Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 17 Chapter 196: The evolution of Su Yi

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"It's been a month..."

Queen Mother Xi played with the cup in Nuwa's hand boredly, with a bored expression on her face, and sighed, "How long is Erlang planning to stay in seclusion?"

"What do you think?"

Nu Wa said: "Don't forget, she absorbs the yin qi that exudes when you break through. That is the thing that existed when the chaos first opened. I want to absorb these things into a man's body. I am afraid it will not be easy."

Queen Mother Xi gave Nu Wa a white look, and said, "Could you not keep talking about it? What if my daughters hear about it?"

"Just do it..."

Nu Wa chuckled slightly. Facing her close friends in her boudoir for many years, she didn’t have much of an idiot, with a playful look on her face. She leaned in and asked in a low voice: "Mother, you tell me quietly, I promise to decide. Don't tell anyone, what happened in the water that day?"

"Do you think I will tell you?"

Queen Mother West snorted: "It's not that you pushed me down the fire pit. I want to know what happened. Go to Erlang and he will let you experience it personally. But now, I only worry about one thing... "

Nu Wa asked in confusion: "What's the matter?"

Queen Mother Xi looked at Nuwa with a bit of pity in her eyes, "I was given by him... and then I was absorbed in Yin Qi, so that Erlang could not absorb it after so much effort. If it is with you... old friend Ah, I feel like you will never be able to..."

Nuwa snorted softly, "You old lady rascal, who would do that shameless thing like you, I won't."

" still want to hide from me? Do you think I can’t guess? Why did Erlang appear in your exclusive bathing place? even let out your room for Erlang to retreat, he is now Are you still sitting on your bed, Nuwa, what about your cleanliness? Where is it? Or is Erlang very clean and you don’t mind sitting on your bed?"

Nüwa: "……………………………………”

Queen Mother Xi smiled and said, "But now, besides your virginity, I also worry about another problem."

"Where are so many questions?"

"Don't forget, two months after Erlang was in Chaoge, there was a marriage, but now, seeing the time is approaching..."

Queen Mother West said worriedly: "What if Erlang can't make it?"

Nu Wa glanced at Queen Mother Xi and asked, "Marriage? Don't you mind?"

"What do I mind?"

A weird smile appeared on Queen Xi’s face, “Speaking of which, the woman who married Erlang is still the younger of my friend. The elders don’t mind, what do I mind?”

"Do you still have friends?"

"Of course there is."

Queen Xi stared straight at Nuwa and smiled and said, "I have seen the young girl. She is a very cute and lively girl. Well, as a nephew, I like her very much."

"If you like her, what do you think of me? The eyes are weird..."

Nuwa twisted her body a little uncomfortably, and just wanted to ask what kind of stupid the young girl's elder was, who could become friends with your stingy woman, but suddenly, a pure white chill suddenly drifted away. Out.

In an instant, the entire Nuwa Palace was filled with light mist and chill...

Nu Wa and Queen Mother Xi unconsciously fought a cold war, looked back, and found that the closed door had actually opened wide.

Queen Mother West said in surprise: "Erlang...has he left?"

Nu Wa also whispered in surprise: "It makes me feel cold too. It seems that Fellow Su Daoist's skill is not shallow."

She is very happy, after all, in case Fellow Su Dao treats me because I am stronger than him...

I have to mention that once Nuwa is in love, she is actually a person who is very concerned about gains and losses.

"Of course, this is the virgin Yuanyin of Queen Mother Xi's only one time. If the help to me is not great, wouldn't you be sorry for the hard work of Queen Mother?"

Su Yi's figure came out from inside.

Light robe with slow sleeves like clouds, handsome and unrestrained posture, long hair fluttering and flying with the surging of cold air, beautiful face with a faint smile, in the pair of pupils, there seems to be endless entanglement, just to make people Seeing it in, it seemed as if to indulge in it and couldn't help it.

Queen Mother Xi's happy expression suddenly stagnated, and she said with dissatisfaction: "Why do you like Nuwa to use this thing as an example? A guy who is cheap and behaves... She looks like she looks like, even her personality is as bad as she is, it's really recruiting. Disgusting, Erlang, where have you been that good and filial piety before?"

"I am still me."

Su Yi took a white mist and sat between Nuwa and Queen Mother Xi, and smiled: "During this period, although I am practicing, I can often hear the movements of the two of you. It's really hard work. I am guarding."

Nu Wa chuckled and said, "You don't need to be too polite with me for what you should do."

And Queen Mother Xi already asked with a hot face: "This is still the second thing, my virgin Yuan Yin...Ah, yeah, I was taken over by you, how effective is my innate Yin Qi?"

"how about it?"

Su Yi raised her eyebrows, "Don't you see the effect I showed you?"

"Have you shown us your power?"

Queen Mother West was a little surprised.

Nu Wa also showed a confused look on her face, "Are you talking about this chill? Although it's a bit cold, it's just a bit cold..."

Before he could say anything, Xiao Qi and Long Ji ran from different directions in the distance, shouting: "Mother, my daughter was just watering the flowers in the garden, but suddenly saw the shadow of my younger brother. Has he left? "

"Mother, the servant girl was just making the cakes, and saw that the true monarch was eating the cakes made by the servant girl. Could it be that he has already left?"

Xiao Qi and Long Ji both rushed in.

Nu Wa and Queen Mother Xi looked at each other and hurriedly looked at where Su Yi was sitting.

Then I was shocked to discover...

Where is the white mist, where is the Su Yi, even the door of the room never opened wide.

The door of the room remained closed.

That bad enemy never got out.

The two looked at each other in shock, and both saw the shock in each other's eyes...

In that case, I was bewitched by that guy just now?

She was able to make Nuwa Empress and Queen Mother of the West fall into the illusion at the same time. Although there are reasons for the two women to trust Su Yi extremely, it must be mentioned that this ability, the previous Su Yi, but absolutely do not have.

Queen Mother Xi said in shock: "Is this the power of my virgin Yuan Yin?"

Long Ji perplexed: "Mother, what did you just say? What...what?"

" hasn't left the customs yet, maybe you two are so sick of thinking, so you see an illusion."

Queen Mother West interrupted quickly.

Long Ji Qiao blushed, stomped her jade feet lightly, and whispered: "Mother, what are you talking nonsense? That's my brother...what's wrong with him? It seems that I have no love for him. As thoughtful as it should be."

Xiao Qi lowered her head shyly, but did not complain.

The two daughters reacted differently, so Queen Mother Xi couldn't help but sighed, her heart said that Erlang, Erlang, you are like this, our generation, but it's all chaos.

She smiled bitterly: "Since you are here, don't leave... I'm afraid Erlang will leave the customs soon. Wait here."


Long Ji and Xiao Qi stood obediently behind Queen Mother Xi, looking at the closed door, their faces showed eager expressions.

And now...


The same situation as just before happened again.

A pure white chill suddenly drifted out.

Suddenly The entire Nuwa Palace was filled with light mist and chill...

Obviously the body is not cold, it just feels a little bit cold, but Nu Wa and Queen Mother Xi, Long Ji and Xiao Qi Si Nu did not consciously fought a cold war.

Nu Wa murmured: "This time, is it really going to come out?"

As her voice fell, a handsome man slowly walked out of the white mist.

The expression on his face is no different from the person I just saw...

Su Yi walked out and smiled at the four women in front of him: "It's been a long time, everyone, this time, but you really worked hard to help me."

Is it true this time?

It's really a magical power.

Looking at Su Yi whose complexion is different from before...

Nu Wa and Queen Mother Xi couldn't help but secretly marvel at the same time.

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