sent have gradually flowed into the territories of other princes. As they gradually eat and wear warmth, they will respect you. Higher and higher, if you want to reverse, the sooner the better, even if you are not ready, anyway, if there is a big war, it will be a common thing to continue for a few years, so we should start with the matter first."

Chan You had fully understood what Su Yi meant, and said, "It seems that the person in charge of Xiqi now wants the lives of his brother and father in exchange for a reasonable reason to send troops."

"Well, Xi Bohou's second son, Ji Fa!"

Su Yi sneered. Sure enough, history was written by victors. In true orthodox history, King Zhou was actually a promising king. As a result, he was discredited because he was defeated by Ji Fa. It looks like Ji Fa, on the contrary, has directly become the eternal king of Zhou Wu.

It's ironic... It's a pity that now, you are not facing the real King Zhou, but Su Yi...

No doubt, your conspiracy will come to nothing.

At this moment, Chan You's face suddenly showed a strange look, he hesitated, and said: "I think...I might know how he is going to offend you."

Su Yi raised an eyebrow and asked, "Oh? Would you like to hear the details?"

Chan You said: "You are not a bloodthirsty person. If Boyi offends you, you can kill him. Logically speaking, it should not affect his parents. Only one possibility can make you like this. Crazy move."

Taking a deep breath, facing Su Yina’s probing gaze, she said, “That’s your woman. If Naboyi is mine, I might find a way to get close to your harem, using magic or Other methods are used to confuse the woman next to you and make her be tempted by me. At that time, when you are furious, you will definitely not let the test of Bo Yi, but in fact, the test of Bo Yi was wronged, because He was the one who was hooked up, and Xi Bohou died even more unjustly, because it was your harem concubine who did not obey the woman's way. He was not at fault."

With that said, Chan You couldn't help but fought a cold war. To the Yuanshi Tianzun who had never met before, he was really jealous in his heart, far away from thousands of miles, but his calculations were so dripping. If you and others don’t know, if Su Yi's harem concubine is just an ordinary person, so it is too simple to use illusion to confuse the mind...

By that time, I am afraid that no one will see the flaw.

The perfect plan.

"is it?"

There was a strange look on Su Yi's face, and she didn't seem to be angry, but Chan You couldn't help but frown in She knew, the man in front of him, How important is the woman's attention? Now that someone hits his woman's idea, he doesn't even care?

How is this possible?


Chan You asked tentatively: "Aren't you angry?"

"Angry? No, I'm not very angry... I'm just a little confused..."

Su Yi couldn't help scratching his head in confusion. With that sluggish appearance, his originally contemplative face suddenly showed a bit of sorrow, and said: "I am very confused now. Na Boyi is clearly a woman. What is she going to use to seduce me? Where's the concubine? I'm pretty sure, Xueqi Baguio Lingsha Mengli... Of these girls around me, none of them have a lily hobby."


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