Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 17 Chapter 165: Almost fell into the forbidden abyss

Farewell to Baguio, Su Yi did not leave here, but went straight to find Chan You. At this time Chan You was in Mengli's palace. The mother and daughter were cuddling together, seeming to be whispering something. , Really looks like a strong feeling.


   Seeing Su Yi coming, the two women smiled and got up...


   After sitting there for a while, Su Yi directly explained his departure, and told Chan You: "Auntie Chan, after I leave, many things about the court will be left to you."


   "Don't worry, I will take care of it."


   Chanyou has a serious look on her face.


Su Yi smiled and said: "Don't worry, this time is different from last time. We have been cooperating for so long. Last time I was a little worried, but now, if you dress up like me, I am afraid. No one can see any flaws, Auntie Chan, you are really too concerned about my affairs."


   Chanyou smiled and said, "Since you have to do it, naturally you must do your best."


   "Yeah, to be honest, it makes me a little flattered."


   Su Yi sighed faintly. Since Baguio would tell herself, it must be because she had full confidence, that is to say... she really saw herself and Mengli...


   Looking at that charming face not far away from her, her delicate cheeks can be broken with a bomb. Although she is not young, it is more charming and charming, without any damage to her beauty.


   In Su Yi's heart, Baguio's words came up unconsciously, "Xiao Yi, do you think... you and Aunt Chan are too close?"


   Actually, if you look at it up close, she is indeed pretty. Although she has given birth to children, she is indeed Mengli's mother. She really...


Seeing Chan You and Meng Li sitting at close range holding hands, Meng Li looked at herself with concerned eyes on her face. The tender affection in her eyes was not concealed. She would not care about her eyes. People, even her mother, would not let her hide in the slightest.


   and quiet... it seems that the bottom of my eyes is...


   What a mother and daughter... Cough cough cough cough... Self-respect, must be self-respect! ! !


   Su Yi hurriedly coughed a few times and turned his face away. At the moment just now, he felt as if he had fallen into some kind of forbidden ocean. No, it was too heavy.


   At this time, Liu Mengli was still full of caring instructions, saying that she must be careful when going out and don't hurt herself...Although the task is important, talent is the most important.


   She used to be cold and cold, but she was so unbelievably exhorting, it can be seen that in the depths of my heart, she must be extremely worried.


   After all, she now knows that this plane is actually far more dangerous than any plane she has experienced before.


Noting her caring tenderness, Su Yi smiled and replied a few words, looking at her bright star-like eyes, her heart suddenly moved, and a touch of tenderness surged, and she couldn't help but leaned toward her. If there was a soft kiss on the edge of the soft lips. Said: "Wait for me to come back obediently, you know?"


   "Well, I know."


   Liu Mengli didn't care about her mother, but gently catered to her, with a gentle smile on her face, and said: "You must come back soon."


"I understand."


   Su Yi gently squeezed Liu Mengli's pretty face, the smooth and soft hand feeling made him reluctant to remove his fingers... Then, he turned his head and looked at Chan You.


   Liu Mengli then realized that her mother was still watching... she uttered a cry, and she hurriedly turned her face away, thinking that she is true, how can she do such shameless things in front of her mother.


   Chanyou turned a blind eye to the interaction between Meng Li and Su Yi just now. Faced with his sight, she said: "Su Yi, you can rest assured to go, this world, let me help you guard."


   "Well, that's hard work for the auntie."


   Su Yi agreed, but a strange thought flashed through her heart, why is she so indifferent? Is it because you don't care, or is it because you have seen more exaggerated pictures?


   Liu Mengli didn't know what Su Yi was thinking, and then he whispered: "Ziying, why are you still calling them auntie...It's natural for them to call me that way, but you...however you look at, you should follow me."


Follow you?


   Could it be my mother?


   Su Yi was startled, subconsciously feeling a little weird, hehe smiled and said: "This is really... the habit of calling them after Lingsha, it really made me change my mouth, it was a bit..."


Chan You also showed a weird look on her face and smiled: "Forget it, let's call Auntie Chan...If you call Mengli like you, my mother is really a bit stressed. Anyway, as long as I treat him as my son-in-law in my heart. , He treats me as his mother-in-law, isn't it all right?"


   "Never mind, mother, don't you feel wronged."


Mengli gave Su Yi a lightly white look, and said, "Although I am following him without a name or a part, I don't care about the red tape. If you care, mother, let him fill it up at that time. ...Just like Qing'er...After Qing'er marries Ziying, we will marry too."


Chan You sighed: "Forget it, as long as you children like it, it doesn't matter what you like, mother doesn't care. Su Yi, you go... Go early and return early. Don't forget to be here, but there are still people waiting. For you to come back."


   "Don't worry, auntie... I will come back as soon as possible."


   Su Yi gently rubbed Liu Mengli's cheek for a while, and said, "I'm leaving."


   said, he took two steps back, and in Liu Mengli's unwilling gaze, he turned into golden light and left.


  The other girls have already said goodbye, so now, it's time to do their own business.


   flew all the way to a remote place.


   Nuwa Palace.


   If it catches up with the celebration, it is naturally very lively and full of people, but now it is neither a festival nor a great day for sacrifice.


   Then the entire Nuwa Palace is naturally empty. Even the guardian temple has returned home to reunite with his wife and children. Anyway, it is enough to clean it regularly every day.


   "Just here."


Su Yi whispered, and looked up at the towering stone statue. The wild writing on it is still on it. So, since I have passed so many times, I shouldn't be a copy of the text. The past?


   stretched out his hand and gently stroked the wild handwriting, Su Yi smiled for a while...Really, I thought we could still be friends, but I didn't expect to have developed to this point.


   That's all, after all, it is your own choice.


   I can only respect.


   But don’t expect me to be merciful.


Thinking, Su Yi took out the burning incense that Yunxiao left to herself before. She once told herself that when she wanted to go to Biyou Palace, if she lit the incense she gave herself, then she would naturally know .




Guanyin has been settled, and she probably still doesn’t know what happened in the clouds and mists. It will take more than a month for Ji Chang to reach Xiqi at the lowest, which means that the time of this month is for herself. Isn’t it the best opportunity to meet the Master of Tongtian?


   Especially after... Now that Yuanshi Tianzun has already shot This is already evidence.


   With a smile on his face, Su Yi lit the incense given by Nuwa in front of Nuwa Palace.


   Seeing that the incense in his hand, which was only half the thickness of the little finger, burned out quickly... Then, the faint fragrance drifted away.


   Su Yi quietly waited in front of the palace gate.


  At the same time...


   is a thousand miles away.


Sitting opposite a man, Nuwa, who was talking about something, suddenly froze, with a complicated expression on her face, and sighed: "The person I want you to see, he has sent a message and is ready to see you. ."


The Taoist with a long beard on the other side looked handsome, the five officials were upright, and he had a calm and gentle attitude. Even when facing the Nuwa Empress, he still smiled indifferently, saying: "Since I am a friend of the Empress, if you want to see the poor Dao, Biyou Palace is naturally open for him at any time, so that, where is he, I will send out my disciples to meet him, the lady can rest assured that she will never lose her manners."


   "He is now..."


   Nuwa hesitated for a while, still sighed: "Forget it, I'll bring him here personally, after all, I promised him..."


   The Master Tongtian couldn’t help but flashed a look of surprise on his face, wondering where is this person sacred? You can make Nuwa Empress be so cautious.



  :. :

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