Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 17 Chapter 149: I think i like you

After Chan You tells her plan...

Lin Yueru's face subconsciously showed a look of loss, while next to him, Zhao Linger and Xiaolongnv suddenly glowed in their eyes.

Su Yi sighed: "Sure enough, **** is still old and spicy. Auntie Chan, you really are..."

He thought for a while before he decided on the term, "It's too gloomy."

"I'm just a trick. I don't admit it. If it's really a shame, I'm afraid the other party is it?"

Chan You coldly snorted: "I heard that the other party is still the master of a sect with this kind of insulting method? It's simply shameless... Su Yi, other people have all targeted your woman. If you are a man, you shouldn't bear it. ?"

Su Yi smiled, only in the eyes, but there was no smile at all, and said lightly: "Of course I don't plan to bear it anymore, but I don't plan to go according to the plot anymore. Since this Yuanshi Tianzun is so shameless, then I I can only make trouble first. Auntie Chan, just do what you say."

"Understand, then tomorrow, it's up to you to start going up."

Chan You looked at Xiaolongnv and Zhao Ling'er affectionately, and sighed: "It's just that you are going to be wronged."

Little Dragon Girl waved her hand and smiled: "It's okay, don't feel wronged...not wronged at all. Rather, it's actually quite interesting to change your status."


Zhao Linger also laughed, the happy look on her face could hardly be restrained.

Only Lin Yueru, whose lost expression on her face became more and more serious, snorted softly, turned her face away, and ignored the two overly proud guys.

Su Yi couldn't help but sighed softly. Looking at this red dress, he looked at the girl who grew up since childhood, subconsciously showing a look of pity, and unexpectedly remembered the flower rain in his mind. , The words that the cute and cute girl said to herself with a serious look...

This is a headache apprentice.

Reached out and touched her hair lightly, smiled and said, "What's the matter? Why are you so lost?"

"No... I'm not lost, I just didn't help the master, and I was a little depressed."

Lin Yueru looked down at her toes, her eyes a little afraid to lift.

It's just that Su Yi's closeness alone, the warm feeling on the top of her head still made her mouth smile unconsciously, and most of the previous loss also flew away.

She is really an easy-to-satisfy little girl.

Still a child...

Su Yi smiled helplessly, "Let's do it, starting from tomorrow, Guan Shiyin... Hmph, this time, don't blame me for not telling the past. You have to let you take a lesson."

At the moment, he whispered a few words to Zhao Ling'er and Xiaolongnv, and then asked Chan You to help carefully consider various details...

And Su Yi hurried to the Royal Garden.

I spoke to Miss Yunxiao there before, and left in a hurry when she was halfway through it. It was impolite to leave her there alone.

And most importantly, thanks to her, he knew so much important information... thus inferring the conspiracy of interpretation.

It's really insidious.

It has been at least two hours since Su Yi left, but it was strange that Nu Wa was still waiting in the imperial garden where the two were alone before... and there was no impatient look on her face.

Seeing Su Yi, she smiled and said: "What? Is the matter finished?"

"Not yet, but I already have the eyebrows. This time it is really thanks to your information..."

Su Yi smiled and said: "Sorry, you helped me so much, but I still left you here alone."

"It's nothing, I can help you."

Nu Wa couldn't help but smile secretly in her heart, thinking that I was planning to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight? Why did you stupidly tell the news?

But Yuanshi Tianzun is so old and cunning, if he doesn't tell Su Yi in advance, I'm afraid he will be cheated very badly...No matter what, he and I are now friends, right? For the time being... and he is still Queen Mother Xi’s man, Queen Mother Xi is my best friend, how can I watch her man being bullied?

Thinking about it this way, she breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Since it can help you, it's the best. Now that I have repaired the sword for you, I will tell you everything, and there should be nothing more. I should say goodbye too."

I just took my hand and didn’t let it go. At this moment, you seem to have something to do, and you don’t want to take advantage of me. I don’t want to take the opportunity to slip away, do I have to fall to the same end with Queen Mother Naxi Gan Xiu?

"Really? I'm leaving now?"

Su Yi heard this with a reluctant expression on his face, but he had no intention of stopping him. He estimated that he would be very busy afterwards. Even if she stayed here, he would have very little time to entertain her...

"It's just that you just leave?"

He asked: "At the moment, your two younger sisters and Zhao Gongming and Zhao Daoyou are living in the Taishi's residence. The two girls are making trouble outside every day. Don't you plan to see them?"

Nuwa gave Su Yi a strange look.

Su Yi suddenly said, "Oh, I forgot. You told me before that it was to exercise the independent ability of the two younger sisters, so that's why they used the retreat as a reason to not see them. Indeed, you did the right thing. These two younger sisters are too ill-tuned."

"What? Did they provoke you?"

"It can't be said to provoke..."

Su Yi smiled bitterly and took out a golden magic weapon from the demon refining pot. There was a dragon head on it, connected to the head, and connected to the tail... It seemed that the power must be quite extraordinary.

Nu Wa suddenly showed a look of surprise on her face, and asked: "This is..."

"Jin Jiao scissors, I snatched it from your little girl, don't worry, I didn't hurt her."

Su Yi sighed: "But this girl is really ignorant, so I confiscated this baby. I happened to see you today, so please give this thing to you. In the future, please discipline her...let her don’t care about anything. Such enemies stupidly move forward."

He smiled and said: "Of course, since it is your sister, she is naturally my sister too. As long as she is still here for a day, I will take care of her for a day. Otherwise, I'm sorry for the brother-in-law she called me... …"

"Sister... Brother-in-law..."

Nu Wa said in disbelief, "What do you mean?"

"That's what it means."

Su Yi smiled, took two steps forward, stretched out his hand and gently stroked Nuwa's smooth and tender cheeks, but the gentle movements seemed to have a strong seal, so that Nuwa had no idea to dodge.

However, the previous speechless address made her firmly hold Su Yi's hand and asked, "Brother-in-law...what does this mean?"

"Do you still want to deny your feelings for me until now?"

Su Yi's smile became softer, holding Nuwa backhand and grabbing his hand, "Even your two younger sisters have guessed it, why do you have to be strong? Sooner or later, there is nothing wrong with calling me brother-in-law, at least , I’m glad to hear that."

Staring deeply at Nuwa's pupils, Su Yi said gently: "I'm very happy just thinking that you like me. I guess I should like you too."


Nu Wa was dumbfounded, she didn't know what to say, brother-in-law?

Ha ha……

In terms of generation, the person who should call your brother-in-law is actually me, right? After all, Queen Mother Xi always regarded herself as her sister. Although she was very disdainful, she had to mention that it was very pleasant to hear her call her sister for a long time.

But now, I have become...

Thinking of Yunxiao who was cultivating in Jitu of the Mountain and River Society, Nu Wa suddenly realized that maybe this joke that she was just talking about at first, has become bigger and bigger now, and even involved people next to her.

Must explain clearly, she said loudly: "Friend Su, actually I..."

"Well, I understand, I didn't force you to be so tight, and didn't let you marry me or anything now."

Su Yi smiled and said: "But your I have already made it clear. You just want to deny it. There is no reason, right? You can't hide from me..."

"No, I'm not..."

"By the way, aren't you a disciple under the Master of Tongtian Church? I want you to do me a favor."

Su Yi said sternly: "Since Yuanshi Tianzun intends to attack me, then I should also find an ally. The enemy's enemy is a friend, and then Master Tongtian is my best ally. In my spare time, if I have free time, You take me to Biyou Palace."


Nu Wa was speechless.


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