Ps: Thank you for the reward of 588 starting coins of Buried Baiyu! Thank you Ru Meng, who is a stranger tomorrow, and Lich Ashes for the reward of 100 starting coins!


The companion was killed, and the quiet valley in front of him suddenly lit up clusters of torches, illuminating the entire valley in front of him, like a beast with a huge mouth, facing Su Yihe Wang Yuyan let out a silent roar...


   "Cousin, it seems we have to go over and take a look!" Su Yi laughed at the other party's bluffing... there was no fear on the face.


   Wang Yuyan said with a little worry: "Cousin, I think the other party has a lot of people, I'm afraid there will be hundreds of people, or let's avoid the edge for now?"


Su Yi smiled and said: "Fool, cousin, I came here all the way, but I was looking for them. Now that I have found a place, how can I retreat without a fight? What's more, are you a girl who underestimates you? Cousin's strength?"


"Could it..." Thinking of the predecessor of the Xiaoyao faction mentioned by Su Yi just now, Wang Yuyan suddenly understood and said: "The cousin, let's go and see, anyway, you also taught me Lingbo Weibu. Even if I can't beat you, I won't be a drag on you..."


   "It's not yet the point where you want to use Lingbo microsteps!" Su Yi laughed loudly, holding Wang Yuyan's hand and striding forward without fear!


   After walking more than a hundred steps, he saw a large bronze cauldron facing him. An old man lying beside the cauldron with a small stone tightly inlaid between his forehead was obviously dead! And in the tripod, there is a smoke rising like a line, but it is straight like a arrow, and the wind does not bend or disperse.


  Wang Yuyan is fluent in a hundred schools of martial arts, and he knows distribution at the first sight of a big tripod. Said: "It's the Sang Tugong faction of Bilin Cave in Western Sichuan! Western Sichuan is far away from here, I don't know how they got here!"


   Su Yi hummed: "It's just a clown jumping beam. Since you dare to be disrespectful to Yuyan, don't say anything about Western Sichuan, it's Eastern Sichuan and Southern Sichuan. All you kill!"


   Upon hearing Su Yi's words, even if the place was extremely dangerous, Wang Yuyan couldn't help feeling sweet, and she lowered her head and smiled lightly!


   suddenly came a cry: "What a bluff-talking brother, little girl, don't you want to be deceived by will suffer by that time. It's too late to regret!"


   Wang Yuyan smiled sweetly: "If it's a cousin, I'm happy to lie to me!"


   "Is really a naive and stupid silly girl, or I helped you solve this stinky boy, then you go with me..."


   There was a sudden rumbling noise under his feet, Su Yi's ears and eyes were very sharp. He clearly heard that the person was under his feet, lifted his right foot slightly, and then stomped heavily!


   Boom! ! !


The ground under my feet trembled three times... There was a scream inside, and then there was no sound, but in the dark night, no one could see. Under Su Yi’s feet, a pool of bright red blood was slowly falling The ground seeps...


   "Good boy! How dare I hurt my people in the Ten Thousand Immortal Conference, I really don't know whether to live or die!" He shouted. In the dark night, two weapons were pierced with one sword, one sword and two weapons, but they all attacked Wang Yuyan. It seems that these people also know the truth of besieging Wei and saving Zhao!


   "Don't you know that if you don't die, you won't die?" Su Yi exclaimed. Wang Yuyan's left hand stopped Wang Yuyan from retreating quickly, and the sleeves of her right hand slammed forward, and the two of them suddenly felt their arms numb. The weapon that stabbed forward turned an incredible bend and stabbed towards her own body... …


  哧哧The sound of two weapons struck across the skin sounded, and the two of them were killed immediately!


   "The idea is great. Prick your hands! Let's join together!"


   With a loud shout, more than ten people swarmed up. Su Yi and Wang Yuyan pounced from all directions!


   "Cousin close your eyes!"


   Su Yi's figure suddenly rose a few feet, shouting loudly in the air...


   Wang Yuyan obediently closed his eyes tightly. His face was buried in Su Yi's arms...


   Su Yi embraced Wang Yuyan with his left hand, and flicked his right hand like a piano. Five sharp sword auras shot out from his fingers... and galloped towards the dozen or so enemies below!


  唰唰唰! ! !


The sound of the cutting of a clean sharp weapon sounded, and there was a burst of miserable screams from below. Numerous stumps and limbs flew out horizontally. A dozen people below were not spared, and all were hit by Su Yi. kill! I didn't even keep a whole body...




Su Yi yelled and waved his big sleeves. A gust of wind swept across the flat ground. In an instant, it flew sand and rocks, scraping all the stumps and broken arms on the ground, flying far away, but watching in the dark night. I don't know where it landed, but I heard a scream of panic from there... Obviously, I was shocked by the sudden flying corpse!


   At this time, besides the scarlet blood still piled up on the ground under Su Yi's feet, there was no more horrible corpse that had just been seen!


   At this time, Su Yi lightly landed on the ground and said softly, "Cousin, you can open your eyes!"


Wang Yuyan opened his eyes and saw that all the more than a dozen people who had just attacked disappeared, and the ground was dripping with blood, and suddenly realized that it was his cousin who was afraid of seeing the corpse, so he cleaned up all of them... facing the enemy Surrounded by can still be so considerate of herself, she couldn't help but lowered her head and showed a happy smile. I believe that if it hadn't been surrounded by powerful enemies at the moment, she was afraid that she had taken the initiative to offer a kiss...




   More than 20 people have been killed in no more than a few tricks. At this time, these ghosts finally realized that the person who came was not a soft persimmon deliberately letting them knead at will, but strong enough to eat their own lion! At the moment, although secretly there are still constant noises, no one dares to step forward...


   Su Yi sneered a few times, just about to speak, and suddenly he called, a heavy object fell from the pine tree above his head, and with a loud boring sound, he fell on the rock, but it was a huge bronze cauldron.


Looking at the appearance of the bronze cauldron, it is quite similar to the cauldron of Bilin Cave in western Sichuan that was just killed by Su Yi, except that it looks a lot bigger... It seems that Duke Sangtu should have attacked this time. ...


   "Cousin, be careful, there is a kind of martial arts in Bilin Cave in Western Sichuan that is displayed in the cauldron, and the enemy is in the cauldron!" Wang Yuyan saw that the giant cauldron fell, but there was no enemy trail, she couldn't help but reminded!


   "Cousin, don't worry!"


   As soon as Su Yi's voice fell, he heard the whistling sound in the air constantly. Thousands of small needles, as thin as hairs, had already shot out from the tripod, all greeted him and Wang Yuyan!


   "Humph!!! Get me back!"


   was holding a lowly martial arts Wang Yuyan in his arms, Su Yi did not dare to underestimate the enemy, the three qi in his body gathered into one, and he slapped forward suddenly!


   Jiuyin Zhenqi! Jiuyang is really angry! Bei Ming Zhen Qi!


   The three infuriating energy merged, and the power was shocking. Although the small hidden weapon was not hindered by the sound of the wind, it was instantly bounced back in the face of Su Yi's powerful palm... All flew back towards the giant cauldron!


   Su Yi Yaoyao slashed out again with a palm, and this palm came first, but it reached the giant cauldron before the small needles!




   There was a loud noise, and the giant tripod suddenly burst into pieces, exposing the Lord Sang Tu...


   The little dwarf looked at the more than a thousand poisonous needles flying beyond his direction in shock, his eyes widened, but he couldn't dodge...




   Countless flying needles pierced the sound, and this Sangtu was shot into a sieve, and countless small blood lines flowed out of his body... but he was killed instantly!


   Su Yi handed Wang Yuyan in his arms to his right hand and stretched his left hand to his back. He had already taken out the profound iron epee from the sword box, shouted, and slammed it towards the ground!


boom! ! !


   A deafening thunder and drought came from under Su Yijian! The uneven ground was within a radius of tens of actually shuddered violently...The surrounding people who dared not to step forward were standing unsteadily, and all fell to the ground, Su Yi held the sword and slashed several swords in the air. The powerful sword pressure spread out from him, so that everyone around him could not open his eyes. He hurriedly crawled forward and fled. Some of them escaped slowly. Su Yi's heavy sword has been crushed to the point where the seven orifices are bleeding, and even the seriously injured are directly crushed to death!


   Su Yi thrust the epee into the ground, and said contemptuously: "Aren't you going to kill me? Who else is coming...Hurry up, my master has limited time, so I don't have time to accompany you with ink!"


   All the people who fled for a while, you look at me and I look at you. They can hardly hide their faces with horror and fear, but they say they dare not step forward!


"It’s a good one to give back to the other’s body! What a Gusu Murongfu! It is worthy of being one of the two highest martial arts in the Central Plains today. We are the Thirty-Six Dong Dong Master and the Seventy-Two Island Island Master...all today. Impressed!"


   A man in black came out more and more, and finally fell soft to Su Yi! (To be continued)

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