

Several old monks, including Xuan Ci, were shocked. Su Yi's words were really unkind. No matter what, he was finally carrying the murder of a master Xuan Bei, even though he was not convicted. At least he still owes the Shaolin Temple... But when he came to Shaolin on a special trip this time, it was not for the murder of Master Xuan Bei, but he came to provoke him? !


The complexions of several masters suddenly turned green, and the grumpy person was like a mystery, and even jumped up and prepared to step forward to teach this unaware boy, but he just stood up, and he was stopped by Xuan Ci with gestures. When the hostility is unpredictable, it is better not to act rashly.


  Master Xuanci asked in a deep voice: "Mr Murong didn't come for the matter of Junior Brother Xuanbi, so I wonder if you can ask you to express why you want to kick the mountain?"


"So, there are wicked people in my Shaolin?" Xuan Nan sneered: "Mr Murong is talking about which blind Shaolin disciple has offended you and turned into a wicked person? Or just offend Murong. Your son, are all evil people?"


"It doesn't count as evil..." Su Yi ignored the mystery, but just fixed his eyes on Xuanci, and asked in his mouth: "If there is such a person, give the superior martial arts to a big evil person. Then the wicked man learned martial arts, every day he would **** other people’s children to play. In the evening, he would kill...every day in the past twenty-four years... there have been nearly 10,000 years. His children lost their lives, and tens of thousands of families were destroyed by him... I’m going to ask Master Xuanci. Is the man who taught the evil man martial arts guilty?"


  Master Xuanci's complexion instantly turned pale...


Xuan Nan couldn't help crying, "The person you are talking about is one of the four wicked men, Ye Erniang? Isn't that culprit already cut by your sword? Is it that her master is still alive? You should discern that person's temperament, this person is so unclear. Guilty!!!"


Su Yiyi said rightly: "Then let me ask one more question... If Ye Erniang also has a husband, and her husband is a master of martial arts, he clearly has the ability to prevent Ye Erniang from doing evil, but he is for the sake of his own identity. Fame, he didn't want to take action, but watched his wife get deeper and deeper in sin, and watched these countless families shattered... Masters, dare you ask if this husband is guilty?"


   "Naturally also guilty!!!"


  Another old monk also replied aloud, and then seemed to have discovered the meaning of Su Yi's words. He angered: "Do you mean that Ye Erniang's husband is in my Shaolin?"


   Su Yi sat back in the chair in a leisurely manner, and said leisurely: "Not only Ye Erniang's husband is in Shaolin Temple, but her master is also in Shaolin Temple..."


   "Zhuzi arrogant!!! Do you really regard my Shaolin century-old reputation as nothing?".


Several old monks suddenly couldn't help but drink loudly. This is really naked~ naked slander. It is true that Ye Erniang does a lot of evil, but she has never been to Shaolin for half a step... how can she be with Shaolin people? Involved in a relationship? And the one who can teach a master at the level of the Four Great Evils must be the eminent monk of the Xuanzi generation. Isn't this a slander of Shaolin but a place to hide dirt?


   "Senior brothers, please do it slowly!!!"


   Seeing a few masters of the Xuan Zi generation want to step forward. Xuanci yelled and stopped their castration!


   "Brother Abbot, this kid is so slanderous of my Shaolin majesty, we should naturally teach him well. Why do you show that kindness?" Seeing Xuanci still not allowed to take action against Su Yi, Xuancan couldn't help expressing his dissatisfaction!


   "Yes, brother abbot, who doesn't know that my Shaolin Temple is a place for clean repairs. How can this kid be slanderous? How can I tolerate being slandered this time?"


   "Even if Gusu Murong martial arts is the best in martial arts. But at this moment in my Shaolin Temple, can he still please? Why should the abbot brother care about his old relationship with his dead father!"


   heard this persuasive word. Su Yi instantly laughed secretly in his heart, thinking about the old love with Murong Bo? This old fellow Xuan Ci is smart. I am afraid that Murong Bo's conspiracy has been seen through by him. He was used as a gun. At this moment, I am afraid he can't wait for him to eat raw!


Of course, despite the secret laughter in his heart, Su Yi still looks upright and awe-inspiring on the surface... He already likes this feeling, even if the real purpose is for the task, but first stand on the commanding heights of justice... In the name of vindication for the people, no matter how much you do, you can't be too much!


  Su Yi now quite understands why the women of the Ci Hang Jing Zhai in the Datang World and the Raining Cloud World are always doing everything for the sake of the world. Don’t feel too cool...whatever you do, you are reasonable! !


   Su Yi couldn't help but wonder, oh just now, when I asked righteously, was the posture handsome? Do you want to pose again and say it again?


   Su Yi was a little fluttering here, but Xuan Ci finally looked a little slower over there. He chanted the Buddha's name again and again, and then asked after a long time: "Dare to ask Mr. Murong, where did you know this?"




Now these high monks were all horrified and intolerable. What the abbot brother said at this moment was clearly acknowledging that Ye Erniang’s mentor was in the Shaolin Temple... or even worse, could it be that her husband was also there? Shaolin Temple? This...this...couldn't...


   For a while, the high monks looked at Xuanci's eyes, with a little shock and doubt...


   Does Brother Abbot know who that person is?


Su Yi smiled and said nonsense: "It was just when I killed Erniang Ye, she muttered to her child who had disappeared 24 years ago..." He looked at Xuanci Then he said word by word: "There is only the name of her unreasonable husband!"


"Of course, in fact, I was the only one who heard it at the time..." Su Yi added: "And the person involved is dead, so just like the death of Master Xuan Bei, there is no evidence to prove his identity... that person If I don’t want to admit it, I can’t think of anything..."


"In fact, it has something to do with Shaolin's century-old reputation. I was thinking of calming things down and letting it rot if I bury it in my heart... But I just kept this secret for a few months, so I couldn't bear it. It's really a fire, but if you find someone to talk to, but you are afraid that the news will be harmful to Shaolin, you don't know what you don't know. By coincidence, you have also learned Shaolin internal skills... so you respect Shaolin's good life..."


  Speaking of this, Su Yi raised his right hand, Nine Suns True Qi gathered in the palm of his hand, and a rush of heat gradually rose along his palm... The surrounding temperature rose several degrees in an instant...


   The high monks present only felt a scorching hot air, and everyone, including Xuan Ci, couldn’t help but change their expressions... This skill is so real! I can't wait for others...


   However, all the eminent monks are all Shaolin masters, but they can clearly feel that this true energy is overbearing and hot, but inside... it really is a Buddhist technique! It’s just that I don’t know which inner strength mental method it is that has such a terrifying power...


   The gaze that looked at Su Yi right now couldn't help showing a kind of kindness~www.readwn.com~ I don’t know if it was because Su Yixi had Shaolin exercises or because he admired Shaolin very much...


After showing it for a while, Su Yi continued: "So I came to Shaolin Temple this time, saying that it is okay to kick the mountain, but I have no evidence to prove that he taught Ye Erniang martial arts and gave birth to her but was right. I don’t want to point out who he really is... But anyway, everyone here except me is Shaolin’s first abbot, and I will never leak the news to damage Shaolin’s reputation... So here I just want to ask the unsuccessful person in front of you, for the baby who died in vain, facing the destroyed family... What do you think in your heart? Is it really not bothering you to see? If you don’t see it, you can treat it as nothing like this? And for Ye Erniang, the hateful person must have pity, her pity, can you really be completely indifferent?".


He took a deep breath and finished speaking. Even though he borrowed Ye Erniang's stalk for the task at the beginning, Su Yi couldn't help but speak righteously, and a fire inexplicably burned in his heart... Indeed, you You are completely capable of stopping all of this, and you have always been kind and honest, why are you unwilling to stop her? (To be continued...)


  PS: Falling flowers, I ask for collection, ask for recommendation, ask for subscription, ah~~~ Streaking is so hard, ask for a fig leaf~~~


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