Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 3 Chapter 3: My face should not be so great

Remember [Chinese website] www. in one second, to provide you with high-speed text starting.     While closing his eyes to recuperate, suddenly there was a noise from outside the temple, Su Yi suddenly opened his eyes... it was completely dark, and the sky had already turned yellow...


  &Nbsp   Jiuhua Yulu Pill and Jiuzhuan Xiongshe Pill are worthy of healing medicine! After taking a rest for a long time after taking it, blood scars have formed on the wound... Concentrated, Su Yi could not help but secretly rejoice. It seems that the recovery speed of the injury is still higher than his own imagination, although it is still You can't move too much... but if you just use the Six Meridian Divine Sword, you don't need to jump up and down, you can already...


  &Nbsp   It’s just at this critical moment that someone has come, and I don’t know if it’s an enemy or a friend...


    As soon as this thought flashed through, Su Yi's heart suddenly burst into a bitter smile...The original broken wave is a sad reminder, and the mixed one is worse than Murongfu. At any rate, there are several families who will be loyal to Murongfu. A girl waits eagerly...but Danglang, grandma doesn’t care about what his uncle doesn’t love, even the Wushuang City that he is going to go to at the moment, and he is actually using each other, people just like his martial arts that is not weak That's it...


  &Nbsp    and the only Nie Feng who was in love with him was also left behind after he got the Fire Lin Sword...


  &Nbsp   In other words, the person who came must be the enemy?


    Su Yiping calmly let his breathing gradually disappear. Although he has recovered a bit of strength now, it is better to not do it or not...If he can, he wants to have a peaceful past three or four behind this Buddha statue. day……


  &Nbsp   "There is blood here!!! The traitor from Broken Lang is here!"


  &Nbsp   "Quickly chase, the traitor was injured not lightly, it is the time when we made great contributions!"


  &Nbsp   With the noisy noise. Countless steps came towards the ruined temple...


  &Nbsp   Su Yi suddenly smiled bitterly. He had never experienced such a situation of being pursued. I forgot to remove my bloodstains beforehand... What a big mistake...


  &Nbsp   He glanced down and saw a large piece of copper that he had just cut out. Su Yi's thoughts instantly moved. The gentleman's swords and swords cut off most of the copper pieces, and the remaining copper skin was pasted into the big hole where he was hiding... suddenly it was a complete Buddha statue again, and his palm was slightly warm. I immediately welded this piece of copper skin...Although the connection between the copper skin and the Buddha statue was extremely rough, it was late at night...but no one could see...


  &Nbsp   "Head! There is the most blood here, the traitor of Duanlang must have rested here..."


  &Nbsp   Countless shining torches poured into the ruined temple. Except for the darkness behind the shadow of the Buddha, other places were illuminated as if day!


  &Nbsp   The person known as the head watched carefully. He said: "Um... the bloodstains disappeared here, which means he must have found his own bloodstains, so after bandaging here, he left guys, search here...what we have left, Hurry up!"


    As the pedaling footsteps sounded, the noise of the crowd suddenly dissipated, and the torches in the ruined temple were also drastically reduced...Only three or four people were left on the spot looking for the whereabouts of Su Yi, everyone else Has left the ruined temple. Following their leader, they continued to chase... and lost a lot of torches, and the darkness in the ruined temple was restored again!


  &Nbsp   Su Yi couldn't help but loosen a little in his heart, and immediately became a little angry. He is now a martial artist. At any rate, he was once the best in the world for Tianlong and Eagle Shooting. Even if the Shaolin Sweeping Monk came, he was confident enough to fight! But who expected to be seriously injured just after crossing. Huluo Pingyang was bullied by a dog and was hunted down by such a group of miscellaneous fish...


  &Nbsp    But this is not the time to succeed. Su Yi closed his eyes and rested his mind, not looking at all. The zhenqi in the body for hundreds of years circulated back and forth in the body, and it gradually replaced the breath, and gradually entered the realm of inner breathing...It was as silent as a dead person...


    At this time, these people have also searched the ruined temple. Seeing that there is no movement from Su Yi, one of them jumped behind the ruined temple and saw a large piece of copper on the ground. He couldn't help but glanced at the back of the Buddha statue in doubt. It’s a pity that when the sky was dark, I didn’t find anything suspicious. I jumped out of the Buddhist altar and said in frustration: “I didn’t expect the boy from Broken Wave to be so powerful. When he was in the World Meeting, the big guys bullied him, and I didn’t see it. What did he resist... How could he be able to kill all the hundreds of elite disciples of the Lumu faction as soon as he rebelled against the World Society?"


                 the other person replied: "You are fortunate that we did not ping him back then...otherwise, if that guy was murdered, wouldn't it be wrong to die at that time... the head was angry and gave birth to him? I pray that you don’t run into that little evil star, otherwise, no matter how badly he is injured, it is more than enough to kill us..."


  &Nbsp   "Yeah, yeah, let's catch up with the big army quickly...The kid is very weird, so don't provoke it. Although the rewards are touching, they must be enjoyed by life!"


  &Nbsp   The more they talked, the more scared they became. Looking at this dim ruined temple, they felt like a **** demon! I couldn't help but tremble a few times, and left in a hurry...


    Behind the Buddha statue, Su Yi couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief. It’s better not to make a move or try not to make a move. He just wanted to control these people with the Talisman of Life and Death, but after another thought, these people were obviously It's just Xiao, even if it is contained, it is worthless, and there is even a risk of exposure. Right now, I am still playing dead...


     But now that he was out of danger for the time being, Su Yi relaxed a little, and continued to bury his head and recover from his injuries...but after a while, his eyes suddenly opened again... because the large group of troops came back... …


  &Nbsp   "How about, have you found the traitor?" asked the guy who was suspected of being the head of the Fallen School.


  &Nbsp   "No..."


  &Nbsp   "That little traitor can hide too much..."


  &Nbsp   Su Yi was snickering behind the bronze Buddha. These idiots searched everywhere and couldn't find their trace. How could they guess that they were behind them? Sure enough, the most dangerous place is the safest place!


  &Nbsp   While snickering, the next word from the leader of the Lumu faction changed Su Yi's face, and even almost revealed a movement that alarmed everyone...


    "There is a town in Leyang not far from here! That town has a large population. In my opinion, the little traitor must be hidden in the city...Let’s go to Leyang Town to do a good search... if you still can’t find it If it arrives... I heard that there is a strange person under the help master who can talk to the hounds. He has kept countless bullhounds. We can only ask the help master to ask that strange person to take action..."


    The head of the Fallen Sect was not surprised by the unintentional remarks, but Su Yi's heart set off a huge wave...He is also a swordsman, and he can be said to have a very deep knowledge of the nine swords alone...and In Leyang Town, there is an existence that no swordsman can ignore... The myth of martial arts is nameless!


  &Nbsp   Isn't the Zhonghua Pavilion where the nameless hideout is in Leyang Town?


  &Nbsp   Su Yi instantly moved his mind, should you go to Zhonghua Pavilion for a few days? In other words, if there is an anonymous asylum, don’t say that the world will have this group of people, even if they are as strong as the hegemon, I am afraid that they will have to go back...After all, the high level of the nameless martial arts, even in the late stage of the surge in the value of the force It's a super strong...


  &Nbsp    But after another thought, Su Yi gave up this idea again... After all, he is not related to the nameless, why should people protect you? Wuming escaped the world by death for 20 years, and even his wife’s tomb was thrown away, but he did not appear... Su Yi didn’t think he had the face to let Wuming come forward...


  &Nbsp   What's more...Speaking of namelessness, although Su Yi had the idea of ​​taking refuge in his mind, the first thing that emerged was an inexplicable warfare...Which one is stronger? Is your current self qualified and anonymous?


  &Nbsp   Nowadays, I don’t know how high the force value of Fengyun World But in Fengyun One, Wuming is undoubtedly the number one in the world! As long as you have played against him, I believe you will be able to know where you are now...


  &Nbsp   Su Yi tightly grasped the gentleman sword in his hand, although the injury had not healed, but it did not affect the fiery eyes...


  &Nbsp   Dozens of masters outside shuddered suddenly involuntarily, but they were affected by Su Yi's inadvertent Jiuyin Qi...


  &Nbsp   "Go! Let's go to Leyang Town for a search!"


  &Nbsp   "Yes, the boss!"


  &Nbsp   A large group of people huffed and left again... But Su Yi, there was an excited smile on the corner of his mouth, nameless! I don’t know if I am the first person in the heavens and you, the first person in the wind... Which one is higher? To be continued...  

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