Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 2 Chapter 106: That's right

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"What? Son, you want to go?!"

They defeated all the six great monks with the force of destroying them...This move was certainly a big shock to Duan Zhengchun's eyeballs, and even the three daughters, Azhu Abi and Wang Yuyan, who had great confidence in him, were very unbelievable...Although I thought he could win, but I didn't expect him to win so cleanly and easily!

I thought that the day when the four-person Prime Minister Bai was finally able to come, the third daughter was really happy for a while...but I didn't expect that after only three days, I heard such shocking news from Su Yi!

Abi said anxiously: "My son, you just came back, why are you leaving again? Did we make you angry?"

As he said, tears filled his eyes... "If it makes you angry, can Abi apologize?"

Su Yi smiled bitterly and passed away the teardrops in Abi's eyes. He glanced at Wang Yuyan and Abi who were also extremely anxious beside him, and said helplessly: "No way, my martial arts is too high... To the point of enduring, the broken void... is already imperative!"

"Broken Void?!"

The three women repeated it in unison, obviously not understanding what the so-called Broken Void meant...

Su Yi now had to explain the legendary version of Ascension to Immortal Castration to the three women... When I heard that the so-called Broken Void left this world, the three women suddenly changed their colors... After all, this is not a trip. Far door is so simple...

Looking at Su Yi's three pairs of eyes at the moment, tears filled the eyes...

Su Yi said: "There is no way. It's not that I want to go... It's the heavens that let me go, I have to go... Actually, I can't bear you too..."

Finish this sentence. Su Yi couldn't help but a little guilt came from the bottom of his heart, and he couldn't be single-minded. To cheat them like this, this is simply a **** who lied to him and ran away... Although he hadn't deceived Abi and Wang Yuyan's body, Su Yi thought with regret.

"What are you talking about...what...Broken Void? What the **** is going on?"

In the distance, Duan Zhengchun strode over and glanced at the three daughters with rain in Ewha with a slightly distressed look. Su Yi's vision was full of suspicion and scrutiny. He directly asked: "Duan has also been on the rivers and lakes. I have been wandering for a long time, but I have never heard of how to break the void...Could it be that you wiped out Al Zhu's food and wanted to leave, so you just made an excuse?"

"Yeah..." Ah Zhu couldn't help but exclaimed a little. Unexpectedly, the secret she had always kept was directly pulled out by Duan Zhengchun... At the moment she lowered her head and blushed and did not dare to look at the two younger sisters next to her... But she could clearly feel the two hot eyes coming from her... …

"Even if I want to eat and run away...however, I have to eat Abi and Yuyan and then run away..." Su Yi replied directly! The other two women mentioned are also shy and bow their heads...

Duan Zhengchun doubted: "But what about the broken void... Could it be that your cultivation has been able to break the sky and the earth?" After thinking of Su Yi's time, he convinced all the six great monks, and couldn't bear it. He said in a discouraged way: "I'm afraid it can really break the earth..."

Su Yi smiled helplessly, but this was the only reason he could think of. At the beginning, he could use the excuse of traveling down the mountain when shooting a eagle, but here...please, my parents died young, and I didn’t have any friends or any. Relatives, only

The only three girls are still here... The reason to travel here is too nonsense to say...

In that case, Shattered Void is actually quite reliable... Su Yi thought to himself.

"Young Master. If you want to Shatter the Void, can you come back?" It was Ah Zhu who finally thought about the most critical question. After all, if you can't come back, then the so-called Shattered Void. How is it different from death?

"Ah... you don't have to worry about this..." Su Yi smiled, "I will be back in a few months at most... if I'm quick, maybe I will be back in over a month, after all, my strength is not low . In other worlds, you can find a way to come back... well... this is for sure!"

The three women breathed a sigh of relief immediately, when Su Yi had heard that they were about to break the void. They were all taken aback, for fear that Su Yi would not be able to return...Who knew it was only a few months. Is this different from leaving and traveling before?

Su Yi apologized: "It's all my fault for not telling you clearly... Don't worry, I will come back to see you soon..."

"Then... When do you go, son?" Abi asked reluctantly.

Seeing the sad expression of the three girls, Su Yi gritted his teeth and finally made up his mind: "I plan to leave now... after all, go early and return early..."

"Can't you stay longer?"

Su Yi shook his head heavily...

Ah Zhu clapped his hands and said: "Okay, since the son has something to do, let's not entangle too much. Anyway, we will be back soon... son, please feel free to go, we will wait for you to come back. ..."

Su Yi suddenly had a black line on her face, and she thought that your girl was too careless when she spoke... But as soon as her eyes flew, she saw the faint smirk at the corner of A Zhu's mouth, obviously she did it on purpose...

However, seeing that A Zhu, Nizi, was in the mood to make a joke, Su Yi was relieved...

"Okay...I won't stay here any longer, don't worry, I will come back to visit you as soon as possible..." Su Yi smiled brightly at the three daughters, then turned to Duan Zhengchun and said, "Master Duan, they I beg you to take care of it..."

Duan Zhengchun snorted and said: "They are my daughters, I naturally have to take good care of them. Don't worry, when you come back, they will probably already be the princesses... Who dares to bully the princesses of Dali? Your Highness?!"

After speaking, he added angrily: "Except you kid..."

Su Yi couldn't help but laugh, and the third daughter of A Zhu couldn't help but smile...

"Then I can rest assured... Azhu, Abi, Yu Yan, the "Nine Yin Scriptures" I taught you, you must remember to practice seriously, I will come back to visit you soon..."

Once again, reluctantly remembering the faces of the three women in his heart, facing the three women's eyes full of embarrassment, Su Yi raised his right wrist and looked at the reincarnation watch worn on it, with four small lights on it. The point can be brilliant... In addition to the previous existence of the statue shooting and the present world, there is one more Tianlong, and the last one... is clearly the space of reincarnation!

Su Yi remembered what the Lord God said before...

[Now the reincarnations are on the right track, and the reincarnation space has begun to function normally. Although you don’t need to be confined in that small space like everyone else, it’s best to take a look and talk to those reincarnations Interact with the readers... After all, because some things have failed to successfully control the world, I can't give it to you directly, but you can exchange it with them! 】

Thinking of what the Lord God said then Su Yi smiled slightly, looking at the small light spot on the hand that marked the space of reincarnation, he secretly said in my heart that I had spent two full worlds before I had the opportunity to enter the legendary reincarnation. Space...

"Azhu, Abi, Yuyan, you must take care! I will be back soon..."

After speaking, Su Yi reached out and pressed the coordinates of the reincarnation space...The next moment, his figure disappeared in front of the four people out of thin air...

! ! ! ! ! ! !

" there really the legendary broken void?!" Duan Zhengchun was taken aback as a big living person disappeared in front of him out of thin air. He rushed to the place where Su Yi just stood and looked around, but there was still half a point. The traces of Su Yi's existence...there are only the whirring of the spring breeze blowing through the woods and the sad sobbing of the third daughter...

They had been holding back for so long because they were afraid of Su Yi before. Now that he has left, then they can cry with confidence...

Thinking of this, the three women squatted on the ground, covering their faces and crying... (To be continued...)


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