Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 17 Chapter 179: 1Wake up to the hot spring

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Nestled in Su Yi’s arms, looking at the surrounding scenery as if a slow-moving scene was slowly drawn closer... Nuwa understood that this was because the two of them were so fast that they even had their own vision. There was an illusion. network.

Green mountains, green water, clear breeze, white clouds... everything was quickly left behind the two of them, as if they had completely escaped from this world. In that new world, there were only two of them.

Nu Wa whispered in Su Yi's arms: "It is rumored that the rainbow transformation technique is the number one escape technique in the Three Realms. The speed is unparalleled in the world. I can't think of seeing it, but it is still beyond my imagination. If it hadn't been for me to find Queen Mother Xi to use her plain cloud boundary flag to trap the six, I'm afraid I would really not be able to catch him."

Su Yi raised her eyebrows and asked, "So, when you were practicing swords, you also asked Queen Mother Xi for help?"

Nu Wa nodded.

Su Yi chuckled, "It seems that if I see her, I have to thank her well."

"But she seems to be avoiding you lately. It may not be easy for you to see her."

Su Yi smiled bitterly, "How much hatred I have to hide... Will I still eat her and fail?"

"Perhaps I was afraid that you would eat her?"

Nu Wa couldn't help but laughed.

Su Yi sighed, and said, "You won't hide from me forever."

Nuwa said sternly: "We should wait for the surprise to be dealt with before we go to West Kunlun to find her."

Su Yi asked in confusion: "You have been talking about surprises since just now. What kind of surprises are they?"

"It's a natural hot spring... The spring water inside is made up of ten thousand year stone milk springs. It takes hundreds of years to accumulate. If it is the first soak, it will still have great benefits for the growth of mana in the body. A place that only I own, and other idlers, etc., will easily not allow others to soak, but this time you are blessed."

"Really? Do I need to thank you well?"

An expression of expectation appeared on Su Yi's face, "Then how about I accompany you in the hot spring as a thank you?"

Nuwa gave Su Yi a white look, "I always feel that after knowing my true identity, your skin becomes thicker. Is your nature exposed?"

Su Yi chuckled and said, "It's just a happy heart, aren't you happy?"

"Of course I am happy... well, go ahead, turn left..."

Nuwa sighed softly, "I am afraid that your degree is much faster than that of 6 pressures. You have reached the boundary of Nuwa Palace so soon. If it were me, it would take half an hour at the earliest."

"Although my rainbow transformation technique was obtained from somewhere by chance, the real fire of the sun in my body was condensed only after merging with the origin of the fire of a world. If it is the essence, I am afraid it is better than the six pressures. The origin of the true fire of the innate sun, the mana is much stronger than him, and the speed is faster than him. Isn't this a matter of course?"

Su Yi smiled proudly, his face showing a bit of contentment.


Nuwa waved her hand, and could clearly perceive the invisible and intangible mana slowly fading...

Is it the formation of Nuwa Palace?

But there was Nuwa, Su Yi didn't notice any obstacles, he had already passed through directly, following Nuwa's guidance, when he fell, he was already in a sunny place...

A small valley surrounded by huge stones, green vines hanging down from the surrounding trees, extended into the warm breast.

It was a huge deep pit about several feet wide open, and it was already filled with warm liquid.

It was a white liquid, like a lotion, but with a faint temperature...a burst of mist-like phantom heat drifted upwards slowly, not just pure heat, rather it seemed to be pure aura.

To the naked eye, the deep spring water seemed to be slowly turning into aura and floating into the sky.

"This is really... a good place."

Su Yi’s face showed a somewhat amazed expression. The aura is so rich that it is truly rich that he has never seen before... If you can soak in it, even if you don’t practice, you can still be alone. Mana has great gains.

He sighed: "Nuwa, do you have to soak here for a few days every 100 years?"

Nu Wa nodded, her fair and pretty face with a touch of complacency, and said, "Of course, this is where I usually bathe. Although there was no Ten Thousand Years Stone Milk Spring, it was warm and comfortable... so I usually bathe here. As for this ten thousand-year-old stone milk spring, I usually enjoy it alone."

She smiled and said, "Although the mana in your body is very powerful, it seems to be difficult to control. It should be of great help to you, right?"

"This... really."

Su Yi picked up a handful of water, then sniffed it carefully, nodded in approval and said, "It is rich in spiritual energy, far better than any wonderland. I am afraid that except for those master-level perverts, everyone else is rushing to it, right?"

"Then you go in and have a dip."

There was a little joy in Nuwa’s voice, and she smiled: “This ten thousand-year-old Shiru Spring maintains at least five days of sunlight, and then it will dissipate and turn into ordinary spring water. The magical effect is no longer there, so... we are also in a coincidence, as soon as possible."

"Yes, let's do it as soon as possible."

Su Yi turned his head and showed a smirk, and said to Nuwa: "How about it, are you going down first or me first?"

Nüwa: "…………………………"

She sipped, "Which one is going to go with you, go by yourself. I will help you protect the law outside..."

"Thank you, Nuwa."

Su Yi smiled and thanked him, with a slight gratitude in his voice. He naturally understood Nu Wa's painstaking efforts. Although this would show signs of eating soft food, since it was the painstaking effort of the beautiful woman, he accepted it.

Nu Wa, who turned her back to Su Yi, couldn't help showing a knowing smile, and then turned and walked out of the faint valley.

Su Yi stretched out his hand again and took a handful of milky white lake water, and sighed softly: "With such a strong spiritual energy, it would be too wasteful to soak by yourself..."

However, since it is the place where Nuwa usually bathes, it is not good for me to ask my sisters to come here to soak, after all, it is not good to be overwhelming.

That's it... Let's enjoy it alone.

Su Yi took off the cloud shirt on his body, threw it aside, and then went naked... into the spring water.

Let the white lotion envelop his whole body.

Then, there was a look of surprise on his face. It really deserves to be a place where Nuwa pays great attention to it. The aura of the lake is so strong that it is far beyond my imagination. Everyone who touches this liquid skin feels all over. All of her pores seemed to be opened, or rather, they were forcibly opened, and the strong aura seemed to be desperately squeezed into the body as if it were not for money.

The pure aura that seems to have been refined can be directly transformed into pure mana, although because my profound art and the nine-revolution profound art are too solid, the progress after the transformation is not great, but It can also be felt that both the rank nine profound arts and profound arts have begun to grow slowly, although it is very slow, but now that they can feel the growth, it is already an incredible improvement.

And that force of Yisu was finally hard to resist in the face of the two more powerful mana, and it was crushed into a remote corner of his body.

Su Yi couldn't help sighing secretly in his heart. When he first entered this plane, he was still suffering from being suppressed by the power of Yi Su, but now he has bullied it to a miserable level.

Although it has only been a few years, his mana improvement is indeed a god...

So now, take the time to absorb the spiritual power in this stone milk spring.

Su Yi slowly sinks his body until MadeIn... so that his skin can be exposed to the largest area of ​​this rich stone milk spring water.

And now...

In the distance, although Nu Wa, who was sitting quietly by the stone, was alone, she did not feel alone.

There was always a happy smile on his face.

When I thought that with her own help, the mana in the body should have soared... She felt really comfortable, and it made sense to wait.

But it didn't take long...

Suddenly, she was dumbfounded, looking at the oncoming women in a daze. The women seemed to say something. Everyone was an extremely familiar face... Obviously, they were coming in this direction.

She was shocked: "West... West... West..."

Queen Mother West was taken aback, looked at Nu Wa who was sitting in front, and said in surprise: "Huh... Sister Nu Wa? What are you doing here sitting here? Could you be waiting for me to take a bath with you?"

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